What was Booman just saying the other day about Republicans who are “afraid of a shackled terrorist in a Supermax prison? Seriously. How did we get so many cowards in this country?”
Good question. here’s another: How did we get a Democrat, a former professor of constitutional law for that matter, in the White House who’s scared of our own legal system? seriously. How did we get so many cowards in this country?
Monday – Obama administration’s letter to Britian threatening to cut off intelligence-sharing if British courts reveal the details of how we tortured British resident Binyam Mohamed;
Tuesday – Promoted to military commander in Afghanistan Gen. Stanley McChyrstal, who was deeply involved in some of the worst abuses of the Bush era;
Wednesday – Announced he was reversing himself and would try to conceal photographic evidence showing widespread detainee abuse — despite the rulings from two separate courts (four federal judges unanimously) that the law compels their disclosure;
Friday – Unveiled his plan to preserve a modified system of military commissions for trying Guantanamo detainees, rather than using our extant-judicial processes for doing so.
changey and hopey
greenwald, citing the nyt, pretty much nailed the hypocrisy evidenced by obamas’ recent actions:
The NYT sums up Obama’s civil liberties record in one paragraph…the closing graf:
meet the new boss, same as the old boss…