I’m going to punish our president for his failing to be Noam Chomsky, Michael Pollan, the editorial board of In These Times, or anyone else who couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in this country and/or who wants to see this country come crashing to the ground anyway so the glorious workers’ revolution can happen!  (Never mind that we’re much more likely, in the event of total societal collapse, to follow the path of Hitler and fascism than of FDR and liberalism, much less socialism.  Just look at who has the guns — it’s not the granola-eaters.)

Wow, wallowing in my own ineffectiveness is FUN!  I feel so pure.  But even if I am ineffective, at least I can tick off people online, and that’s even more fun.  Much better than the boring old grunt work of trying to build groups, coalitions, and movements.  That might require me to step away from the keyboard.  Eeeeek!  Better to be a reflexive cynic — at least I get to wear a cool beret.