McClatchy remains the best journalistic outfit in the country. I don’t really understand why that is, but they completely outclass the reporters at the New York Times and the Washington Post. They are much better than the Associated Press’s reporters. McClatchy doesn’t just regurgitate talking points. They go out and do gumshoe investigations and then they report it all straight. Yet, very few people are reading their work compared to the other major reporting outfits.
Maybe the McClatchy people just don’t care about being invited on cable news programs and the latest Georgetown cocktail parties. I don’t know. But, it’s strange.
They put out good stuff, yes. But if the powers that be don’t want to do anything about it, it’s all for naught.
Much was said about the candidates being able to do more than one thing at a time. I wish Washington could do the same thing: investigate AND carry on the business of governing.
Yup. They’ve stood out for their practice of actual journalism for some time. I, too, have wondered what makes them better than the rest. Unfortunately they seem to be caught in the same survival issues that the rest of the print media is, maybe moreso. Anyone who lives in one of their towns could do worse than subscribing and advertising in their rag.
It’s kind of interesting because when they bought Knight Ridder there was some concern that they’d taint it, but instead it tainted them so they’re a pretty good outfit.
I think Knight Ridder was much better than McClatchy in real news reporting before the buy-out. The reason they were better than the MSM is that they were not invited to the top level wennie and cocktail events which dispensed politically massaged “news” and opinion during the reign of Bush the Lesser. Because Knight Ridder did not have have access to the top level players, they went to the mid-level managers instead. Thus, they got the truth, not the spin.
I don’t really understand why that is, but they completely outclass the reporters at the New York Times and the Washington Post.
It’s simple. McClatchy see themselves as being in the news business. The New York Times and Washington Post see themselves as being above all propaganda outlets of the American empire.
Propaganda but mostly entertainment.
They are also likely to go out of business. Very sad and disturbing, to say the least. They have come up with a lot of good stuff.
I don’t understand either why they are heads and shoulders above the rest of them….but, they are.
McClatchy sold the Minneapolis based Star Tribune to an investment group that has had it declare chapter 11 bankruptcy. It was even better under McClatchy than the previous owners Cowles Media but has become much more shallow and trending rightward since McClatchy sold. They have laid off or bought out much of the staff.