Hoyer doesn’t even write his own pro-Israel letters:
Speaking of Iran and that region, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) sent out a “Dear Colleague” e-mail Tuesday asking for signatures “to the attached letter to President Obama regarding the Middle East peace process.”
The letter says the usual stuff, emphasizing that Washington “must be both a trusted mediator and a devoted friend to Israel” and noting: “Israel will be taking the greatest risks in any peace agreement.”
Curiously, when we opened the attachment, we noticed it was named “AIPAC Letter Hoyer Cantor May 2009.pdf.”
Seems as though someone forgot to change the name or something. AIPAC? The American Israel Public Affairs Committee? Is that how this stuff works?
Yeah, that’s how this stuff works. Fork over enough dough, and you can get the upper echelons of both parties to stop working for America and the American people and abuse their offices to work as agents of a foreign power.
There’s a word for it. Hmm, what was that? It’s just on the tip of my tongue.
Oh yeah.
It’s called treason.
Debs opened the subject of who will take the fall:
Backlash For AIPAC
Not sure I agree on all points, but that was a good analysis all the same. Having grown up in a predominately Jewish neighborhood and spent large chunks of my childhood as the only goy in the room, one of the things I find most alarming about the Zionist lobby is the potential for blowback with respect to American Jews. And that will be a gross injustice, because most of the Jews I have been privileged to know and to call friends are not raving Likudniks nor do they have the divided loyalties one sees amongst the radical Zionists.
As far as the Democrats taking the fall, I’m not so sure about that. As soon as the GOP dead-enders start pointing fingers, some enterprising congressional staffer will compile a list of the millions of shekels that have flowed into the coffers of just about every GOPer in the country, especially the apocalyptic fantasists who are the darlings of the religious right. That said, the number of ranking Democrats who are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Likud is nothing we will enjoy having a light shined on, unless we somehow manage to get rid of them and not lose our majority at the same time.
Debs indisputably calls one thing absolutely right, and that is the arrogance and sense of impunity under which the Israel lobby is currently operating. That definitely does not bode well for them or anyone else — but then, does Zionism bode well for anyone, even Zionists?
The paradox of the State of Israel is that its founding was driven by the desire to secure the survival of the Jewish people in an independent state where they need not fear pogroms, but in the end, it has only succeeded in concentrating a large number of Jews where they can all be attacked at once with modern weapons, and the nasty business of carving a “homeland” out of the homeland of another people has created a major potential liability for the millions of Jews in the US and elsewhere who aren’t party to the doomed Zionist adventure.
Three years ago I questioned the blowback of the Zionist Enterprise and was troll rated out of existence.
The innocent will always be left holding the bag. The thieves will escape.
Hoyer’s a problem, but I don’t buy into the notion he’s significantly worse than Pelosi, on ANY issue.
regarding Israel Policy, where’s the public statements or legislation from Pelosi stating “we need to look at these ten year aid/weapons deals for Israel”, or “something’s not working with U.S./Israeli policy”, or “I don’t get why Obama wants to host the upcoming meeting in Egypt, since Mubarek seems to have appointed himself president for life”…
anything like that from Pelosi?
in addition, her late-in-the-day effort last Friday to backpedal from the “we wuz lied to” canard seems to have blown up on her.. as anyone could have predicted.