In naming Utah Governor Jon Huntsman as his ambassador to China, President Obama has removed one of his strongest possible challengers in 2012.
Mr. Huntsman, 49, learned to speak Mandarin Chinese during his days as a Mormon missionary in Taiwan. He has worked in two Bush administrations, serving as the ambassador to Singapore in the final year of George H.W. Bush’s term and as a deputy United States trade ambassador for George W. Bush.
For Mr. Obama, whose advisers already have their eyes set on his re-election in 2012, the selection of Mr. Huntsman is something of a political coup. He has emerged as one of the nation’s most visible Republican governors and was expected to at least consider seeking his party’s presidential nomination to run against Mr. Obama.
Of course, Nixon sent Poppy Bush to China and he wound up being president anyway.
Not too surprising that Al sees things pretty much the same way.
I guess it can be seen as politically savvy in a partisan sense. Call me a bigot, but the idea of a Mormon (or pretty much any kind of) missionary as ambassador to China doesn’t sit well. Kind of like reanimating George Armstrong Custer to head the BIA.
Mormons are a big part of our country. I think they should do public service like every other group of Americans.
Hardly a big part of the country. Point is, I think rightwing American missionaries have done enough damage in the rest of the world without putting them on the federal payroll.
Religious tests for political posts? That would be an interesting policy…
So you’d have no qualms about naming a Christian Science propagandist as surgeon general, or a creationist as head of the EPA?
I’d vet them as to how they’d carry out their duties – I wouldn’t make assumptions…
Does anyone think that Huntsman would have run in ’12? The only way the Republicans would get their strongest possible (GE)candidates to run in ’12 would be if we are even worse shape then .. then now … otherwise .. someone like Huntsman wouldn’t run until ’16 … but one thing no one mentions … Huntman’s family runs a huge chemical company(like Dow Chemical) .. I don’t know if they have any plants or business in China … you think he contacts in his new job won’t pay off to his family’s benefit? … this is an all around win for Huntsman(and Obama for now)
Why do you say for now?
For now? .. Say you are Huntsman … if the economy is at this stage .. or getting better … do you want to run against Obama in ’12? Is that your best chance to win(especially given that he’s pretty young as he’ll only be 56 in ’16) … why not wait till ’16? You won’t have to face an incumbent in ’16 .. as it is doubtful Biden will run then … but put another way … why didn’t Hillary run in ’04? .. we all know part of the reason .. her chances would be better(though in hindsight .. they obviously weren’t) .. but we aren’t talking about hindsight .. we are talking about looking ahead .. and Hillary saw a much clearer field in ’08 than ’04 .. and I can bet that Huntsman sees a much clearer field in ’16 than ’12
Wouldn’t he have been vetted?
It is a savvy move. Obama is doing sort of what Reagan did, bring in people from the opposite party (back then the proto-neo-cons like Jeane Kirkpatrick). Not a perfect analogy, but the political effect is the same: make it much tougher for the Republicans to get traction.
“Of course, Nixon sent Poppy Bush to China and he wound up being president anyway.”
More than you could imagine. Read FAMILY OF SECRETS.
Is it a savvy move to put a CIA man as our Ambassador to China? His background reads like a classic CIA resume.
Interesting read on Huntsman.
The parallel here from some posters is to Poppy being named to the China post, yet that was intraparty rewarding for loyal duties performed. The better example is to a president naming someone from the opposite party to a prominent post, someone who is plausibly thought of as a presidential contender.
And the example I think of is Pres Kennedy naming former rival Henry Cabot Lodge to be ambassador to VN. Kennedy’s motive for the pick, against the very loud objections of his brother Bobby who thought HCL would never be loyal, were primarily to create some bipartisan cover for his VN policy — i.e., for his planned withdrawal.
What he didn’t count on though was Amb Lodge — whose own motive in taking the post was to enhance his resume for a run for president in 64 — quietly working behind the scenes with the CIA in Nam to sabotage Kennedy’s efforts over there, including the president’s attempts at stopping the coup momentum against Diem. Lodge was scheduled to return to the US on Nov 24, 63, at which point Kennedy, apparently, was set to fire him for failure to promptly carry out admin directives.
Of course, HCL had two reasons (1952 senate loss and 62 senate loss to Ted by Lodge’s favorite nephew) for payback to JFK. Huntsman has no such personal political past with Obama.
More evidence that the President is Bush III. A hard right theocrat Republican as Ambassador to China, good-bye to any prospect of fair trade.
Jerry Ford was the guy who named Poppy to the China post, just after Tricky resigned. It was a consolation prize, after Jerry had passed over Poppy for VP.