Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele promised a new assault on President Obama’s popularity Tuesday, pledging a classy approach in trying to convince Americans the honeymoon is over.
“We are going to take this president on with class. We are going to take this president on with dignity,” Steele said. “This will be a very sharp and marked contrast to the shabby and classless way that the Democrats and the far left spoke of President Bush.”
I don’t think I ever asked to see Bush’s birth certificate. I never attacked his dog either, despite the pooch’s proclivity to bite people.
Maybe it would have shown how big a bastard he was.
“Shabby and classless”. Can somebody parse that please? Unshaven and not snobby?
I have a better one for you. Lanny Davis is calling for Darth Cheney to be indicted re: torture. Spencer has the details at FDL.
You know, back when the RNC was trying to choose between Steele, Blackwell, Duncan and Dawson, I figured that Steele would be the hardest one for Democrats to go up against. Duncan had already proven to be pretty worthless, the optics around Dawson were terrible for a party trying to position itself as “not the party of Southern White Dudes”, and Blackwell is insane.
I never would have figured that Steele would be such a clown. Though looking back over the choices, I have to say – he was still probably the best pick they could have made…
This the same Michael Steele who is threatening to quit if the RNC passes that resolution to take the purse strings away from him?
Steele never said which kind of class he said he would be using. Low class, all the way, baby
Bereft of class and deprived of dignity, the Republicans will attack as they always do, with mud and dirt and completely devoid of any ethics whatsoever.
I really don’t think that we have to worry about birth certs or dogs considering the performance of the dems regarding the guantanamo debacle that happened today! Just listening to good old harry blast the O man re “releasing terrorists in the US”!
What the hell is wrong with the dems? Who has said that they were planning to release terrorists in the US or anywhere else for that manner. Here we go again. Lets rip Pelosi, the pres. How about trying harder for a “bipartisan” approach. That seems to be working pretty well. I can’t wait to see what else the Dems have planned!
he must mean they’re going to start using polysyllabic words, since “no” hasn’t played too well.
“We have turned the corner on regret, recrimination, self-pity and self-doubt,”
gotta love it, turning yet another corner in pursuit of their tails.
A Republican said something? I didn’t realize that they mattered any more…
The republicans wouldn’t know “class” or “dignity” if it bit em’ in the ass!