The Senate just voted on the Credit Card Regulation Bill (H.R. 627). It passed 90-5. I missed one ‘nay’ vote, but I noticed four of them: Jon Kyl of Arizona, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, and John Thune and Tim Johnson of South Dakota. Senator Johnson is, of course, a Democrat. I’d like to remind people that the Senate’s version of H.R. 627 (unlike the House’s) has no ‘cramdown’ provision that would allow bankruptcy judges to adjust the principle or interest rate on a home loan to help avoid foreclosure.

[editor’s note, by BooMan] My bad. I got confused about which bill cramdown was in.

There are many worthy reforms in the Credit Card Regulation Bill and it deserves to pass. But this is a watered-down bill. I know that South Dakota is heavily dependent on lending companies for employment and state revenues, but it’s pretty depressing to see a Democrat display such a supine attitude towards corporate interests.

Update [2009-5-19 13:48:5 by BooMan]: Here is the Roll Call. The fifth senator was Bob Bennett of Utah.