It’s can be a very simple process to identify who wants to be the Republican candidate for President in 2009. Just look for people who are doing incredibly stupid things to hurt the people in their own state. Example? I give you Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina who more or less went all Marie Antoinette on his own legislature, not to mention anyone unfortunate enough to live in South Carolina.
Gov. Mark Sanford is taking the General Assembly to court after lawmakers required him to accept $350 million in disputed federal money by overriding his budget vetoes.
Sanford quickly announced the federal suit after the Senate voted 34-11 on a state budget that forces him to accept the money.
“We know a suit will be filed against us on this issue, and as such we’ve filed a suit tonight in response,” Sanford said in a prepared statement. “We believe the Legislature’s end-around move won’t pass constitutional muster.”
Sanford will release details of the suit today.
You know Governor Sanford, why stop at the stimulus funds. Why don’t you reject all federal funds that are received by your state for highways, police and fire departments, Medicaid, environmental clean up and so forth? Why not insist that you will take no offers of assistance from FEMA for hurricane relief, or from the FBI in criminal cases? Why not ask your fellow South Carolinians to forego the benefits of Medicare and Social Security, the two biggest Democrat socialist programs in our nation’s history? Or tell the FDIC not to bail out any banks that go belly up in your state?
Oh, and most importantly of all, please don’t use the federal district court to pursue your “legal remedies” against the state legislature. It looks, to be honest, a bit hypocritical when I’m sure you have state courts who can look after your interests in screwing your state just fine.
And good luck with beating out Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich and Tim Pawlenty and Rick Perry for the right to be embarrassed by Obama in 2012. Because after this stunt I can’t believe you’re going to run for governor again.
Gross. Just totally nauseating.
I think its wonderful. GOP Governors refusing Federal money for their states will leave more in the kitty for Dem Governors for their states. Pretty soon the state electorates will get the message…
I wish it worked that way.
It doeswn’t have to work that way – people just have to think that it might work that way – and that other states might get money due to them… and that worse … those other states are run by Democrats who might spend the money even worse…on affirmative action… or something even worse… oh the horror!
It doesn’t get funnier than this.
Jeebus! Has the Guinness Book of World Records come out with an idiocy category!?!