I do not believe in coincidences.
Not when they are this blatant I don’t.
This convenient.
Four incompetent fools (or more likely three fools and a government agent or two or three) from one of the nastiest exurban ghettos in America (Newburgh, NY…one of the places where the minority victims of NYC gentrification go to suffer without benefit of national news coverage. Bet on it. Been there. Been scared shitless by the horror I felt on its streets.) are busted to big, BIG press coverage as they impotently plant faked explosives at a Jewish Center in Riverdale, NYC. And when do they “choose” to do this? (Like they “chose” make bombs out of silly putty? Get real.)
Why…the day before Dick Cheney is to go on TV in an unprecedented attempt by a member of a disgraced administration to belittle the attempts of the incoming administration to fix what the previous gang of criminals totally screwed up.
And in true runup-to-the-Iraq-War manner, the national media uniformly hype the farce.
“HOTTEST THING EVER!!!” they scream. Brought to you by Big Pharma, Big Money and the right wing of the PermaGov.
And the leftiness blogs?
Silent as King Tut’s tomb.
Wake the fuck up.
They live.
The war for our souls continues.
They Live
Possibly the most accurate B-level horror movie ever made.
Bet on that as well.
Wake the fuck up.
asks Big Dick.
And the answer?
You ain’t gonna do shit about it except talk among yourselves.
You will blame assholes and buffoons like Rush Limbaugh and then listen raptly to other hypemasters…ones who “agree” with you (ones who present propaganda that you are predisposed to swallow) like the MSNBC crew. (MSNBC-More Shit Not Being Covered)
Betcha they won’t say anything about this farce either. Nothing substantive. Not unless told to do so by their masters they won’t.
Examine their sponsors and then step away from the TV with your brains in the air.
I dare ya, you bunch of degenerate media junkies.
I dare ya.
P.S. It worked. Cheney’s shit is being accorded jowl-shakingly serious attention all over the media.
Can’t wait for the next shoe to drop.
And rest assured…it will.
Bet on it.
i think you’re way off on this one. But for shits and giggles, give me a minute to google you a present.
I don’t. Three things.
If you can answer yes to all three questions in 2012, then the GOP is dead and gone, the way of the dodo. The Powers That Be know this.
If you were the GOP arm of The Powers That Be, what’s the fastest way to prevent all three from happening?
Ah, yes, my neurons are still firing. From the New York Times, October 28, 1993. I never forget this stuff.
is mainstream intel style.
Remember…they are the same sorts of fools that run the rest of the government and corporate world. Total fuckups and ass-kissers who were born with enough position to get into good schools and enough ass kissing talent to graduate from them and thrive in the corporate/governmental world.
Rotted through and through, that part of this system. We survive despite its existence, not because of it. All of the real work is done elsewhere. These people just act as overseers and parasites.
Remember…this is a massive superpower that has essentially been defeated by little Vietnamese guerrillas in pajamas and relatively untrained Muslim partisans using pipe bombs and converted Toyota pickups.
The media’s sole duty is to spin a coverup story that hides these simple truths from the media-hypnotized, media-addicted American public.
That story in its entirety is called our “culture”.
Sad shit, Booman.
Sad shit.
The link you found has as headline:
“CBS NEWS report about FBI foreknowledge of the World Trade Center bombing.”
The Twin Tower destruction and the 911 terrorists were tracked by multiple intelligence agencies in Germany, the U.S. and by the Mossad.
This week’s headline in Great Britain about the 7/7 bombing of the London subway:
MI5 Missed Chance to Stop 2005 London Bombers
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
As soon as Gordon Brown took over as Labor’s PM of Britain, the last of the foiled terror plots took place. We’ve had the foiled ricin attack, fertilizer terror and fluids on airliners plots under Blair’s “watch”.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Missed you, Arthur. This is delightful – “jowl-shakingly serious attention”
See Robert Dreyfuss, Yet another bogus terror plot, in The Nation.
You can link to it also on antiwar.com.
Oh, how sweet it is!
Good minds surf alike, I guess.
At least some of the media is getting it right.
Robert Dreyfuss in The Nation.
“The headlines reinforce the very fear that Dick Cheney is trying to stir up.”
I don’t think so.
Quentin already referenced this article
It’s worth reading twice.
AG, I’m with you on this…100% The chicanery lies in the characters that make up this super DANGEROUS gang of terrorists. Three of the gang are supposed to have converted to Islam while in prison. These men are James Cromitie, David Williams and Onta Williams. James the most talkative member of the group has been dubbed the ring leader and all of the descriptions of the plans hatched by the group to the media have come from this man. Cromitie when asked what was the reason for his Jihad against America, stated that his family comes from Afghanistan and that he has had family members killed by American troops over there. What a story!Unbelievable….
The fouth member of the group, LaGuerre Payen, is a Haitian citizen who suffers from schizophrenia and is BiPolar. Payen also can’t read or write. Does Mr. Payen’s mental description sound like he could be a key member in a nefarious plot to blow up Jewish Synagogues and shoot down American Military planes?
IMHO he appears more like those pathetic wandering street people that most Americans try to ignore.
Nowhere in the news reports of the arrest of these “terrorists” does the media even suggest the possibility of entrapment of these individuals in a web spun by the Government’s so called anonymous undercover agent.
However the national media did do one thing. They made sure that the public was treated with a generous supply of photographs of three of the four suspects, all clearly African American burly men. Closeup shots of the faces of each suspect show the hated visages of black men that Americans have had a phobic fear of for centuries.
This is most likely the main reason no questions are being raised about the validity of their “plot”. In conjunction with Dick Cheney’s fear mongering, most Americans are saying within their hearts, “Just look at them! You know that they were planning to do something dreadful.”
So I am afraid AG because fear and prejudice are still rampart in this country, Americans will never wake up!