I do not believe in coincidences.

Not when they are this blatant I don’t.

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This convenient.

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Four incompetent fools (or more likely three fools and a government agent or two or three) from one of the nastiest exurban ghettos in America (Newburgh, NY…one of the places where the minority victims of NYC gentrification go to suffer without benefit of national news coverage. Bet on it. Been there. Been scared shitless by the horror I felt on its streets.) are busted to big, BIG press coverage as they impotently plant faked explosives at a Jewish Center in Riverdale, NYC. And when do they “choose” to do this?  (Like they “chose” make bombs out of silly putty? Get real.)


Why…the day before Dick Cheney is to go on TV in an unprecedented attempt by a member of a disgraced administration to belittle the attempts of the incoming administration to fix what the previous gang of criminals totally screwed up.

And in true runup-to-the-Iraq-War manner, the national media uniformly hype the farce.

“HOTTEST THING EVER!!!” they scream. Brought to you by Big Pharma, Big Money and the right wing of the PermaGov.

And the leftiness blogs?

Silent as King Tut’s tomb.

Wake the fuck up.

They live.

The war for our souls continues.

They Live

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Possibly the most accurate B-level horror movie ever made.

Bet on that as well.

Wake the fuck up.