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Where did everyone go?
I’m still working on the business name, despite all the fine help I’ve received.
What I want to say is something like Energy Smart or Energy Wise, but those names are taken.
How about Energy Miser?
I gotta say miser sounds too, well miserly.
I hate to keep shooting everyone down, but this is what I keep going though myself.
How about . . . ? Nah.
so you probably don’t want “tightwad” in the name either…. 🙂
Ideal Energy?
Innovation Energy?
Smart Power Plus? (that is, recommendations plus implementation)
& then there’s always SmartAssess.
Good list. And also snort
Well, the last one certainly fits.
Great list.
How about EnergyWhiz or EcoWhiz. That gets the smart part but also a sense that you’ll straighten them out really fast.
I also thought about doing something with Energy Quotient as a play on Intelligence Quotient — maybe High EQ.
One other one that’s a totally different theme: Good For You
This would be a double meaning — both as expression of encouragement for doing the right thing and also as description of the result of doing it. And you could call it GFY for short (pronounced jiffy).
I thought of Energy Whiz too, and it seems to be available.
Energy Sage? Or use a totem that imples your genius. Best of luck with this Keres.
Don’t fret all night – get some rest. Inspiration will come when you relax.
Yeah, I tried “sage”, but I don’t feel all that sagacious.
Besides, Australians don’t like people who appear to be “up themselves”.
So, I using smart/wise in reference to Energy, as opposed to meaning me.
Ah – okay. How soon do you have to decide?
I need to register the name, and that takes a week or so to see if the name I want is available. I can do cursory checks myself, but for registration purposes it has to go through proper channels.
Once I have the name I’ll buy the web domain, get business cards, etc.
Rational Energy.
Sensible Reasonable Sane Lucid Logical. I’ve got a long day today, but will keep my thinking cap on.
Check with you later.
Thanks for that.
or Energy Rationale Group aka ERG.
erg: a unit of work or energy, equal to the work done by a force of one dyne when its point of application moves one centimeter in the direction of action of the force.
I’m all too personally acquainted with the definition of an erg – it frequently being the amount of energy I can readily muster for certain tasks.
How about Green Guru?
This whole thread is like being at work.
Whatever name you pick – before you register it check the phone book to make sure someone else isn’t using it. That often happens here. No one has formally organized an entity with the govt. under the name but someone is actually using it anyway.
You don’t want to find that out AFTER you’ve printed cards etc.
I’ll bet she won’t find Keres Happy Home Inspections in the phone book. 😉
Bet they wouldn’t find
Everyone-At-The-Froggy-Bottom-Cafe-Wracked-Their-Brains-To-Find-This-Name Home Inspections, either.
Nope, you won’t find that in the business directory.
Sorry to have wracked brains.
Oh, but we like it! We’re a brainy bunch.
Today’s mountain view:
335 AM EDT THU MAY 28 2009
The one of the stone wall is just gorgeous. How could you not sit there and contemplate your life? Er, maybe that’s just me…
It’s a great spot. The wall marks the boundary between my friend’s property & state land, so there’s generally no one there. Very nice & quiet.
The tree by the wall has character as well. A maple? From the looks of it, there may have been some tough years in the past, but it seems to be overcoming those and growing stronger.
Considering our location, your perceptions of her past are likely correct. I’m sure she’s been knocked around a bit, here on the hill. Yes, she’s a sugar maple. They are still fairly abundant here — many folks still do sugaring.
These are also called ‘rock maple’. This tree seems to possess that quality –very solid, very strong, protective & grounding, which is why it’s so nice to hang out nearby.
Waving leaves for you:
Thanks for the leaves! The maples are favorites of mine. They’re brilliant to look at in the fall and sugary in the spring. When the boys were small, we tapped some maples and cooked the sap down on the wood stove for several years in a row. The experience was a lot of fun for us all, although the area around the stove became rather sticky at times.
I’ll bet the end result was worth it, though.
I’d like to try it myself some day.
It takes a very long time to cook down into syrup. We would speed the process by freezing the sap. The water in the sap freezes first, so you keep the liquid and get rid of the ice when its nearly frozen.
ID – caught your comment and had to laugh:
When the boys were small, we tapped some maples and cooked the sap down on the wood stove for several years in a row.
“several years” is just about what it feels like to cook down sap to syrup! 😉
(I knew what you meant – just teasing)
It did seem like quite a long time!
time is so relative — when you’re young everything takes forever, then you get older and time goes by like it was on jet-pack roller skates.
I think it was around age 40 when I realized there just wasn’t enough time left to me to do all the things I wanted to do. My “mid-life crisis” was a time for prioritizing, letting go of some goals and embracing others (leaving plenty of room for serendipitous events, you understand).
Aaah – lovely, lovely maple leaves!
The trees have all filled out beautifully this week, because of all the rain.
I’m with SN, the stone wall photo just invites right in.
Looks like you’re greening up pretty nicely too — well what I can see, anyway. 🙂
Golly gosh yes. Images hardly do justice — the green is practically psychedelic. It’s lovely.
I love May. It is absolutely my favorite month.
March is the new May here in NC.
Well then I might like March in NC because I don’t like it in Indiana — it just makes me impatient for spring to get started.
Hey my nephew and his wife are moving to Raleigh in June and she’s going to have a baby in August. Want me to make arrangements for you to go over and smell the baby’s head? 🙂
Yes, immediately. 🙂
Well I think it could wait at least until the baby pops out. There’s nothing to smell on a sonogram … is there?
I don’t know…they have that new 4-D sonogram. Perhaps smell is just around the corner.
Job change brings them to the Triangle?
Job change, yes. But not Triangle — banking industry changes combined with ties to NC (he went to UNC-Wilmington and she’s from Raleigh originally).
She may not recognize Raleigh if she’s been gone more than a couple of years.
They’ve been gone for several years (Savannah and Dallas) but since her mom is there, I’m sure they’ve been back for visits.
When the weather gives you dreary, make neat pictures. Great shots, WW.
Thanks, Jim! Drizzly weather prevents my usual outdoor work, ergo I must hike about with camera. Boo hoo.
We have those same atmospheric conditions this morning. I can’t see past the nearest hillside.
Oh look. It’s wet dirty puppies come for their breakfast.
Beautiful … wow.
Agree w/ the others on the stone wall photo. Amazing. The fog/mist images you capture are so lovely and peaceful …
So glad you enjoy them, Miss O. Also glad I can convey some of my own feelings about being out there.
It’s been three days now of continual fog. Gee!
I have missed you all so much. I hate doing these fly by reports but they are the best I can do till things get a little better. Hopefully, I will have a laptop by the end of next week and will be in touch more often. I hope everyone is doing well.
Continued good wishes to you, RF. I’m keeping up to date with you on Facebook.
It’s always good to hear from you and it will be even better when you can come by more often. I hope you are doing okay.
Seconded! Good to see you.
Hi rf! Thanks for stopping by. Looking forward to more news soon;-)
Hi Refinish! 🙂
It’s always great to hear from you, no matter if it’s a comment on the fly or a diary update. We miss you too. Appendages crossed here for the laptop.
Olivia will be posting the Flog later this morning. Keep watching for it.
The theme this week is Random. We’re sure your choices will be choice.
Good morning Andi! You’re up mighty early today! “See” you later on. Don’t you just love these short weeks?
I dunno — it means that Jim’s almost through with school and I have to put up with him ALL the time. 😉
Good morning everyone! Its a lovely day here in flyover country – cool and (so far) dry.
The dogs are insisting that I go out — RIGHT NOW — and make sure that’s true.
So see ya later.
We’re off to a graduation party later today. Have a wonderful walk with the pack!
We had rain all morning but the afternoon was beautiful – if you discount the incredibly high mold count that has given me a headache.
But I spent a great part of my day telling friends and family that they should take a trip to your county 🙂
Andi & I will roll out the red carpet. Hope your headache is around for only a very short stay.
quiet and reflective
or wild and crazy
I hope it’s a good one.