The slow suicide of the Republican Party, represented by their three most covered spokespeople, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich, is breathtaking to behold.

They have tromped on their most bipartisanly popular members, like Colin Powell; they have built their platforms on fear of attack by terrorists, as Gingrich did on Meet The Press; they have stressed their hopes for the current administration to fail, as Limbaugh has done repeatedly. All of these actions have lowered the perception of Republicans among average Americans.
After making sure that fewer people are eligible to join their number, based on their restrictions on moderate beliefs and their outrageous access to the media, they are now focusing on the nomination of Sotomayor as Supreme Court Justice.

Prominent in this brouhaha is the Twitter tweet from Gingrich that popped out yesterday and is making the rounds:

Imagine a judicial nominee said “my experience as a white man makes me better than a latina woman” new racism is no better than old racism.

Trying to make Judge Sotomayor a racist is having the effect of putting an insurmountable wedge between Hispanic Americans (and most of the American southwest) an their party.

One can only watch all of this with a sense of amazement.

Under The LobsterScope – NOTE NEW URL.