Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Random. We’re sure your choices will be choice.
FFF’er Blog of the Week: stand strong’s Scene in Philly.
AndiF Random Pics
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Am I blue?
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Tangled Up
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Just relaxing
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olivia’s Random
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Spring in Ottawa = lots of tulips
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Fern collage
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- Next Week’s Theme: Skies. “Sometimes gentle, sometimes capricious, sometimes awful, never the same for two months together; almost human in its passions, almost spiritual in its tenderness, almost Divine in its infinity.” -Bayard Ruskin, The True and Beautiful–The Sky
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Picked the 13th letter of the alphabet, ‘M’, and searched in on my Flickr. First image that came up…
Heh, nice.
And nice colour/texture.
talk about random – checking the picture page again, that’s also the first picture I posted with the D60. I also did that with selective color.
Also, thanks for the blog plug!
I saw that. I clicked through to look at flickr and was reading the comments too.
Glad you got your computer up and running again!
Just not doing much in the meantime until I can get all the updates back on and such.
I forgot how loud it was. This is the first rig I built back in 04 (I think) and it has a huge heatsink on top of the chip with an even larger fan attached to that. It pushes something like 119CF/min of air off the heatsink and as such, it’s loud as hell.
Like a vaccuum, really. That’s about how loud it is.
I really like the colors in the photo. I kind of wish the letters were more worn so it looked really abstract.
Very nice! Very tactile. This image would’ve fit very nicely in the ‘texture’ flog.
Love the marker shape & lettering, too.
Hope to visit your blog soon!
Years ago, when we lived in Newport, RI and I was just a little kid, there was an old WPA emblem embedded in the sidewalk directly in front of our house.
W/o saying much, it’s no longer in the sidewalk.
You never know what cool things you can find when you occasionally let your gaze fall to the ground.
My eyes are on the ground more than they are anywhere else.
remembrances of a bygone era. back when most contractors took a great deal of pride in their work and would imbed a plate, or a stamp, etc., with their name proudly displayed.
nice one, ss.
Thank you!
For The Arts shots.
Six and eight are my favorites — I just love the edges and angles (and that splash of reddish light in six).
The last one is right at the walkway in and very dramatic. Six is right right angled corner of three.
Love, love, love the light in the open spaces … inside. And I’m w/ Andi on those edges. The last one is fantastic!
I had to work a little to get the light right. The combination of big windows and plenty of additional light make the galleries very bright.
What a beautiful space! You’ve captured its character wonderfully. Also, I have a great sense of actually inhabiting it.
Where/what is it?
Just found out about this great thing called Google.
Sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner, but I’m glad you found it. Fantastic people, fantastic programs, and a wonderful setting. We try to get over as often a we can.
I really like the bored look on many of the kids faces. It seems that moments like those are bigger to the adults.
That’s a great building for photos – so much to catch the eye. I really enjoyed seeing these, BobX!
Friday Foto Flogging will be on Hiatus June 12, June 19, and June 26!
Sorry folks … well not very. First I’m on vacation and then olivia is. And of course, anyone who would like to put up their own FFF while we’re gone is more than welcome to.
Glad you’re both taking a vacation! I’m sure we’ll manage somehow.
As always, compliments on evocative springtime images up top.
I find both your blues & Olivia’s reds absolutely delicious.
The pix I enjoy most, though, are your center image & Olivia’s ferns, because they both describe nature’s particular strength-in-fragility, which we have too.
Thanks WW. I imagine you’ve got some nice strength-in-fragility shots yourself.
Thanks ww. I agree, I love those images most too.
I really liked the fern shots, too.
Have a nice vacation, be safe and enjoy.
We’ve got one FFF before we take off so don’t you go on vacation from posting just yet. 🙂
I loved the way you framed this so that we have to do the same “looking up” as the people in the picture.
Good catch Andi. I couldn’t figure out, at first, why this shot worked so well.
Ah yes, I spent a wonderful afternoon in the company of Big Brother. I even feel asleep on a park bench there. Ahhhhhhh … 😉
Yes, the Jardin du Luxembourg is just about my favorite place in Paris although it just about tied with the Rodin museum. 😉
I’ved tried this with our fish. That is not an easy shot. Nicely done.
LOL, too cute.
The fish seems to be thinking, “Wadda you lookin at mate?”
head shot
nightrain…[max’d out iso experiment which would’ve worked in the ‘noise’ flog, ’cause there’s lot’s of it]
You’re right the bottom one would have been good for noise but it works just fine for random. The graininess really works well to set a mood. It should be the cover of a noir novel.
Nice bokeh on the Head shot … looks almost like light hitting suspended droplets of water.
Kewl noise shot — agree w/ Andi. Thought it looked film noir-y too.
Love the top picture. Wish I could parallel park that good. 🙂
Another set of interesting street scenes Hurria! The roads look narrow there. Was this one a lesser street, so not a main street?
The streets in Old Damascus are very narrow and typically very windy, and Bab Sharqi Street, formerly known as Straight Street, among other names, is probably the widest street in the old city. Outside the old city streets are wider, and there are some wide, modern highways in Damascus, and throughout the country. Those are generally not so interesting, of course, plus this year I stayed in Old Damascus with its narrow, windy streets, so I do not have a lot of pictures of them.
I want to know if hairdressers ever use the mannequin heads to comb wigs out.
I haven`t seen street cleaners since I was a kid, except big mechanized monsters that really didn`t have to have pride in their work.
You can see the big mechanized monsters in Damascus, but not inside the old city where the streets are just too narrow. They tend to stir up the dust rather badly, so one tries to stay away from them when they come around. I took quite a few pictures of the human street cleaners for some reason. They did a very good job of picking up even the smallest bits of litter. It’s funny how one tends to ignore them as if they were machines. It felt odd, but I made a point of greeting some of them whom I saw repeatedly, and another one proved quite helpful late one night when I lost my way in the maze of an unfamiliar part of the old city. Syrians are generally extremely helpfup anyway – I cannot imagine a Syria allowing anyone to remain lost or stranded anywhere – and of course those guys must know the streets very well.
Don’t know about the mannequin heads or wigs, but I can investigate at my next visit.
In honor of Andi’s favorite month.
What a cornucopia of pleasures. It was hard to pick a favorite and in fact I couldn’t decide between 2006 and 2007.
I’m glad to have offered a multiple choice.
2007 is out of a fairy tale.
Welcome to my life!
This is actually a field directly across the road from my current abode. It’s a great place.
Apologies — I misread my own captions.
‘2007’ is our antique outhouse, complete with graffitti.
I suspected it was an outhouse but in the picture it just looks like a little building. And the atmosphere is magical.
Oh, delightful. I love the delicacy and softness of your photos ww.
Thank you! So glad you like them, Miss O.
I’m receiving a different camera soon, as a gift. Let’s see if that quality remains.
Love ’07 ’08. Soft, foggy shots always look great.
I’m a sucker for foggy pictures.
You can always count on me for those, Toni.
I’m fortunate to live in that kind of place.
Thanks for your appreciation, Bob.
I’m gratified to know that my later shots are the favorites. Maybe I’m getting somewhere ..
The foggy outhouse is just magical!
l’ve been searching my mind for what l find intriguing, personally, about your photographs, and l think l’ve kinda figured it out. there’re very poetic…you have the eye of a poet or poetess, to be more precise…quotidian comes to mind…in a positive way …they’re strongly reminiscent to me of whitman’s poems.
l should go back and reread him, as he’s always been one of my favorite american poets.
just a random thought.
as always. kudos
Always appreciate your thoughts, dada. Thanks.
Needless to say, I’m honored to be in Whitman’s company in any way.
(spiny urchin)
(with my 37 Flathead, & my 37 Knucklehead)
Beautiful & delightful photographs as always, ‘Head.
I feel fortunate to be able to see them (for more reasons than one).
Once again, I find I’m most attracted to those shots with subdued/simple color schemes.
The hummingbird, too, is a favorite because of my familiarity with the species.
Wilderness Wench
I`m glad you like them.
Hummingbirds are a favorite of mine also.
The Hand of Hope is amazing…wow. I love the textured wall behind subdued vanity. And the court jester — what is that it’s wearing?
The “Court Jester” is an Acro Crab/shrimp, but does respond to a few other names.
The shrimp carries around a piece of Acropora coral or Antler coral, that is a living colony.
It does have a hole it keeps vulnerable body parts defensively in, & when in danger pretends to be a tree in the enchanted forest.
It`s a unique adaptation & quite surprising to watch a usually sessile coral move about.
The “Hand of Hope” is my Cereus cactus bloom, & it started blooming last night.
Tonight two blooms are opening.
It`s always a special event when my cacti bloom.
KH – a bit ago I mentioned the scotch broom I knew was salmon colored. It has bloomed:
I love the “blow me” dandelion (dandelion-like?) flowers. “RASTAFARIAN” made me laugh out loud. I am getting spoiled by your underwater photos – so breathtakingly beautiful.
And the mouse… a friend?
The mouse I rescued from a group of workers who I presume had previously been advised to kill smaller life forms.
Go figure.
From then on, anybody who would attempt to harm any animal would be immediately terminated. Note that I didn`t say, “fired”.
I was constantly notified about birds who`d fallen from their nests, moths that the workers thought I needed notification about, preying Mantis etc.
It seemed to have made an impression on many of them.
“Blow Me” is what any dandelion aspires to, right, & what every child will gleefully do.
I didn`t even know it came in any color but yellow.
You know some people make an herb tea with these blooms right.
Well of course, I love the blenny but any time you include Cereus cactus photos, my favorites are a given. Is that one of the new blooms you were talking about at your place?

No, these are possibly from different past years respectively, though two more opened last night & there are many more buds.
I`m expecting a banner year this year, because there`s nothing as impressive (with cactus blooms) as when a large number are open the same night, remembering that they only last for that one night.
That is gorgeous (as if you didn’t already know that).
Are they wind, insect, or bat pollinated?
Hi JimF,
They are pollenated by a moth, that must pick up their scent from a long way off.
Since they are only available to the moths for one night, the scent they put out carries quite a ways.
Luckily, it is one of the most beautiful aromas I`ve ever had the pleasure to enjoy.
That turtle didn’t look so happy to be posing. It’s as if he was saying, “Come on buddy. I haven’t got all day.” I love how you captured his expression.
Yeah, what a diva!!
Great set, as always!
A tree root.

The next three were take at the Detroit Institute of Arts.

I didn’t take this picture, but I just love it. Those are my feet.

Talk about evocative! Any number of timeless narratives could go with that last photo.
Unfortunately, Dial-Up Disease prevents me from seeing your other images completely. Truly hope to have better luck later.
I have no idea why my girlfriend took this picture, but for me, it pretty much sums up that evening.
Hi Toni — nice boots! 🙂
Cute pix of Andrew … I like the one on the stairs — looks like he’s about to start on an adventure. 🙂
The ceiling in the third photos is amazing. Love the lines and circles.
Thanks Olivia! We were just sitting there eating dinner, when I looked up and the symmetry of the skylight and the pillars struck me. I hadn’t even noticed the round lights.
Yeah – nice photos Toni! Andrew looks great in both shots. I do hope everything will turn out OK with him.
Thanks canberra. We’ll have the full report by the middle of June.
That tree root is fascinating and you have very nice feet but the picture of Andrew on the steps is a masterpiece — his body language and the perspective combine to create a such a strong sense of expectation that I want to sit there with him and see what’s about to arrive.
Aww, shucks. Now I’m blushing. Thanks Andi.
There’s a wise old face there in that tree root! The Andrew shots seem vibrant with that kid energy that only the young and adventuresome seem to have! I can just imagine him launching off for some new discovery up the stairs or around the corner.
Cheap drinks here
Look but don’t eat
Unexpected company
The “Coca Cola” ad reminds me of the “Chew Mail Pouch Tobacco” ads on barns. I still see some of those.
I like the textures in your “look but don’t eat.”
If you’re a carnivore, the barbecued ribs at that little bar are outta sight!
Now if only you put up a picture of some morels and tell me where I could find some (we found 6 on second year living here and none in the 28 years since then).
For me, old apple orchards were always fertile ground for morels. Hint: old, now defunct orchards are marked on quadrangle topographical maps. All the hunter has to do is successfully evade the current property owner;-)
Whenever we go walking, Andrew wants to know why we can’t eat the mushrooms we see.
May he never, ever, ever find out.
Hm. Amanita muscaria? Definitely some type of amanita. Look out, Andrew!
I like the utter contrast between these two photos: light, subject, perspective. The airiness of the first photo really attracts me to the building. I wonder if it’s habitable?
Absolutely habitable, despite some very deep Mississippi water inside in the past. There’s a very nice bar & restaurant with an “the locals hang out here” aura.
Across the street is the riverfront with a massive flood wall that stretches about as far as one can see. Much of the city portion of the wall has panels depicting the town’s history.
One of the murals
I just love river towns!
Unexpected company
I like the company you keep.
Three of these little dudes smelled the cat food and slipped in through the cat door around midnight one night several years ago.
A friend of mine once made the mistake of feeding cat food to a family of coons purposely. Eventually, one of the little ones died of overeating. Needless to say, our neighborhood coons now fend entirely for themselves. Barring an open window & lots of unprotected chocolate.
What a great photo!
World champion dumpster divers when full grown!
They’re dump divers, too — left the trailer window open & left town one fine weekend; the place was both robbed & tagged with grafitti.
For some reason, however, it was impossible to get upset about it. Some of our neighbors simply follow a different social code.
Around here, unscreened fireplace chimneys are a favorite doorway and nesting place. Yes, the little rascals can do serious damage unsupervised indoors.
Oh majorly cute. We team it up with my newborn fawn and we can take over the world. 🙂
Oh my! What patience shown by all parties involved to get this picture.
I am not doing this rose bush properly at all, but it is so outrageously glorious, I felt the need to share it. The scent is define.
Another perspective:
Beautiful especially the second with the rose sky background.
I especially like the second one — soft, moody, beckoning.
The variations of pink in the second one are just lovely.
l agree w/ andi, the second is really nice…..it has a wonderful soft aura.
you might consider cropping the power pole out of it, then the wires take on an very abstract, almost canopy like presence, to me.
My first thought was a piece of sheet music, with the rosebuds as notes.
Cropping… thanks. I ventured into iPhoto – much better:
Yes, it is. The wires make for an interesting pattern, without the distraction of the pole.
Two moods of the roses — celebration & contemplation.
Love that silhouette shot, tampopo. Evocative of a very particular time of day, at a very particular time of year, in a very specific place. Yet, it also holds mystery — so much more is not revealed.
& of course, there’s pure natural growth contrasted with what stands for human development ..
Lovely colors too, of course!
Clearly a bird who has made a serious study of religious symbolism. 😉
This is a lovely shot, Hurria. Perception vs reality ..
An amazing shot, having a peace dove nesting in a crown of thorns, a tactic of torture.