I know most of my readers are pro-choice but I still think it worth considering what it means to ask a woman to carry a pregnancy to term when she knows that the baby will have one of the following conditions:
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 18
Trisomy 21
Polycystic kidney disease
Spina bifida
Potter’s syndrome
Lethal dwarfism
Anterior and posterior encephalocele
Non-immune hydrops
The cached version of Dr. Tiller’s admission criteria shows the following:
Admission Criteria
In order to offer you an appointment, we require that a physician refer you to our center. In addition, we need your genetic counselor or doctor to provide us with gestational and diagnostic information regarding your pregnancy. Over the past twenty-five years, we have had experience with pregnancy terminations in such situations as anencephaly, Trisomy 13, 18, and 21, polycystic kidney disease, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, Potter’s syndrome, lethal dwarfism, holoprosencephaly, anterior and posterior encephalocele, non-immune hydrops, and a variety of other very significant abnormalities.
Dr. Tiller was acquitted of all charges that he failed to consult a second doctor or demand referrals. A lot of bogus charges have been made against him. Late-term abortions are not performed for frivolous reasons, no matter what Bill O’Reilly says.
Thank you for your posts on Dr. Tiller.
This is terrorism, plain and simple.
I was very saddened and angered about this news. It is very personal for me.
My wife and I went through the nightmare of an amniocentesis that came back we bad results. This happens in the 2nd trimester around week 15. We choose to have a D&E done. The Dr. in Philly ( won’t name him ) was awesome and so compassionate.
This sad story was followed 4 months later with the conception of my now 8 year old daughter.
These twisted people who want to decide how you should live your life and tell you what to do are evil in the sense of the dark ages. They won’t stop until stoning (with Rocks) is back. And to think they do it in Jesus’s name argggghhhh.
This kind of thing combined with the killings in the Unitarian churh earlier should make people pause and wonder what the result of all the hate will be.
Remember they said in the 30’s that if facisim was to come to America it would come following a cross.
they want to bring back stoning, i want to bring back the lions.
if everyone would just learn to mind their own business. and if investigators and police depts would put their energy into investigating these people instead of looking for prostitutes on craigslist.
i want to see them now. i want to know what soldiers are rapists and i dont want them in my community.
According to a website called “Militia Watchdog“, Roeder was sentenced to 16 months in prison for parole violations following a 1996 arrest near Topeka for possession of explosive devices in his car trunk.
Miss Peters, KAKE reporter, also spoke with Roeder’s ex-wife who said “…he did some time in El Dorado there, but he got out on a technicality because they didn’t have the right kind of search warrant apparently”.
Roeder has been divorced for 12 years. He has a 22 year old son with his former wife, and his ex says their son “has minimal contact with his father… He doesn’t share any of his dads views… religiously or politically…neither do I”
The KAKE reporter says one of the reasons for the Roeder breakup over a decade ago, was because of what [the ex-wife today, calls] “his radical views.”
“He was very vocal about his feelings of abortion…he has been like this for several years. He was a part of different militia things… anti-government, anti-abortion, obviously, and just a lot of anti-stuff”
In April 1996, Roeder was arrested in Topeka after Shawnee County sheriff’s deputies stopped him for not having a proper license plate. In his car, officers said they found ammunition, a blasting cap, a fuse cord, a one-pound can of gunpowder and two 9-volt batteries, with one connected to a switch that could have been used to trigger a bomb.
Jim Jimerson, supervisor of the Kansas City ATF’s bomb and arson unit, worked on the case.
“There wasn’t enough there to blow up a building,” Jimerson said at the time, “but it could make several powerful pipe bombs…There was definitely enough there to kill somebody.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Case 08LA08663. Midland Funding LLC vs. Scott P Roeder.
Sticker Roeder had on his back window of vehicle
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I am sitting here feeling such saddness that I can’t seem to get a grip on this insanity. What constantly occurs to me is we, as a “educated” population, have failed. Simply failed. We have had opportinities upon opportunities to teach our generations that tolerance and not hate should be our guides and yet, we continue to display the intolerance and hatred that governs such acts of horror.
We have learned that by using our rich language to create justifications for grotesque displays of our inhuman behavior throughout our 200 plus years, we can continue to sink steadily into the depths of depravity that this act displays. However, I beg everyone to never forget that this is just one act. I won’t display a list but please, please, never forget that what this country has done in the past, and apparently are capable of doing in the future.
So where’s all the outrage from the wingnuts on this latest act of domestic terrorism? I mean they are so friggin’ worried about TTEEERROOORRRISTS that they have to hide under the bed.
I say we need to send this guy to Gitmo. That’s where we put the bad people anyway, right?
Oh wait- this guy is white, not a scarey brown person. I forgot.
There are probably a lot of other genetic conditions that would cause a woman to consider terminating a pregnancy.
Tay-Sachs is one of those genetic conditions in which the infant does not live but two or three years after birth.
A woman’s right to chose trumps the whackos need to control.
Where are these people when we invade a country on false pretenses and kill 10’s of thousands of living, breathing, innocent people? Apparently a zygote is worth more than a real person. And murder is ok if the cause is deemed just.
yup. They’re “pro life” that is until the child is born of course. Then the kid is on their own.
They make me sick with their Bible thumping, pro life, torture promoting bullshit.
We have a number of sick people in this society of ours; some who won’t even admit that they are sick, others who have a huge radio and/or tv following. Until we can come to grips with these pathological types, our problems of homegrown terrorism have no chance of solution.
God speed, Dr. Tiller, you were a brave and compassionate man. The world is a much poorer place without you.
The idea is not to “ask” a woman to carry a pregnancy to term when she knows that the baby will have one of the following conditions…. That might be annoying and intrusive, but not necessarily evil.
What the Orallys and Rick Warrens and Huckabees and other terrorist condoners are after is FORCING her to carry to term against her will. Big difference.
What they really want is to abolish birth control – mainly the Pill.
Because those shameless hussies who have sex should be publicly humiliated with a pregnancy…
Which, considering that the majority of women seeking abortions are married… and sometimes already have children at home… or might really WANT the child they are carrying until they get that awful verdict from the doctor, that something has gone terribly horribly wrong.
Dr. Tiller was an angel to those women.