Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Skies. “Sometimes gentle, sometimes capricious, sometimes awful, never the same for two months together; almost human in its passions, almost spiritual in its tenderness, almost Divine in its infinity.” -Bayard Ruskin, The True and Beautiful–The Sky
FFF’er Blog of the Week: Knucklehead’s White Knuckles.
AndiF Skies
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Blue skies Click image for larger version |
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Lucky timing — two minutes later everything was gray
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Winter sunrise
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olivia’s skies
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Storm clouds rolling in…
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Up and away…
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Looking down…
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NOTICE: Friday Foto Flogging will be on Hiatus June 12!
FFF returns June 19.
- Theme for June 19. School’s Out for Summer: Photos that make you think of free times, hot times, lazy times, fun times, or even Alice Cooper.
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Storms brewing:

That’s amazing looking, ask. Love the reflection on the water (and wish I could see the original).
It was an amazing, almost unreal experience. It literally came out of the blue. I can’t really explain the colors, probably the low sun reflecting off the ocean.
That looks so much better the storms we’ve been having here. 🙂
I like the softness of this one, ask. At first glance, it could easily be a painting.
Wow, that child’s face in the first one popped right out at me. Eerie. If it was Jesus you could have sold it on eBay.
The cloud? lol
Anyway, who sez it isn’t?
Not only do I see the person in the first one — I think she’s blowing bubbles. 🙂
Great use of perspective to accentuate the lines of the bottom picture.
I don’t see a face.
I like the framing of the signs and buildings and clouds in the bottom photo.
the left outline of the first cloud….in 3/4 profile
Ah … thanks. 🙂
Interesting contrast between the coppery colored dome, green street signs and blue sky above. I wonder if the dome is copper-clad or just painted?
Wow! Love the photos so far. Love the theme.
Can’t wait to see yours. 🙂
Your anticipation honors me, Miss O.
The sky figures so predominantly in so many of my pix, that I’ve chosen some in which it’s more of a flavor than a focus.
Not technically the sky, but skylight through a window.
The sky with as backdrop.
Up too early one morning
I love the light through the blinds.
I love the lines and edges that shadows make in the top, and the angles in the middle one. And then there’s that gorgeous sky. Wonderful set.
Love the skylight through the window. And nice to be rewarded for getting up early … 🙂
Love the blinds photo, Toni. So warm — with a lovely color palette.
I’ll add my praise for the light/shadow blinds shot and the early morning tree silhouettes as well.
Love those reaching daisies and the stalwart truck but I love the superimposed kitty stole my heart.
Considering that she lived with me in the trailer, Miss Kitty was pretty stalwart, too. (Note frost inside the windows.)
I know you’re a fan, so she’s in the set for you.
These are so pretty, Wench. I love the poppies, and of course, Miss Kitty.
I’m so glad you like them!
Thanks for thinking of me. It would only be better if you still had her.
I agree Andi.
Thanks for the small-critter’s-eye-view of the flowers. Hope the dew was off when you shot those! The truck looks very familiar, as we have many similar vehicles around here. Saw one the other day with a nicely done duct tape repair to the rear taillight. The kitty reflection is very special. Reminds me of our kittys past, but definitely not forgotten.
Beautiful set!
Love the flower’s view of the sky and the one of the lines and trees disappearing into the fog – that is gorgeous! – as is the sun behind the trees and I love the kitty through the frosted window complete w/ clouds. Love your work ww. Just love it.
Really cool shots!
These just took my breathe away.
Great shots. I like the first one for its diffused light and softer colors.
I like it for the wider view. The cloud forms are great.
Very nice, LEP! Love the deep blues.
The curtains parted for a dramatic view … nicely captured LEP!
Sublime: Manua Kea casts a BIG shadow on the sky over the Pacific.

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Ridiculous: A view off the Skyline Trail in Mt. Rainier NP

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Love the bottom one…
I figure the NPS sign maker at Rainier is named Roget.
These are both great, Jim. Two amazing phenomena ..
Is that the “road less traveled” toward the right in number one? Lovely shades of sky!
That’s the trail to the summit of Mauna Kea. The large flatish area where all the telescopes are is a few feet below the summit, but the only thing that fits up there is a small ceremonial hut used by native Hawaiians.
LOL at the sign and as for your first photo: :'( .. wahhhhhhhhhh!
Sorry about the pain of the first shot, olivia.
Is this a regular happening.
The shape of the shadow, is a perfect example of a conical volcano.
Amazing shot.
Almost every sunset is like that up there. Just show up at the top of the as the sun is setting and the solar system puts on a show just for you.
First of all, Thank you AndiF & Olivia for noting my blog at the top of the page.
I invite everyone here to come by for a visit anytime.


#34 reminds me of a Maxfield Parrish sky.
Cabin Girl
That one is a composite of maybe a dozen shots.
I shadowed the center shot to have the viewer focus on the total, from the center outward.
Thanks, that`s a nice thing to say.
Everyone loves a showoff.
Love the pothole (#38).
The “pothole” is a saltwater jacuzzi over 8 feet wide.
The showoff is exactly that, a perennial showoff.
He`s a lot better than me at one arm banditry or pull-ups.
See I was right — you didn’t have any problems with this theme. 🙂
And I guess I was right in my marital choice too — ’cause I love the pothole picture as well.
I’m also pretty keen on #32. And I’ve declared my intentions about #3 before and nothing has changed.
Your portrait of your friend is absolutely delightful.
I just don’t see how the others come close.
wilderness wench,
That`s what friends do, they hang around & are always there for you.
Thank you for your excellent choice.
Truly amazing! Your colors are just electric, as always!
Hard to pick a favourite as the others have said — they’re all so visid and colourful. I think Coconut steals the show though … 🙂
embarcadero centre sky hole
evening sky after the storm
kansas t-storm
clik images to enlarge
The graduated colors from black to white are amazing.
It looks like one big storm, or a bunch of storms stacked on top of each other.
Great shot & composition.
The browns are very unusual, no?
not all that unusual, but always ominous. when they turn a sort of sepia brown, and the light gets an eerie yellowish glow is when they get really dangerous, spawning tornados typically. these were really building fast and . got seriously dumped on shortly after l took these.
What a beautiful collection of forms, dada!
Your last 2 images remind me very distinctly of Blake’s illustrations. He used warm gold very liberally.
thanks ww…interesting connection to blake…it’s never occurred to me.
btw, your set below is très bien…l really like the low angle shots…always an interesting perspective…looking up…imo.
Those two kansas storms shots are terrifyingly beautiful. I’m glad I wasn’t there.
thank you andi….see my comments to head and id below…..l’d been watching them build for about 30 mins driving toward them. it got very nasty very quickly after those were taken.
Great storm clouds! To me, they convey a feeling of great and terrible power, soon to be unleashed.
and unleash it they did…those were some very serious thunderstorms, with huge anvil heads. a bit farther on, in the midst of very heavy downpours, there were a group of butler grain bins that had been destroyed and strewn about. didn’t stop for pics there…
The bottom two look like paintings. Beautiful. And I love the framing in the first photo.
thanks ms. o…..that shot’s one of my personal favs.
View From The Balcony of the Hejaz Train Station Looking Toward Old Damascus
Minarets of the Tikiyya Al-Suleimaniyyah
Minaret, Old Damascus
Bell Tower Al Zeytoun Church, Old Damascus
The number of minarets in the top shot is unbelievable.
From your vantage point in the train station, if you looked around in a full circle, would there be these minarets off to the horizon?
Well, there certainly are plenty of minarets to be seen, some of them more than a thousand years old, though most of them are more recent.
Thanks hurria,
That`s one thing that one can`t see here; something manmade that`s over a thousand years old.
Besides native petroglyphs.
I take it you are back stateside, from your San Francisco shots.
Yes, unfortunately, my body returned three weeks ago this coming Sunday. My body seems to have adjusted to being back here, but my mind and heart will take a few more weeks to catch up.
In Syria, especially in the Old City where I lived this visit, history is all around you. It is the same in Iraq, but somehow the sense of the depth and breadth of history in Syria is more profound. And I would say Syria has more breadth of history because it includes Phoenecian, Byzantine, Greek, and Roman history as well as almost everything else you find in Iraq. And so much of the physical history remains because it was built from stone. And of course Syria is the birthplace of Christianity, so you are surrounded by that history as well.
As I said on my first day back at work, right now I could be sitting in an 800 year old cafe sipping coffee and smoking argeela (and in some places surfing the web wirelessly at the same time). So what am I doing in this boring meeting?
The minaret in the third picture is so intricate. I’m always amazed at the patience of people in creating so finely wrought designs.
If you think this is intricate, you should see the ceiling of the train station!
Well if you take a picture of it with your camera ….
What Andi said!
I would, if I could figure out how!
I can imagine walking around could be hazardous w/ so many wonderful sights to see up high!
The shot of the pier or dock is too confusing in it`s composition.
I love it.
The color change from one side to the other, bright blue to Irish moss green is fabulous.
Great find.
Great shot.
It’s the swimming area at the kids camp next to us. The cmobination of the sky above the lake and the trees surrounding it make for a nice combination reflection.
Your balloon shot is fabulous.
Is this one of the shots from the festival across the provincial border?
It could be a culture in a petrie dish.
Way cool.
Hi Head – yes, it is. I was going through some of my old photos and found a few that I hadn’t posted. This was one of them.
The meadow with approaching storm has so much more detail if you go to a larger size.
I was very surprised.
The cloud bed from the plane is also much more detailed in the larger shot, but the breadth of the cloud cover is amazing. You can see stacked formations off in the distance.
Very interesting & well captured.
Thanks Head. That’s the field I used to play in as a kid, at my parent’s house.
Evening in the alley
You`ve got the second shot wired.
I like the common pastel in all of these.
I spend so much time moving around to get clear shots around the lines, I thought why not embrace ’em for once and see what happens;-)
heh…l’ve got one of those in the alley behind casa d…
that rube goldberg assemblage on the left side is ma bells’…..an on going source of conflictitis… a long and sordid tale of their corporate motto: we don’t care, we don’t have to…they’re omnipotent…“that’s potent with an omni in front of it”………har!
Very nice. Lovely color. And I’m sort of jealous that you get to see big swatches of the sky … of course, I don’t have to see tourists so maybe it’s a fair trade.
By the time of day these were taken, the tourists have usually pretty well cleared out of our neighborhood. The library hill has some of the best sky views in town. I like the sunsets up there.
Those colours are amazing!
View From The Aleppo Citadel
Modern Mosque, `Azizieh District, Aleppo
I must say thank you once again for all your wonderful photos of the middle east, and Pakistan! I was lunching with a friend and colleague this week and it tuns out he had traveled in Syria several years ago. I mentioned your Citadel photographs and he recognized the spot right away. You have expanded my knowledge of the planet and its people. Thank you for sharing your travels with us.
Skies Viewed From the Train Window Outside of Homs
Homs Skies
From the Balcony, Harf Al Mseitra Village
I love those sun rays! Wow …
And the view of the balcony is amazing. Love the wrought iron in the foreground.
And Later that Same Day
Love the grand tour of skies, far and nearer. And they were all wonderful, though I particularly like the first one in this set, my eye was really drawn to the center silhouetted tree and the sky reflection in the building windows.
People keep making me work. What’s with that?
Just a few of our standard boring little sunsets as seen out our back door.
You may be late but the gifts you brought more than made up for it. 🙂
That first is quite dramatic with its splashly colors and bright streaks of light — I love it.
Funny, I don’t see anything standard or boring about these;-) Very nice, keres.
I was implying that we’ve become jaded by the shear magnificence of our sky. We get good sunsets most evenings. And fairly spectacular views all day long. In fact, I’m looking at one now; after a week of rain and mist it’s finally starting to clear and I can see all the hills again.
Yeah, I figured there might be a bit of snark in your caption;-)
Thanks for helping provide a place for all the eye candy, Andi & olivia! Have a fun vacation!
Those are two very nice sets up top, BTW. Andi, I really like the tree edging in your center shot and the green/blue contrast in the first. The hot air balloon photo brings back memories of when a friend had one and I got to fly occasionally in return for chase and retrieval services. Looks like you even caught the balloonist in mid-burn!
Lucky! I’ve never been up in one. 🙂
Thanks ID. I’m hoping for a good vacation but it’s the Smokies so how good will depend on the weather gods (the forecast isn’t really encouraging).