Two or three sources are betting that Norm Coleman is going to discontinue his campaign to keep Al Franken from getting the Minnesota Senate seat if the State Supreme Court, as it is believed, comes in supporting Franken. Even though John Cornyn and the other Republican Committee types are saying they would support Coleman through the US Supreme Court, Coleman apparently thinks Governor Pawlenty will sign the certification if the State Supremes come in for Al.
One major reason that Norm will end it here is supposed to be Pawlenty’s desire to go for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2012. Pawlenty has 19 months to go as Governor and holding up Franken’s certification is not making him a popular guy. Coleman owes Pawlenty big time, both for supporting him so far and because he ran for Governor and not Senator in the past, letting Coleman have the Republican nomination.

Sometime in the next couple of weeks, the State Supremes are due to weigh in and no one thinks they are coming in for Coleman. This exercise in stupidity is weighing badly for Minnesota Republicans and if Coleman ever wants to get into the game again… come back for Governor, say, when Pawlenty goes for President, he’ll have to clean up his act pretty soon.

Under The Lobsterscope – Note New URL.