WICHITA, Kan. ā The man charged in the shooting death of abortion provider Dr. George Tiller warned Sunday that more violence is possible.
Scott Roeder, being held on charges of first-degree murder and aggravated assault in Tiller’s killing one week ago, called The Associated Press from the Sedgwick County jail.
Tiller, whose Wichita clinic was among only a few in the U.S. performing third-trimester abortions, was shot while serving as an usher at the Lutheran church he attended.“I know there are many other similar events planned around the country as long as abortion remains legal,” Roeder said.
He would not elaborate.
It’s okay to waterboard this guy, right?
You really do have to wonder why local police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are not doing more to protect US citizens from Christian Terrorists-nationwide.
Refusals to investigate?
Refusals to even get up off their lazy asses?
I’ve been giving this a lot of thought-and I think I might have an idea or two-which will make them a litle more prone to doing their jobs.
I’m pretty sure I can guarantee a specific level of interest-at any rate.
After all-looking at the pattern of conduct for Christain Terrorists-it is a fact that these people have turned the “ticking bomb” scenario into a reality.
Regardless of “nation of origin” and nationality-we all know religious extremists are very dangerous.
For this reason-I’m going to take this opportunity to suggest that law enforcement start torturing Christian Terrorists.
I have it on excellent authority (the former Vice President of the United States!) that these methods work and they guarantee our safety-as well.
This way, we will be safe from the violent extremists and religious fanatics “who are out to get us.”
The Bush White House understood this completely and-so to speak-were “on board” entirely with all of this.
Whatever it turns out to be.
Might I suggest you start this process-which I assure you is completely and totally legal-by waterboarding some of them 283 times in a one month period?
Even after you’re “pretty sure” they’ve told you the truth-continue.
Base this completely on the fact that “you never can tell.”
The former Vice President himself reccomends handling this proceedure in this fashion.
You can trust Dick Cheney’s judgement completely.
I can asure you-there is no “legal risk.”
Also-let’s not forget the value of penis slashing, excrement smearing, and the “time-honored” (and easily denied) Palestinian hanging.
Should you be concerned-all of this is completely deniable.
It can very easily be explained by the “all purpose” mysterious “suicide” while alone in their cell.
I understand there is currently a lot of this going on at Gitmo.
How convenient.
It just never “wears out its welcome,” does it?
And thank you ahead of time for guaranteeing my safety!
It’s a very good question. One that Cheney would never give a yes-or-no answer to.
My own emotional reaction is that waterboarding is too good for him – maybe the press they used in Salem would be better. Of course, our emotions rarely produce justice.
Re Christian Terrorists, can we at least take away the tax exemption privileges that Christian churches enjoy? If they want to play the political game, fine, but do they have to do it at my expense? Let’s see how truly dedicated they are to their programs once they have to pay property and income taxes.
You can only yank the tax status from groups like the Sierra Club when they oppose damming the Grand Canyon. Never churches that advocate violence.
Amen, brother, if you’ll pardon the pun.
Organizations that engage in political activity should be taxed, period. If you want to go to the dance, you have to buy a ticket. And as reluctant as I am to see that apply to groups whose lobbying activities I applaud, like the Sierra Club, it’s a price I’m willing to pay to get the religious freeloaders off the public dole.
And it is the public dole that they are on. The taxes that they don’t pay have to be paid by the rest of us. Even without the horrid government-funded “faith-based” initiatives, it’s arguably a violation of our First Amendment rights to be forced to pay taxes to make up for the shortfall caused by non-tax-paying religious organizations. Every time some ignorant bumpkin bitches about having to pay taxes for the schools to teach entirely factual matters like evolution, I think about having to pay taxes so the local 35,000 seat megachurch can have a free ride while it indoctrinates people in bronze age superstition.
Roeder should be treated humanely, given a fair trial, and if found guilty, sentenced to a long prison term. Quite likely, he should also be evaluated for mental illness and given appropriate treatment. I am obliged to specifically oppose the death penalty in this case as in all others because it would only lend legitimacy to his crime. Unlike amoral conservatives, I do not allow my ethical standards to be set by the lowest common denominator of human misconduct.
Executing him would be a terrible idea – it would just make him a martyr for the cause and inspire others to follow his lead.
Better a life imprisonment without parole and with nothing but his Bible and the testimonials of the women that Dr. Tiller helped to read as he wiles away the time in his cell. Hell, project taped interviews into his cell with women describing the types of abortions Dr. Tiller REALLY performed, rather than the lies Roeder has been brainwashed with. You know – fetuses that are already dead, births that would have killed the baby and maybe the mother too, genetic defects that would prevent the baby from surviving long after the birth anyway. Maybe the man will finally understand what a monster he is and try to atone somehow for the monstrous act he committed.