Stu Rothenberg has decided to quit appearing on Hardball with Chris Matthews because he thinks Tweety has become a partisan Democrat. But this observation of Rothenberg’s is unintentionally funny because it perfectly expresses why progressives insisted that the Democratic Party not have their presidential primary debates on Fox News:
“Trying to be an unbiased reporter or neutral analyst on a heavily biased television program is incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. Either you end up fighting the host’s premises and rephrasing loaded questions, or you are tacitly accepting the way the host defines a situation, making yourself an accomplice to a political mugging.”
Trying to answer any question on a heavily biased television program is incredibly awkward and uncomfortable, even if you are making no pretenses of neutrality. That is always true unless, of course, you share that program’s bias.
But Stu Rothenberg isn’t neutral. He’s a Republican who got upset when Chris Matthews pointed out that his party is filled with delusional a-holes.
Partisan Democrat? … Bwaaaaaaa!!!!! Yeah, Stu, the same partisan Democrat that voted for Bush at least once(if not twice)
Surely there’s room for one more tool at Fox.
this is a joke, right?
sadly, I know it’s not.
nope. It’s not.
Little Stuart took his ball and go home.
I can’t stand Tweety because of his obsession with the Clinton’s. Someone ought to tell him this obsession is not good.
Tweety should be boycotted–by everyone–because he is incoherent and sees politics as a spectator sport and not as a conduit for peoples’ lives. He is always on the side that is “winning” in the most shallow sense. I loved the way Jon Stewart ripped Tweety’s political “philosophy” during his book tour. That was as sweet as anything else I’d view on teevee.