Shepard Smith is a Lieberal Islamofascist Marxist Obamabot who Fox News should kick to the curb. And the sooner the better.

Ps. The money quote:

I think Shep will fit right in with CNN. Maybe even MSNBC. What he’s doing on FoxNews is beyond me. He makes good points sometimes, but these kind of screeds are unbeckoming of a fair and balanced network.

Pps. Another good one from “an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering”:

Pam also points out that he didn’t talk for one second about anti-semetism. Not one solitary second! Even though the murderer was an anti-seminte!

No spelling has been corrected in the quoting of these blog posts.

Ppps. It’s probably all Obama’s fault, anyway.

And also, it is just as logical to reason that someone motivated by a hatred of Jews and picking the Holocaust Museum to send his message could have been motivated been spurred on by Barack Obama’s trip to the Holocaust Museum in Germany just the other day.