Shepard Smith is a Lieberal Islamofascist Marxist Obamabot who Fox News should kick to the curb. And the sooner the better.
Ps. The money quote:
I think Shep will fit right in with CNN. Maybe even MSNBC. What he’s doing on FoxNews is beyond me. He makes good points sometimes, but these kind of screeds are unbeckoming of a fair and balanced network.
Pps. Another good one from “an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering”:
Pam also points out that he didn’t talk for one second about anti-semetism. Not one solitary second! Even though the murderer was an anti-seminte!
No spelling has been corrected in the quoting of these blog posts.
Ppps. It’s probably all Obama’s fault, anyway.
And also, it is just as logical to reason that someone motivated by a hatred of Jews and picking the Holocaust Museum to send his message could have been motivated been spurred on by Barack Obama’s trip to the Holocaust Museum in Germany just the other day.
Steven, trust me, that spelling from an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering could very well be real. I knew a fellow in college (he a senior and me a freshman) who was taking a required freshman English course for the third time (failed once, withdrawn one), which he needed to pass with at least a “C” to be able to both graduate as well as not get thrown out of school because of poor grades. He was good engineer, but he couldn’t pass any of his English or liberal arts courses to save his life (literally, in those days of the Vietnam War). Besides, you don’t know if this professor is writing English as a second language either. It very well could be.
I assume he’s writing his posts on a computer. A professor of Mechanical Engineering who doesn’t know how (or is too lazy) to use spell check?
Engineers? Absolutely – my degree is in electrical engineering and trust me when I tell you that spelling is the last thing on an engineer’s mind. The numbers will be pristine, but the spelling? Not so much.
No, no no. I have to stand up for Mech Engineers here. My husband is a PhD ME, and he spells and writes very well. Better than most bloggers, and much better than most commenters. (He would never, ever, comment on a blog. Or write one. Ever.)
So blame it on the fact he has a blog and thinks he has something to say, not that he’s an engineer. Though I’d like to know where he got his PhD. Does Liberty University award them these days?
Well he does claim to be a Christian.
To be fair, I’m sure he’s a competent engineer. And I know engineers. My brother is a metallurgical engineer, and my brother-in-law is an electrical engineer. They both write very well.
I was kind of figuring this was all your fault, Steve. I mean, why not?
Well, that’s what my daughter always says, so, yeah, it probably is my fault!
Could they get anymore pathetc? Wait………Please don’t answer that.
Damn, and I had such a good answer too.
In his car, officers found a notebook that had handwritten notations stating the following:
“You want my weapons — this is how you’ll get them. The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do. Jews captured America’s money. The 1st Amendment is abrogated –henceforth. See: JVB swore (LT USNR) to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Jews — Bolshevics — Zionists are America’s enemies. See: Talmud — Sanhedrin “Kill the Best Gentiles!”
At the end of the above writings appears the signature: “James W. Von Brunn” according to a court affidavit.
Civil rights groups were familiar with his virulent history. “We’ve been tracking this guy for decades,” said Heidi Beirich, director of research for the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s Intelligence Project, which tracks hate crimes. “He thinks the Jews control the Federal Reserve, the banking system, that basically all Jews are evil,” she said. “He’s an extreme anti-Semite.”
Acquaintance John de Nugent
≈ Posted earlier in my diary — White Supremacist and Anti-Government ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
(CBS News) – Israeli TV newscasters interpreted a photo taken Monday in the Oval Office of President Obama talking on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an “insult” to Israel.
Obama talking by phone to PM Netanyahu of Israel. (White House Photo/Pete Sousa)
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Did you watch The Colbert Report Monday night?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Looking at his left shoe (on the right) it’s apparent that the president could use a new pair of shoes. He doesn’t need to go all Condi on us, but some new shoes would be in order.