I think David Letterman has been making some shoddy jokes about Sarah Palin and her family. The one about A-Rod knocking up her 14-year old daughter was particularly egregious. I think Letterman deserves some criticism for that, and I don’t think calling her a slutty flight attendant was very appropriate.

I definitely see some sexism in those jokes. But, I do wonder about one thing. How much of the outrage is about Palin not getting any respect? I remember Dan Quayle. And Dan Quayle got absolutely abused for years by late night comedians. Most of the jokes were probably unfair and they were almost all mean-spirited. But they were funny because Dan Quayle was so ridiculous. They were funny because Dan Quayle had no business being vice-president. Sarah Palin had no business being a vice-presidential candidate for the same reasons. She was ridiculously ignorant of world affairs and policy disputes.

When a joke is directly sexist, criticism is warranted. And Palin and her daughters have been on the receiving end of too many of those types of jokes. Still, by using two of her children as pro-life poster children while advocating for the effectiveness of abstinence, doesn’t she open herself up for some criticism? And, when she winks and flips her hair and plays the role of beauty queen (including, especially, during the vice-presidential debate) doesn’t she invite some gender-related commentary?

I think Palin and her family have been mistreated. But not all criticism and ridicule is sexist. She is a ridiculous person. Just like Dan Quayle.