[h/t to Oliver Willis]
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
[h/t to Oliver Willis]
That note will fetch a sum with two commas in it in the not too-distant future. At a minimum she’ll be able to retire from it several decades hence.
I liked her, “best…thing…evah…” response.
Good stuff. Thank you.
That’s really pretty cool.
The guy is just a class act. Gotta love it.
Our multitasking president who never forgets he is a Dad with kids.
Very cool…and her response was so cute!
About political news, I’m normally pretty up to date. Not this morning local time in The Hague … my neighbor told me: “Did you see Obama with the little girl who got the note?” Good news does spread fast, even across the big pond. He also made the statement how well this will be received from Africa to Asia, it’s so recognizable as a parent.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Frankly, Oui, this is like hearing Shakespeare say, “Normally I’m pretty handy with iambic pentameter.” Or hearing Charlie Parker say, “I can usually handle rhythm changes.”
Give yourself a break. This wasn’t a political story anyway, I think, but a human interest story that caught fire. (Which isn’t to say it won’t have political implications.)
Someone still has deep pocketbooks … two great soccer champion teams just made a deal signing the Portugese World Player of the year Cristiano Ronaldo from Manchester United to Real Madrid. The European Soccer championship final involves nearly $500m commercial value. What recession? To help celebrate his new job with a weekly income of £0.5m ($0.8m) … never mind.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."