Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
When you hear neocons whine “As leader of the free world, where is Obama on Iran?”, you need to know the real question is “Why has Obama not sent in Giant Dr. Manhattan to kill all the bad guys yet?”
Back when I tried my hand at real estate I encountered several houses where demented ladies had lived with their 40 cats for 20 years. When the estate put the houses on the markets, all efforts to clean and deodorize failed and the places had to be demolished and the remains marketed as empty lots.
For the same reason, we need to move the US capital to Omaha or Chicago or Denver or anywhere but DC, which has become the irremediable Love’s Canal of the spirit. Kudos to the Post for so faithfully reflecting its local market.
What they wanted was for Obama to shout support for the revolt, so when the Supreme Leader accused them of being pawns of the Great Satan, the Republicans could shout ‘OMG, Obama has no idea what he is doing!’.
To the republicans chagrin, Obama did not do that, so now they went to the fall back position, in which when the Supreme Leader mows the protesters down with machine guns they can shout ‘OMG, Obama’s lack of support just killed thousands, he has no idea what he is doing!’.
Or the other scenario is the protests peter out, they the republicans can shout; ‘OMG, Obama lost a great chance to ‘win’ Iran, he has no idea what he is doing!’
You will see the same shouts on North Korea. And Pakistan. It is all the republicans have, so they will play it all the way.
And it will probably work. Americans and the media are quite stupid when it comes to foreign complexities. They want to see the world as won/lost or black/white. Like a football game. With Obama on the losing side every time.
“No matter how things change, they stay the same.”
It’s all part of the Ameri-centric view of the world. The fact is China was never ‘lost’, it has been there on the map all along.
But it was ‘lost’ to America/Europe because between the 17th century and Mao it was nothing more than a place for western countries to wipe their feet, constantly invaded, their population made into drug addicts with subsidized opium, and forced to accept unfair trade agreements through force.
But Mao changed all that. So it was ‘lost’. And look at China now. Yes and oppressive, dictatorial government (like China has had since the birth of time), but an independent strong country that seeks its proper place in the world. And they control America through our debt. It’s an unforgivable crime to the right. Let’s not forget that before 9-11 it was CHINA that the neo’s wanted to bomb. (remember the good ‘ol days? )
Iran is a virtual replay. An American footpad, then over throw, then independence from being controlled.
The right won’t be happy until Iran is a bombed out ruin. And in my opinion they will get what they want. People on the internet are cheering for them now, but their future is grim.
Hey guys, up until a few days ago you just couldn’t wait to bomb those freedom-loving Iranians to smithereens. That’s why I am convinced that, in your heart of hearts, you’d still be disappointed if Khomenei and Ahmedinejad don’t manage to crush this freedom thing. Because if they do, you get a double-dip, you can cry your crocodile tears over the poor Iranians and still have even more of an excuse to bomb the hell out of them.
this is what i hear in my head whenever i see the words “Washington Post”.
and this is what i see.
Best comment about the OctoMom: ‘your uterus is not a clown-car.’
That looks like one heck of a party barge. Would be fun thing to do on a summer Friday night. Makes me want to take a ride down the Mighty Miss.
So Dick Cheney is writing for the WaPO now. Sometimes people don’t need America’s encouragement and can get things done on their own.
not just Cheney – probably all the unemployed torturers and crooks, looking for a chance to go back to torturing and fleecing
When you hear neocons whine “As leader of the free world, where is Obama on Iran?”, you need to know the real question is “Why has Obama not sent in Giant Dr. Manhattan to kill all the bad guys yet?”
Isn’t it great to have a free press that will give a platform to everyone from Ignatius to Wolfowitz to Krauthammer?
Back when I tried my hand at real estate I encountered several houses where demented ladies had lived with their 40 cats for 20 years. When the estate put the houses on the markets, all efforts to clean and deodorize failed and the places had to be demolished and the remains marketed as empty lots.
For the same reason, we need to move the US capital to Omaha or Chicago or Denver or anywhere but DC, which has become the irremediable Love’s Canal of the spirit. Kudos to the Post for so faithfully reflecting its local market.
I vote for Omaha – it’s great! has its own flatiron building
Versailles is a state of mind, not a place. The worker bees of greater Washington are the heroes of our time
They are being quite shrewd (in their own minds).
What they wanted was for Obama to shout support for the revolt, so when the Supreme Leader accused them of being pawns of the Great Satan, the Republicans could shout ‘OMG, Obama has no idea what he is doing!’.
To the republicans chagrin, Obama did not do that, so now they went to the fall back position, in which when the Supreme Leader mows the protesters down with machine guns they can shout ‘OMG, Obama’s lack of support just killed thousands, he has no idea what he is doing!’.
Or the other scenario is the protests peter out, they the republicans can shout; ‘OMG, Obama lost a great chance to ‘win’ Iran, he has no idea what he is doing!’
You will see the same shouts on North Korea. And Pakistan. It is all the republicans have, so they will play it all the way.
And it will probably work. Americans and the media are quite stupid when it comes to foreign complexities. They want to see the world as won/lost or black/white. Like a football game. With Obama on the losing side every time.
It’s like the old question, “Who lost China?!?”
A. Chiang Kai-shek
“No matter how things change, they stay the same.”
It’s all part of the Ameri-centric view of the world. The fact is China was never ‘lost’, it has been there on the map all along.
But it was ‘lost’ to America/Europe because between the 17th century and Mao it was nothing more than a place for western countries to wipe their feet, constantly invaded, their population made into drug addicts with subsidized opium, and forced to accept unfair trade agreements through force.
But Mao changed all that. So it was ‘lost’. And look at China now. Yes and oppressive, dictatorial government (like China has had since the birth of time), but an independent strong country that seeks its proper place in the world. And they control America through our debt. It’s an unforgivable crime to the right. Let’s not forget that before 9-11 it was CHINA that the neo’s wanted to bomb. (remember the good ‘ol days? )
Iran is a virtual replay. An American footpad, then over throw, then independence from being controlled.
The right won’t be happy until Iran is a bombed out ruin. And in my opinion they will get what they want. People on the internet are cheering for them now, but their future is grim.
aka: status quo.
krauthammer and wolfie have never been paragons of sanity, esp. when it comes to the ME.
Hey guys, up until a few days ago you just couldn’t wait to bomb those freedom-loving Iranians to smithereens. That’s why I am convinced that, in your heart of hearts, you’d still be disappointed if Khomenei and Ahmedinejad don’t manage to crush this freedom thing. Because if they do, you get a double-dip, you can cry your crocodile tears over the poor Iranians and still have even more of an excuse to bomb the hell out of them.