I know Iran is the total and complete focus of every media person on the planet right now, but in all honesty, I see stories like this one about the ongoing slaughter in Iraq all the time and I wonder where all the outrage and concern over this cornucopia of death and misery went? Why isn’t <a href="this story getting as much media attention as the death of Neda?

BAGHDAD — At least 24 Iraqis were killed and 78 were wounded Monday in the latest wave of violence sweeping the country, Iraqi police said.

The attacks, which were concentrated in Baghdad, came just days before the June 30 deadline for U.S. combat forces to finish withdrawing from major Iraqi cities. The attacks raise questions about the readiness of Iraqi security forces and their ability to control the recently unstable security situation.

Here’s one from two days ago:

A suicide truck bomb detonated in front of al Resool Mosque in Taza district, southwest Kirkuk at 12.30 Saturday. The tremendous explosion killed at least 67 people, injuring more than 200 others and destroying 30 houses.

Maybe because they are so ubiquitous no one here in America cares anymore, or certainly no one who reports the news on the TeeVee. But if this was happening in Iran there would be front page headlines screaming about the violence and the usual suspects questioning President Obama’s failure to do something about it. I guess everyone in the news biz has “moved on” but for the Iraqi people Bush’s Folly continues to be the gift that keeps killing them.

Just remember, there is little Obama or the international news media can do to change the course of events in Iran. But back in 2002-2003, there was a lot that our news media, our renowned journalists and institutions, could have been doing to expose the lies of the Bush administration. But they didn’t.

Instead, they acted like a bunch of glorified publicity agents, warmongers and cheerleaders. They were so effective (Yes, I’m looking at you, Mr. New York Times for enabling and publishing Judy Miller’s creative fictions) that Bush and Blair didn’t even have to resort to Plan B: a false flag operation to provoke Saddam into making the first move. No surprise then, that they have abandoned the plight of the Iraqi people. It’s merely an old reality show that’s run its course, and the ratings in the have been slipping. Much more fun to cover the new conflagration. As they say in the business, That’s Infotainment!

I’m sorry, People of Iraq. The powers that be in this country don’t think your suffering matters anymore. Not that they ever did.

Update [2009-6-22 19:22:36 by Steven D]: Also posted in Orange. Some folks over there don’t consider this a valid topic for discussion. Any help you can give me would be appreciated.