Eric Lichtblau has an article in this morning’s New York Times about a lawsuit the survivors of 9/11 victims brought against the government of Saudi Arabia. The thing has been thrown out of lower courts and the Supreme Court is deciding whether to hear the case. They won’t.
The lawyers for the 9/11 families have accumulated a lot of hearsay and circumstantial evidence that members of the Saudi Royal Family provided financial support to radical militant groups and the Taliban. From the article, it looks like much of the evidence tracks back to the civil war in Bosnia in the 1990’s. And that’s the problem with the lawsuit. The U.S. and Saudi Arabia entered into a joint program of financing mujahideen to fight the Soviets in 1980, under the presidency of Jimmy Carter. The practice did not suddenly stop when the Soviets abandoned Afghanistan. Those same soldiers were sent to Chechnya and Bosnia during the 1990’s. They were also co-opted by the Pakistani government for use in Kashmir and to influence the post-Soviet civil war in Afghanistan.
Usama Bin-Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri were special anomalies within the larger movement. They each had burning resentments towards their home countries. Bin-Laden had been exiled from Saudi Arabia and forced to surrender much of his inheritance. Zawahiri had been tortured in Egyptian prisons. The Saudi government didn’t have any interest in financing bin-Laden because he was giving speeches about overthrowing the Royal Family and expelling the U.S. armed forces from the country. They may, however, have paid him to focus his energies elsewhere in what really amounted to protection money.
In any case, if you’re looking for evidence that the Saudis funded mujahideen, that’s in every history book and was done with the blessing and encouragement of the U.S. government. If you’re looking for evidence that they financed al-Qaeda, you have to be very specific about what you are calling ‘al-Qaeda’. We know that the wife of the Saudi ambassador gave money, indirectly, to the two San Diego-based 9/11 hijackers. But, that appears to be part of the overall plot, rather than something she did advertently. In other words, whoever mapped out the 9/11 plot wanted to implicate Prince Bandar’s wife. She would not have intentionally left a money trail to the 9/11 hijackers.
There is some tantalizing evidence that some members of the Royal Family may have been in on the plot. But the lawsuit seems to have been offered mainly as a fishing expedition to get more evidence. Unfortunately, I don’t think they have a case that can stand up in court, and the Justice Department is forced to argue against the suit to protect U.S.-Saudi relations.
I’d love to know more about the real story behind the 9/11 attacks, but we’d be a lot less surprised about articles like this if we hadn’t been fed a very unsophisticated narrative by Bush administration officials to explain why 9/11 happened. It wasn’t because they hated our freedoms.
I remember a news clip from back during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The US had just delivered a package of shoulder fired missiles or some such to the resistance fighters. Zbigniew Brzezinski was standing on a hillside talking to a group of the mujahideen. He said something like, “You shall prevail, because your cause is just, and God is on your side.” I felt a little chill when I heard that, and thought to myself, this will come back to haunt us.
yeah, it certainly did. Not that anyone could have predicted it.
I’d like to see someone get to the bottom of this.
“Behind the White House’s insistence on classifying 27 pages detailing the Saudi links in a report issued by a joint House-Senate intelligence panel co-chaired by Graham in 2002 lay the desire to hide the administration’s deficiencies and protect its Saudi allies, according to Graham.”
I’m still waiting on those 27 pages to be declassified.
The ongoing blowback from half a century of “anti-communist” bullshit is just amazing in its potency and permanence is just amazing. The more we know, the more of the world’s evils trace back to it.
Saudi Arabia’s King Hits a Few Bumps in His Visit to Britain
Justice is blind indeed. I wonder whether the multi-million pounds of bribes were returned to the West via charities and by Islamist terror of Al Qaeda.
Instead of taking measures to address these problems, the Saudis periodically enlist public relations experts like Qorvis Communications or Adel al-Jubeir (foreign policy advisor to Crown Prince Abdullah) to defend their image in the media. In fact, the Saudis’ lack of cooperation is well documented. For example, one Saudi public relations blitz came on the heels of Riyadh’s refusal to cooperate with German authorities investigating links between a Saudi diplomat in Berlin and Mounir Motassadeq, who is charged with more than 3,000 counts of accessory to murder in the September 11 plot.
In light of these problems, the Saudi pledge to curb money laundering through a “Permanent Committee” and to regulate charities through a “High Commission,” both newly established entities, should be welcomed cautiously. The Saudi regime has official relationships with many of these charities (e.g., the Saudi minister of Islamic affairs traditionally serves as president or secretary general of several of those charities most responsible for financing terrorism), and Riyadh has yet to curb its financial support for terrorism.
Osama is also reported to have succeeded in persuading the Muslim clergy in various Arab countries to issue a religious edict that would render it obligatory for Muslims to offer Zakat (alms) given annually to the poor and to the erstwhile Arab militia who fought the Afghan war. According to news reports, various Saudi Arabia-based individuals were allegedly donating $1 million to $2 million a month through mosques and other fund-raising avenues to assist bin Laden.
Saudi Charity Dropped From Suit Over Sept. 11 Attacks
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The Saudi role in 9/11 is not clear. I expect they had a good deal to do with financing it, but the actual execution was home-grown. If you follow out all the many Saudi leads carefully, i think you will find yourself in the middle of a labyrinth in which the so-called hijackers were obviously doing SOMETHING, but not what they are widely believed to have been doing, or in many cases, even thought they were doing. Bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were far from being the masterminds of 9/11 and evidence that they were is clearly bogus. They were involved in raising money, laundering money, distributing money, and (unbeknownst to themselves), setting themselves up as the “legend” for the black op that would become known as 9/11. The Saudis were very close to Bush, but 9/11 took even Bush by surprise. One has to look elsewhere for the nexus of this domestic covert operation.
I thought it was common knowledge that the wife of the Saudi ambassador was writing checks to the two conspirators who were living at the time in Southern California.
I don’t think anything will come of this, but not because something isn’t there. As others have said, there are all sorts of intelligence figures from all sorts of countries. For ex, Atta’s time in Germany had the distinct scent of being maneuvered by German intelligence. And then there’s “privatized” intelligence too.