“If the U.S. imperialists start another war, the army and people of Korea will … wipe out the aggressors on the globe once and for all,” says the North Korean Central News Agency on reports that a US destroyer was following the Kang Nam, a N. Korean vessel transporting illicit weapons to Myanmar, against United Nations sanctions. Interestingly, the ship following the Kang Nam is the USS John S. McCain.
One of the accusations that North Korea is throwing out at the US is that wenintend to start another Korean War. In fact, if the McCain stops to inspect the Kang Nam, according to the recent Security Council resolution for all members, the N. K.’s have said that they will consider that act a declaration of war.

It is expected that the North Koreans are going to test short to medium missiles, which could cover from 100 to 350 miles… certainly enough to do some destruction around allies like Japan and, of course, South Korea. They will also be trading with Myanmar’s military government, which has bought weapons from them in the past.

Meanwhile, China, Russia and South Korea are trying to get North Korea back to the diplomatic table for talks on disarming. These broke up some time ago and Kim Jong Il doesn’t seem interested in rejoining them.

Under The LobsterScope