I hear all kinds of excuses for why we need to maintain employer-based health care and the for-profit corporate health insurance industry, but other than a few Republicans I don’t hear people making these arguments on the merits. I think employer-based health care is the stupidest thing ever, and I don’t know anyone who enjoys interacting with their health insurance provider. As far as I can tell, we’re just engaged in the art of the possible here, with almost no attention being paid to the best quality solution at the least expense. I don’t like it, but I accept it. What I don’t accept are these arguments from Democrats about how the cost is too high but that the public option will cost local hospitals and doctors too much. It’s one or the other. Either the bill spends an inordinate amount of money compensating health-care providers or it saves money. It can’t do both at the same time. I see so little merit in the Blue Dogs’ argument that I think it is fair to call them corporate whores, plain and simple.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
yup. But why can’t we get rid of them? Why can’t Obama lay the smack down on them? Why doesn’t the DNC pull all campaign financing from them? Why can’t they be held accountable for their actions?
Why are democrats such wussies????
Say all you want about the rethugs, at least they stick together and vote together and are disciplined.
Jan has it SOOOO REight! However- What is missing is the simple fact that if one simplys totals the number of small donators to the Obama victory- That Is Our Strength! As was done during the campaign, so too must it be done now. What is missing is the “Word” form the leader. Where the hell is he? What is the hold up? Why the delay? Does the leader still think in terms of the “B” word? (Bipartisanship!!!)
Or, does the base need to remind the leader that what we were capable of doing in 08, WE CAN UNDO IN 09!
They’re all whores, it’s just a matter of who’s their (primary) pimp…
As I was working for Obama, putting out money, standing in line in Richmond VA, standing in the rain for 8 hours- I NEVER thought we’d be standing up here begging for Obama to do the right thing.
I notice his approval ratings are dropping quickly. He needs to GET UP OFF IT, quit listening to Emanuel, Gibbs and Axelrod with all their bi partisian shit and just friggin’ do it.
DAMN what is the PROBLEM????
It is not at all clear how replacing employer-based health care with a government-run system would make interacting with one’s health insurance provider any more enjoyable than it is now.
It should be clear, as any survey of Medicare recipients makes obvious. Government bureaucrats don’t try to deny you coverage you are entitled to.
But no doubt they can deny you coverage you need, and ought to have, and I am sure they can be as obtuse as any other government bureaucrat.
It is possible that I have been exceptionally fortunate, but I have never been denied any coverage I have been entitled to. On the other hand, I was appalled and deeply angry to hear Obama in a town hall meeting-type setting pretty much admit that under the type of government-run plan he envisions people could be denied treatment simply on account of age. So, what’s going to be the automatic cut-off for a hip replacement, or cancer treatment, or surgery that could greatly improve the quality of someone’s last three or five or ten years, or even save their lives?
I’m not arguing FOR employer-provided insurance, or against government-run insurance. I’m just suggesting that government-run might be better overall, or it might not, but for sure it is not going to be the panacea that some people seem to expect.