If you could elect any superhero as president, who would it be and why?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Keeping in mind, of course, that The Incredible Hulk is 86 years old and a former senator from Alaska.
Why? Because I can control him with my 3-D hypno-ring.
Think about the fact that you picked a “qualifying profession” in which males who occupy that qualifying profession currently outnumber females, what? 100 to 1?
Think about it. Hard.
Yeah, who do we have, BatGirl?
Is Batgirl even a true superhero? She has super powers but I think of her as a sidekick. Or at least a knock off. 🙂
The only stand alone superhero I can think of is Wonder Woman.
there are plenty to choose from.
C’mon, even Barbarella is on that list.
well, it’s a comprehensive list.
“what do you mean? … the playing field is even. Look …”
You know, this was a topical question.
So, you get all hypercritical like I’m posing a sexist question. I’m just trying to add some fun.
I’m so sick of men who posit sexist scenarios then claim that they just wanted to have a little fun and it’s the woman who points out the sexism in the scenario. We could have had a little fun with this if you had been at all willing to acknowledge the sexism of your scenario. But as usual – you can’t.
I do not know why I waste my time trying to point this stuff out to you. And it does seem a waste of time. I can’t figure out if it’s because you truly are sexist or if it’s because you are just so uncomfortable with the issue that you can’t talk about it.
I used to give you the benefit of the doubt. Until about June of last year when you were off the deep end over Hillary. I’m no longer willing to do give you the benefit of the doubt.
If you actually give a damn about why I think your scenario is sexist (and at this point I truly doubt you or almost any of the liberal blogsophere gives a damn about sexism at all) try this exercise. Don’t bother posting it, I’m finished with you on this.
Compare and contrast your question to the way they (whoever they are) posted their question/election. Pretend you are a campaign manager for a female superhero who might want to run for office and ask yourself what are the chances of your candidate winning under YOUR scenario and under THEIR scenario.
You’re good at political analysis. Maybe you’ll see it.
On the other hand, whenever the word sexism enters the conversation you seem to put your hands over your ears and say “I can’t HEAR you.”
I don’t think I should have to respond to this at all.
There was a contest today to vote for a superhero mayor of Washington DC. The option were split evenly between male and female superheros. Whoever designed the contest was obviously cognizant of the potential for a stacked deck.
Seeing that, I just posted a similar question that didn’t limit anyone’s options.
If you want to make that out as insensitivity on my part there isn’t really anything I can do about it. I didn’t create the universe of superheros and superheroines.
now this is the nitty gritty.
Gertrude Yorkes?
Personally, I liked Elektra as a young lad.
Every – and I do mean every – male in the 35-45 range had a think for Linda Carter as Wonder Woman.
Socialist Power Woman!
Batman…at least he knows when to turn off the illegal eaves dropping…
I’ll go with the late Rorschach of the Watchmen…
“I’m not locked up in here with you….You’re locked up in here with ME!!”
of course!
silly question.
Metal Men. All of them.
You know, between The Company, The Family, and The Village,
the people don’t stand a chance.
It’s funny you brought up superheros right now BooMan as I’d been thinking recently that a good way to deliver some well deserved criticism, (and focus people’s attention in a nifty way), would be to point out that not a single well-regarded, role model type comic book superhero would approve of the way the wingnuts have behaved. Even “Captain America” would have nothing but scorn for the neocons, and the fools like Limbaugh and Boehner and Cantor, et. al.
I’d love to see some Dems take this tack in the media. Of course, relatively clean and non-complicit Dems, (a very rare sub-species unfortunately), would be the most suitable ones to wield this particular rhetorical cleverness.
But just imagine the contortions of wingnuts trying to rationalize how Superman would approve of how the Bush gang lied to the country and violated the constitution and caused needless suffering and death to so many thousands of people. Imagine them making a case for the noble patriotism of disgusting creatures like Yoo and Addington and Libby in their attempts to assert superman would approve.
Such a tactic could be more effective than the “What would Jesus do” meme, as more of us identify with and are familiar with the superheros than we are with religious prophets and messiahs.
It makes my head spin thinking about it.
I’d go with Professor X, a first-rate diplomat who can release the hounds when diplomacy fails.
The Little Engine That Could
The Manhattan Institute is a lie factory.
I poked around their site a little a read a couple articles from Gratzner. He’s an arrogant little pos, that’s for sure. I’ll take your word about the mission of the institute because I’ve never heard of it before now. I was just impressed with Kucinich’s straightforward dismantling of Gratzner. I still wonder why his no nonsese approach isn’t embraced by more people sick of shit talkers and liars. Basically the entire population of our government and the higher ups who feed them. A fighter like Dennis at least merits a position within government where he could actually make real world changes.