The current talking points of the Republicans include the argument that any administration that can commit crimes without discovery during their term in office should have immunity from prosecution (or even investigation) for those crimes.
That’s obviously not a good idea.
I’m not convinced that this isn’t our own little version of Pergatory, where the stupidist argument gets to be on tv and someone like Marcy has to waste her time countering.
Marcy wasn’t wasting her time: She got to say “rule of law” a couple of times and point out that if a special prosecutor is necessary for investigating a “blowjob” (heh) then one is certainly required for trashing the Constitution.
As an aside: I didn’t know blowjob was a forbidden word on daytime tv that required an apology. If MSNBC is concerned about children in their audience then they should be showing cartoons, not covering the news.
It was inappropriate, and quite frankly, stupid, because it made that wingnut look better.
Am I personally offended? Of course not. I’m offended that she wasn’t more circumspect in the language she used. People do not expect that kind of discourse in a news program, and it’s a reasonable standard. (I don’t expect that kind of discourse on the job, either.) And by using it, she detracted from her otherwise good points.
Le sigh.
Jesus H Christ,
I don`t think for a minute that she chose that phrase to freak anybody out.
It`s a commonly used phrase & was appropriate to the discussion.
She could have used “enhanced eroticism” as the news broadcasts have a way to skirt the reality of what torture is by using “enhanced interrogation”, but let`s just call it what it is, HYPOCRISY.
Stay awake please, everybody.
And to the FCC, fuck off.
(pardon my language to those that may be offended by it, but are not, by the language of doublespeak on the daily broadcasts)
You know who you are now, maybe.
well, in all honesty, their “news coverage” is pretty cartoonish.
besides, it’s not one of the seven words…another yawner.
I don’t see how it can be a ‘stupid talking point’ when the current POTUS agrees with it.
Then it becomes established policy.
Well, there are many controversial issues in economy.Much of the bankruptcy community’s attention is now justifiably focused upon the bankruptcy reform legislation pending in Congress. In the heat of the current debate, however, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that significant reforms of the bankruptcy system have been proposed and examined for much of the past decade.There is a case for walking away from enormous debts, as there is always the option of filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy isn’t something to be taken lightly, as it isn’t like buying postage stamps and you will have be consulting with bankruptcy attorneys and determine whether or not filing would be good for you. Unemployment is one of the biggest causes for filing, and foreclosure is one of the usual precursors. If you file for chapter 7, the most common filing, you will have to undergo a means test, to determine whether a person can pay all or a portion of their debts. If considering bankruptcy, make sure you have some quick cash for emergencies and talk to bankruptcy attorneys.Read more click
it’s like Phil Rizutto spam.
I bet the Germans in Nuremberg wished that they had that get-out-of-jail card. “Ah, but the Fuhrer was the last Administration!”
This begs the question:
Have we gone insane?
I don’t mean we to be all-inclusive. But sadly, I think his points represent, if not a majority viewpoint in reality, a majority viewpoint in actuality because we, by our silence (e.g., not striking, not being out in the streets) are essentially supporting this view.