(Washington Post) – In legal terms, Kenneth Anderson, a law professor at American University said, there is no real difference between killing a terrorist with a missile or with a handgun. “In political terms,” he continued, “there’s a real difference. The missile feels more like regular warfare, even if it’s carried out by the C.I.A.”
But any targeted killings make many specialists in international law uneasy. Hina Shamsi, an adviser to the Project on Extrajudicial Executions at New York University, said that any calculation about inserting an assassination team would have to consider the following: the violation of the sovereignty of the country where the killing occurred; the different legal status of the C.I.A. compared with the uniformed military; and whether the killing would be covered by the law of war.
“The issue is a complex one under international law,” Ms. Shamsi said, “and it encompasses all of the contentious issues of the years since 2001.”
In his 2006 book “State of War,” James Risen wrote that the C.I.A. set up paramilitary teams shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks to hunt down top Qaeda operatives. Mr. Risen, a reporter for The New York Times, wrote that the operation was soon disbanded before the C.I.A. carried out any operations. But the spy agency continued to develop plans to focus on Qaeda operatives, and top C.I.A. officials were briefed periodically about the progress of these efforts, the officials familiar with the program said.
The New York Times(2006) – C.I.A. Fires Senior Officer Over Leaks
During the Israeli military aggression on the Gaza Strip between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009, called “Operation Cast Lead”, 1417 Palestinians were killed, of which 926 were civilians, according to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights.
On 6 January 2009, the family home of Hussein Deeb, where many civilians had taken refuge, was hit by Israeli shells. 14 family members were hit, of which 11 died.
B’Tselem Israel’s Assassination Policy: Extra-judicial Executions
(The New York Times) – A turning point in Secord’s career came in 1966 when he was attached to a secret Central Intelligence Agency unit at Udorn Air Base in northeastern Thailand. For two years he helped coordinate flights by Air America, a C.I.A.-owned airline, to supply the Meo tribesman armed and trained by the intelligence agency to fight the North Vietnamese in Laos.
It was during this time that he met Thomas Clines, a career C.I.A. officer who later helped him put together the contra supply network, drawing on agents Mr. Clines knew while stationed in Miami after the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, colleagues say.
In 1972 General Secord wrote a master’s thesis for the Naval War College titled, “Unconventional Warfare/Covert Operations as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy.” In such operations, ”bureaucratic obstacles should be dismissed out of hand,” he suggested. So should opposition from ”the press, Congress, academia and others.”
General Secord’s name was linked to Edwin P. Wilson, a former C.I.A. agent accused of supplying Libya with plastic explosives, and to a company, Eatsco, that pleaded guilty to overcharging the Pentagon by $8 million for shipping American arms to Egypt.
He was never charged with a crime, but his reputation was hurt and he took early retirement from the Air Force in 1983. Thirteen days before retiring, he joined Stanford Technology Trading Group International, a company owned by Mr. Hakim, the arms dealer.
Evidence From an Airplane
When a cargo plane of the contra supply operation was shot down in Nicaragua, telephone logs were found in it showing calls from a rebel safe house to General Secord’s office at Stanford Technology and his home in Virginia.
Little is known of how General Secord first became involved in providing supplies to the contras. But the Tower Commission report suggests that it was General Secord’s efforts for the contras that led Colonel North to write him in November 1985 when the White House had trouble arranging the shipment of Hawk anti-aircraft missiles from Israel to Iran as part of the arms-for-hostages deal.
[Shipment 500 TOW anti-tank missiles from Israel to Iran]
In 1984, North masterminded an attempted drug trade sting against Nicaragua. North’s colleague, “retired” Gen. Richard V. Secord, purchased a C-123K cargo plane from Southern Air Transport. It was outfitted with hidden cameras and turned over to DEA agent Barry Adler Seal. Seal then force landed at a military airfield in Nicaragua, where he got photos of a Nicaraguan official, Federico Vaughn, investigating. That photo then became the basis of much disinformation on a supposed Borge-Castro narcotics trafficking ring. President Reagan used the photo on television, stating, with utterly no evidence or justification, that a box in the picture was filled with drugs. Like a bad penny, the same plane returned to Nicaragua in October 1986, carrying Eugene Hasenfus.
In the 1986 congressional elections, North assisted in the political campaigns of Senators Paula Hawkins (Rep.-Fla.) and Jeremiah Denton (Rep.-Ala.). They lost. But interestingly, Denton’s Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism and Hawkins’s Subcommittee on Children, Family, Drugs and Alcohol were both favorite platforms for Ledeen to spread his media hoaxes.
Ledeen and Contragate
Ledeen’s role in Iran-a-scam and Contragate begins with his secret missions to Israel. But it is unclear who was urging whom to do what. According to leaked portions of a Senate Intelligence Committee report, the sale of arms to Iran was planned and implemented by the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad. Each time that the United States rejected further participation in the Israeli plan, some Mossad agent was urgently dispatched to the United States to put their plan back on track. Throughout the leaked Senate report, there are references to “the Israeli plan.” And the text of a memo by Lt. Col. Oliver North titled “Covert Action Finding Regarding Iran” reads: “Prime Minister Peres of Israel secretly dispatched his special adviser on terrorism (Amiram Nir) with instructions to propose a plan by which Israel, with limited assistance from the United States, can create conditions…”
But instead of trying to shift the blame to Israel, the White House sought to delete all references to the Israeli role from the Senate report and the media accounts followed suit.
See further links cocaine transport to former CIA pilot Hank Asher in Boca Raton, Florida – the voter purge of 2000 Election and Choice Point – Seisint and MATRIX data mining link to Jeb Bush and Dick Cheney.
A developing story …
Remember, similar to Hariri assassination, the evidence at the scene was cleansed in a professional way. Put blame on Al Qaeda and on Syria in the Hariri case.
NEW YORK (TheNation-Online) – Former prime minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on the orders of the special death squad formed by former US vice-president Dick Cheney, which had already killed the Lebanese Prime Minister Rafique Al Hariri and the army chief of that country.
The squad was headed by General Stanley McChrystal, the newly-appointed commander of US army in Afghanistan. It was disclosed by reputed US journalist Seymour Hersh while talking to an Arab TV in an interview.
Hersh said former US vice-president Cheney was the chief of the Joint Special Operation Command and he clear the way for the US by exterminating opponents through the unit and the CIA. General Stanley was the in-charge of the unit.
Seymour also said that Rafiq Al Hariri and the Lebanese army chief were murdered for not safeguarding the US interests and refusing US setting up military bases in Lebanon. Ariel Sharon, the then prime minister of Israel, was also a key man in the plot.
A number of websites around the world are suspecting the same unit for killing of Benazir Bhutto because in an interview with Al-Jazeera TV on November 2, 2007, she had mentioned the assassination of Usama Bin Laden, Seymour said. According to BB, Umar Saeed Sheikh murdered Usama, but her words were washed out from the David Frosts report, he said.
The ISI and Terrorism: Behind the Accusations
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Stan McChrystal runs ‘black ops.’
That is the Joint Special Operations Command, the snake-eating, slit-their-throats “black ops” guys who captured Saddam Hussein and targeted Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi.
JSOC is part of what Vice President Dick Cheney was referring to when he said America would have to “work the dark side” after 9/11. To many critics, the veep’s remark back in 2001 fostered his rep as the Darth Vader of the war on terror and presaged bad things to come, like the interrogation abuses at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay. But America also has its share of Jedi Knights who are fighting in what Cheney calls “the shadows.” And McChrystal, an affable but tough Army Ranger, and the Delta Force and other elite teams he commands are among them.
Rumsfeld is especially enamored of McChrystal’s “direct action” forces or so-called SMUs–Special Mission Units–whose job is to kill or capture bad guys, say Pentagon sources who would speak about Special Ops only if they were not identified. But critics say the Pentagon is short-shrifting the “hearts and minds” side of Special Operations that is critical to counterinsurgency–like training foreign armies and engaging with locals.
General McChrystal apologizes for cover-up in friendly-fire death of ex-NFL star Pat Tillman
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Targeting of threat leaders by military strikes is increasingly being touted as an option for crisis resolution. Operational and strategic level commanders face greater pressure than ever to employ this option. A survey of the legitimacy, ca-pability, and efficacy of targeting enemy leaders shows that commanders may have the right and ability to target threat leaders. However, the lack of positive effects for such targeting, both in theory and in practice, argues that commanders shouldnot pursue this approach.
Senior intelligence officials confirm that a secret finding recently signed by President Bush, building on an earlier one by President Clinton, grant the CIA legal authority to conduct assassination operations against individuals designated as terrorists. As a result, the CIA is devising strategy and policy to that end, and is developing assets for assassinations within both the CIA and “uniformed military units,” as well as foreign agents in Middle Eastern countries.
Officials within the CIA are reportedly adamant that there be a clear paper trail indicating authorization for assassination ops come from the President in order to avoid accusations the Agency is acting on its own, as happened during Congressional investigations during the 1970s.
CIA Weighs ‘Targeted Killing’ Missions
Administration Believes Restraints Do Not Bar Singling Out Individual Terrorists
By Barton Gellman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 28, 2001; Page A01
Armed with new authority from President Bush for a global campaign against al Qaeda, the Central Intelligence Agency is contemplating clandestine missions expressly aimed at killing specified individuals for the first time since the assassination scandals and consequent legal restraints of the 1970s.
Drawing on two classified legal memoranda, one written for President Bill Clinton in 1998 [probably Presidential Decision Directive 62] and one since the attacks of Sept. 11, the Bush administration has concluded that executive orders banning assassination do not prevent the president from lawfully singling out a terrorist for death by covert action. The CIA is reluctant to accept a broad grant of authority to hunt and kill U.S. enemies at its discretion, knowledgeable sources said. But the agency is willing and believes itself able to take the lives of terrorists designated by the president.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Sad thing is, none of this is really shocking any more.
The rest…
This is nothing new.
From the Kennedy killing onward and right on through the Nixon years, the Reagan years, the short and/or ineffectual Dem interludes and Bush II, a cadre of right-wing ideologues deeply allied with a number of flat-out thieves have controlled the direction of this country by any and every means at their disposal. They have controlled the media, the armed forces, huge sections of the economic structure and international relations in general. They have duped the American public in massively effective fashion, and this sudden “Surprise!!! We been very, very bad!!!” routine from most of the middle-left simply does not wash.
The day the books are truly closed upon:
1-Operation Mockingbird
2-The JFK murder.
3-The MLK murder.
4-The RFK murder.
5-The truth behind Watergate
6-The Iran Contra/Cocaine connection
7-The Intel-engineered honeytrapping of Bill Clinton
8-The entire 9/11 plot and the subsequent horrors of Homeland Security, the Iraq War, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.
is the day that this country will turn the corner. (And don’t hold your breath.)
Until then, it’s all smoke and mirrors, all business as usual, and any self-congratulatory lauding of the left’s “success” is just a pile of empty posturing.
I did a little channel surfing tonight.
Almost all network news…cable and non-cable…was playing up the Afghanistan thing in typical “Our brave troops vs. those nasty wogs” fashion while running ads almost entirely for criminally guilty financial and so-called health services.
Meanwhile, one little station (Link TV) had a several hour doc on about the truth behind Abu Ghraib.
That and the usual little tapdance around the truth that is allowed MSNBC people.
I wrote extensively about the media collaboration in the post 9/11 runup to the Iraq invasion. Twenty-seven official and semi-official spokesmen for the war, them one ratty looking ex-nun or flabby peacenik against it, repeated over and over and over on all stations.
How much has changed?
Now it’s maybe 24 to 1, overall.
Wake the fuck up, folks.
Wake the fuck UP!!!
(NYT) – The rebel group whose members were executed, Jundallah, is considered a terrorist group by the Iranian government and is believed to have killed hundreds of Iranian soldiers and civilians. Iran has accused the United States of supporting Jundallah, which claims to be fighting on behalf of the Baluchi ethnic group in Iran and Pakistan. The group also plays on sectarian tensions in Iran, which is mostly Shiite.
Iranian Human Rights Group
Jundallah claimed responsibility for the bombing of a Shiite mosque in Zahedan on May 28 in which 25 people were killed. Two days later, Iran hanged three men accused of being involved.
Obama praises Saberi’s release as ‘humanitarian’
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."