Insofar as Lanny Davis is a legitimate Democrat, the Democratic Party is an illegitimate representative of anything that might be called the Left in this county. Insofar as Lanny Davis is shunned by important factions of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party has legitimacy. Hillary Clinton’s and AIPAC’s most strident supporter is now receiving paychecks from the Honduran junta. You might run into a chicken/egg conundrum in determining whether Lanny Davis and his cohorts were empowered by Bill Clinton or whether Bill Clinton was put into power by them, but this behavior by Davis is one of the clearest confirmations yet of the wisdom of opposing Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign with ferocity.
It is a big concern that Davis is now representing the Honduran junta when he is so close to our Secretary of State. The tentacles of the far right reach deep into the Democratic Party at the elite level. When we let this happen, we let the Democratic Party fail as a representative of the Left.
Has Washington made the official call and outright called the thing a coup? Al Girodano’s page is unclear on that.
…to anyone whose check clears. This is another reason why it’s good that Obama won.
The nakedness of his most recent transaction actually makes it harder for Hillary to warm up to the Honduran junta. So in addition to being a whore, he’s not a very good one.
I certainly agree Booman, with your statement that “the Democratic Party is an illegitimate representative of anything that might be called the Left in this county.”
I don’t say that lightly, but it seems self-evident. And most of what passes for “Left” in this country and for the democrats, e.g., national health insurance, is supported and guaranteed by even the rightwing in other industrialized countries.
Though I support democratic candidates (slap me, I’m stupid), it’s only because they tend, somewhat, sometimes, to act as a brake on the even more extreme rightists of the repub party.
But I take no real satisfaction in any of this.
Sleepy, you speak for legions of voters.
the “first pitch” at the All Star game. A significant portion of the crowd booed him.
St. Louis should be ashamed of those assholes.
Well, it’s always a losing photo-op for a pol to appear at a sports event. Inevitably and always they will get booed.
especially if wear Chicago garb to St. Louis.
Gotta give the man credit – he doesn’t sell out…
For the umpteenth time, and for once not in reference to Israel, can we please pass legislation prohibiting government officials from receiving money, goods, services, and visits from lobbyists from foreign powers and their representatives?
There is a proper channel for this crap. It’s called an embassy.
This legislation is long overdue and Obama’s image (to say nothing of the US) is at stake in the unfortunate coup in Honduras. Nothing like giving more credence to the words of Chavez, Moreales, Ortega when they call our nation the real threat to democracy in Latin America. They understand the dangers of US Imperialism better than the citizens of the US itself. Funny how being a victim can do wonders for ones perceptual powers and living in a bubble can blind a person to what is actually going on in the world.
aipac is better represented by the demoratic party than the “left”.
do you still think appointing hst as sec state was a good move?
l don’t find her connections to davis and dennis ross indicative of too major a shift in foreign policy. a kinder, gentler approach than those who preceded her perhaps, but no new news here.
Protesters of course should be called a mob, demonstrations are not part of a democracy. Unless the boots are in streets of Tehran, Tsbilisi or Kiev and we even call them a revolution!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Well, luckily the international media and the good folks in Florida [b/c of the Cuba and Venezuela angle) haven’t forgotten:
….with the negotiations seemingly going nowhere, Mr. Arias reached out for American support of his own, telling Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that pressure from the United States was crucial to ending the stalemate.
In the two weeks since the coup against Mr. Zelaya, the Obama administration has taken great pains to distance itself from the crisis …
(Huffington Post) – Clinton era advisers like James Carville and Stanley Greenberg had gone on to become political consultants for Latin American presidential candidates favoring free trade policies in Venezuela, Bolivia, Mexico, and Argentina, as depicted in the documentary film “Our Brand Is Crisis.”
¡Ese negrito que no sabe nada de nada!
(NicaraguaLiving) – Now Obama, fresh from a hemispheric summit in Trinidad, is trying to collaborate with the Organization of American States [OAS] in its unified pressure and isolation against the coup leaders in Honduras. The newly-appointed “foreign minister” of the coup-based regime has called Obama “that little black guy who doesn’t even know where Tegucigalpa is located.” [see also NYT, July 12] So much for the character of the coup plotters.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."