You know what the gay agenda is, the program that conservative christians and assorted homophobes claim is a threat to their marriages and their god given right to be bigots? It’s really very simple: it’s the same agenda that African Americans have, and women have, and Latinos and Latinas have, and Asians have, and old people have and Catholics have and Mormons have, and Buddhists have and Muslims have: the same rights for all, i.e., equal treatment under the law and by society without discrimination based on their status as being other than protestant heterosexual white people. It’s that simple:

ANAHEIM, Calif. — The bishops of the Episcopal Church voted at the church’s convention on Monday to open “any ordained ministry” to gay men and lesbians, a move that could effectively undermine a moratorium on ordaining gay bishops that the church passed at its last convention three years ago.

Somehow I don’t think this is going to threaten anyone else’s rights. You don’t want to have a Gay bishop or minister, go to a different church. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.