
Obama vs. Clinton on Honduras?

(HuffingtonPost) – Clinton era advisers like James Carville and Stanley Greenberg had gone on to become political consultants for Latin American presidential candidates favoring free trade policies in Venezuela, Bolivia, Mexico, and Argentina, as depicted in the documentary film “Our Brand Is Crisis.”

¡Ese negrito que no sabe nada de nada!

(NicaraguaLiving) – Now Obama, fresh from a hemispheric summit in Trinidad, is trying to collaborate with the Organization of American States [OAS] in its unified pressure and isolation against the coup leaders in Honduras. The newly-appointed “foreign minister” of the coup-based regime has called Obama “that little black guy who doesn’t even know where Tegucigalpa is located.” [see also NYT, July 12] So much for the character of the coup plotters.

More below the fold: “The Hillary Sphere of Influence”

Heard Around the Hillary-Sphere

Well, luckily the international media and the good folks in Florida [b/c of the Cuba and Venezuela angle) haven’t forgotten:

    ….with the negotiations seemingly going nowhere, Mr. Arias reached out for American support of his own, telling Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton that pressure from the United States was crucial to ending the stalemate.

    In the two weeks since the coup against Mr. Zelaya, the Obama administration has taken great pains to distance itself from the crisis …

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."