Another courageous journalist gunned down by the damn Russians. I am glad George W. Bush divined Vladimir Putin’s soul so accurately.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Link to Reuters –
Well-known to diplomats and human rights activists in Russia, Estemirova was the inaugural recipient in 2007 of the Anna Politkovskaya Award, given by the charity Reach All Women in War (RAWinWAR).
A fluent Chechen speaker, Estemirova acted as Politkovskaya’s interpreter during her reporting trips to Chechnya, RAWinWAR said on its website. She also reported on the situation freelance for local media.
A lone assailant gunned down Politkovskaya in her Moscow apartment building in 2006 as she returned home from a shopping trip. Nobody has yet been convicted of her murder.
Chechnya and the nearby Muslim republics of Ingushetia and Dagestan are home to a simmering low-level Islamist insurgency. Human rights groups have repeatedly accused the authorities of serious abuses during their war on the insurgents, including extra-judicial killings, torture and illegal punishment.
PS Divine soul? Or define soul.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Contrast her to the courageous journalists at the Washington Post, who are afraid to use the word “torture’ for fear of being sued (unless it applies to what Mexican authorities have done recently, then it’s in the title on page one).
well, at least our government doesn’t have journalists kidnapped and shot in the head…
Yeah, but Fred Hiatt could get a really nasty letter from a Bush/Cheney attorney. Scaarrry.
are you sure about that?
maybe shooting yourself twice in the head really is suicide.
A motivated investigative reporter must be really motivated to kill himself twice.
that, or a really bad shot, eh. kinda hard to miss at that range.
and there’s more…2006: paul sanford, who had the audacity to question BushCo™ about the plame/treason link…jumped from his hotel room on christmas eve.
2006: philip merrill, president and CEO of Capital-Gazette Communications, Inc., which publishes Washingtonian magazine, the Annapolis Capital, and five other Maryland newspapers… shotgun blast to the head with an anchor tied to his feet. double jeopardy?…or just another bad shot?
and l didn’t even search for ex-cia agents, bio-chemists, etc. it’s a pretty blatant mo, don’t ya think?
Danny Cannistraro wasn’t shot in the head.
I know he was a Brit but Dr. David Kelly was going to blow the whistle on anthrax biowarfare when he turned up suicided.
Study says US forces have killed up to 13
(BostonGlobe) Nov. 18, 2005 – The circumstances of many deaths are unknown. But 13 deaths came at the hands of the US military, according to an analysis by the Committee to Protect Journalists, which filed Freedom of Information Act petitions on the military investigations of the deaths.
Reporters Without Borders has counted at least 10 journalists killed by US forces. Most of those killed were Iraqis, who are playing an increasing role for Western news outlets because of the security risks.
Both groups called for more communication between US troops and more cautious treatment of reporters at military checkpoints. They said US soldiers tend to shoot at the slightest provocation, especially at Iraqi journalists with cameras.
Yasser Salihee ¶ Reporter Murdered :: Story He Died For see link in diary.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Indeed. But if they’re not Americans…
There is also this:
After six years, Al-Jazeera cameraman freed from Guantanamo – Committee to Protect Journalists
Al-Haj’s hunger strike wasn’t a light matter:
Al-Jazeera man ‘close to death’ at Guantanamo Bay – Americas, World – The Independent
It’s funny how with some murders we’re allowed to presume the killers and in others we have to absolutely avoid plumbing the obvious.
The problem with 8 years of Bush-Cheney is that when Iran tracks down and jails journalists, or Russia assassinates loudmouths and troublemakers, well, there just is not just much moral highground to stand on.
Cut it with the demonizing a whole effing nationality, Booman.
Medvedev is pissed and has ordered and investigation. The relationship between Kadyrov’s gang and the Kremlin is real but each one thinks they are the ones really calling the shots so it’s really anyone’s guess who is to blame here. FWIW, Kadyrov’s people are nuts enough to do this type of thing. I don’t think anyone in the Kremlin or (Russian) White House have anything to gain by having activists or journalists killed at this point. Plus there is the possibility of individuals not acting on orders from the top.
One thing I never hear people mention is that the people who automatically blame “the Kremlin” or VVP himself when a journalist is murdered in a part of the world where crime and murder are rife are the same people who will mew and moan and cry foul that people like Khodorkovsky do not get a fair trial.
Either you support due process or do not. I do.
I’m getting really effing sick of both parties in this story. I think both these martyred activist-journalists and the Kremlin are given too much import and reach in these stories. I find it implausible that one story out of Novaya Gazetta is going to bring down the whole Russian Government, or that people trying to run a county as vast and with so many problems as Russia have nothing better to do than hunt down relatively unknown journalists for game.
I’m also really effing sick of people who clearly have no clue what they are talking about trying to sound profound. Your statement is neither reality based nor frankly up the the journalistic standards you demand of your peers. Furthermore, the talking points you are mimicking are classic neo-con posturing. I’m sure they’re happy to learn they have a friend in the progressive blogosphere.
Well said! I find nothing to be gained by russophobic attitudes. Don’t quite understand NYT journalism.
Also, while insanely courageous, she was not a journalist, it appears.
You might have bothered to use this story as an opportunity to draw attention to Memorial, the group she is said to have belonged to.
If you feel so strongly about the work she was doing, You could support them, I suppose.
Also, by way of contetx, the President of Ingushetia was recently the victim of an assassination attempt.
Estemirova was killed in Ingushetia.