Wingnuts Apocalyptic Over Sotomayor

Within the next month, Sonia Sotomayor will be confirmed as a Justice on the Supreme Court. This, according to a series of random comments from around the web means only one thing: We’re all (all Real American Citizens, that is) DOOMED! You think I’m kidding? Here’s a sample for cow plops and giggles:

From the Y!Buzz AP blurb:

Al Franken from Saturday Night Live is questioning a Supreme Court Nominee on her qualifications…It is a miracle I am not doubled over sick.

She doesn’t need to answer any questions, she is a racist, liberal judge who whenever faced with a remotely ambiguous application of law is going to decide based on a liberal/ latina agenda PERIOD.

Do the Democrats vote for anyone that a democrat president nominates? Why bother spending the money questioning her-they could be doing something constructive like working on the economy. Maybe Al Franken could tell some jokes.

At least Al Franken is funny, unlike Rushbo or Ann “Kill all the liberals and let God sort them out” Coulter. And Republicans never vote along party lines for the nominee of Republican Presidents? I’m willing to bet if you compare the records of the two parties that the GOP votes much more “rigidly” in such circumstances than the Democratic party ever has.

The next one though, is a classic example of the paranoia that is raging over the Sotomayor nomination by true red right wing believers:

Of course she won’t tell her true feelings about upholding the Constitutional Rights of Citizens …. she obfuscates her personal agenda to gain power. True democrat form. It is nearly impossible to listen to her nonsensical answers to questions that deserve to be answered truthfully. She hopes to have a seat on the High Court and truthfulness would foil her ambitions.

Sad for the American Citizens to have another Liar running things!

The fact that Sotomayor has been a judge longer than either of the Bush nominees, won the Pyne Prize, the top undergraduate award given by Princeton, and was an Editor of the Yale Law Review just shows how damn devious these racist Latina Democrats truly are.

Here’s some more from the CBS web report:


Sotomayor made this a racist issue with her racist and sexist remarks.

Exactly right! Well said.

Ever since we elected this semi-black president, we’ve seen a rise of the tyranny of the minorities.

Somebody better tell them what “backlash” means.

Word to the wise…

Word to the not wise. Implicitly threatening an armed insurrection against a “half-black” lawfully elected President is a sure fire way to get yourself on the Secret Service’s watch list. Amazing how fearful these po white folks are regarding the “tyranny of the minorities” isn’t it? Funny, they never had a problem with Tyranny when Bush and the Republicans ran roughshod over the Constitution these last 8 years.

Still these wingnut blowhards are only taking their cues from the mighty wurlitzer of conservative Republican spinmeisters as the Alternet staff have documented for us:

The craziness and incompetence on display at the hearings has been more than matched by the absurd smears leveled at Sotomayor in the conservative media. The shining lights of conservatism — Pat Buchanan, G. Gordan Liddy and Rush Limbaugh — have outdone themselves with uninformed, offensive rants about the nominee.

AlterNet has compiled the 10 dumbest, most ridiculous statements about Sotomayor to issue from the lips of GOP lawmakers and other conservatives in the past few weeks.

I’ll let you read Alternet’s top (bottom?) ten list yourself. As the Master Card slogan goes, they’re priceless.

Author: Steven D

Father of 2 children. Faithful Husband. Loves my country, but not the GOP.