Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Green. All things green, even if it’s green around the gills, the green-eyed monster, your green thumb, or green eggs and ham.
Website of the Week: 33 Spectacular Black and White Photographs.
AndiF Reflecting on Green
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Green goes for the flow
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Green goes for the light
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Green goes for the gold
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olivia’s green
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Cool grasses after the rain
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Halictid bee on Queen Anne’s Lace
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Green top and bottom
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Next Week’s Theme: Disrepair. Dilapidation, decrepitude, shabbiness, collapse, ruin; abandonment, neglect, disuse.
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Hmm, well I have nothing recent where the specific focus is Green but I have some green in these recent shots!
Short version: In Woodlands Cemetary here in West Philadelphia, I was walking around looking for whatever when I came across this deer after sitting on a headstone to rest a minute. She was chillin’, sitting down in the shade under a tree and amongst some headstones a mere 20-25 ft from me. Didn’t move, wasn’t startled, and after about 10 minutes, got up and moseyed on along. I ended up following her from a safe distance for about 30 minutes all thru the cemetery and she never got startled or ran.
Obviously, there’s some green in the background…
And some more green in the background here…
But for better appreciation of the subject, I must pop this Yellow image in as well…
A search of ‘Green’ and a random pick from the results give us some local street graffiti character enjoying what looks like a double does of caffeine. He looks pretty wired too, judging from his eyes…
And then going back 5 random pages (5 for the number of letters in the word Green) gives us a picture with some green in it! And that’s our Mayor Michael Nutter, FYI…
Good set — I especially like the deer in the graveyard and the graffiti guy.
Nice to have such lovely company on your walk … 🙂
I like that graffiti shot, and great detail on the bee.
Wish I could have been there to see that. Nice set, like the graffiti image and it’s grime.
Well, you can always see more within the set.
Well then “tired green” is clearly the new “pretty”.
Love the second shot — great use of perspective.
I like the grapevine shot – all that growth, and great framing on the rock wall photo.
Some things with green.
That’s a great angle/perspective in the first photo . Is it a butterfly?
The feathers on that second bird are amazing — iridescent.
Thanks, it’s a stained glass/copper butterfly plant stake. I’d been working on this for some time and never could really get what I wanted until this shot. Being stuck to the house was a good time to shoot some objects from a different perspective than we usually look at them.
That bird is cool but I don’t have any idea what it’s name is. We were inside an aviary and there was no way to tell what was what.
Wow, that parrot is gorgeous. And the rest of the critters do a good job of competing with it.
That parrot is a Rainbow Lorikeet. They are literally everywhere in some Australian cities – to the point of being pests.
Thanks, Keres hit the nail. Zoos keep them here in aviaries. But with our climate being similar to certain parts of Australia we have our fair share of invasives from down under, I wonder how long it’ll be before lorikeets escape.
green T
salad fingers
pink nose rose
clik images to enlarge
salad fingers! LOL … 🙂
As always, your pictures are a feast for the eyes but that rose, in particular, makes me absolutely gluttonous.
I read “gluttonous” as glutinous, and wondered just how you could have gotten over-kneeded by that flower shot.
Clerid beetle

Christmas beetle (aka Golden Stag beetle [cuz the males are golden, but I think the girls are prettier, so there!])

Gum Emerald moth

That clerid beetle hangs out in a really pretty neighborhood. The other beetle not so much but I do love her green polka dots. 🙂
I remember that moth — it looks as soft as chamois.
The flowers that attracted the Clerid beetle are on one of our succulents. We’ve got two fairly large patches of this plant, and they’re always covered in critters while in blossom. My favorite visitors are the little native bees.
The Christmas beetles really are amazing. Their color changes with every angle. They’re one of our many subterranean insect species, which only metamorph from a grub to an adult so that they can emerge and breed. The monster moth of a few months back is another such creature.
They’re dazzling … little jewels.
You’re captured the fringed antennae so well … love the detail.
Not as nice as your bee, but I’ll take the complement.
green of corn:
Suddenly, I’m driving through Kansas. 🙂
The best thing about corn fields is that when you’re bike-riding and it’s windy, it really blocks the wind and give you a nice break. 🙂
We used to play hide and seek in them when little … very easy to get lost.
Love those tassels against the sky. 🙂
San Francisco
Public Park Aleppo, Syria
Leaving the Park
Ecological and Botanical Garden, Damascus
In the background is the Damascus Citadel, built in the 11th Century.
Not to slight SF, but the Syria’s green is more way interesting. I like especially like the first shot in Public Park Aleppo group and “Leaving the park”.
Love those manicured hedges — like sculpture, fitting the urban scene.
All the green mixed into the city scenes is wonderful.
Really nice reflection shots. #2 is the favorite, lots of layers to look at.
Thanks, Bob.
Having shot a whole “Green” set for this FFFF I came back home to realize that the power went out for a few hours.

My computer is trashed till I can get it back up & running properly.
Six external drives are out, & this shot I was trying to take, was interrupted by a dumb butterfly that landed just as I was shooting these beautiful green leaf veins.
I`m completely baffled with my problem here, but figured a way to at least post something.
Tampopo, you have not been forgotten.
As soon as I can get back up to normal operating capacity, I`ll post my Special Tampopo Post.
Actually, I`m sort of freaking right now.
But here`s my green.
Oh gosh, what a shame that butterfly came along and ruined your nice shot! Better luck next time.
Your sense of humor is beyond measure, but don`t think I was less than truthful about my computer problem.
You just watch.
My “Green” is now in the works.
You watch what my green shoot was about.
I like the butterfly, because it was a serendipitous shot.
I hope your system is back in shape very soon. It would be very hard on me to have to go without your pictures. 😉
Thank You, for such kind words.
They really mean the most to me.
I think I have my problem isolated.
I`ll post momentarily.
I didn’t mean to belittle your computer problems. Hopefully, you will be able to recover everything intact. I am just envious because last weekend I nearly killed myself trying to get decent butterfly shots in an exhibit filled with butterflies, and you, on the other hand have butterflies “ruining” your shots by landing in them, perfectly positioned. NOT FAIR!
I love “funning” with you.
I think I`ve solved my problem, but I now post the “Green” in accordance with the theme.
I`m sorry you had such a misadventure trying to shoot butterflies.
I do have to be truthful though, & admit that I `d spotted this butterfly from a different level, went down a path, through a gate, & the hunt was on.
I was only slightly luckier than you, simply because of the success of my hunt.
The pleasure is really always in the chase though, no?
“The pleasure is really always in the chase though, no?“
If you say so. Sigh!
I hold your hand.
[Sobs quietly] Thanks.
What I meant is that we both chase the impossible at times, & I hold your hand in the same endeavor, or we at times, share the same chases.
Happiness was more what I was thinking, not tears or sobs.
Maybe I should hold your hand a little tighter, in reassurance.
“I`m sorry that I was not clear.
I did not mean to spring a “sob”, nor tear.”
That`s a little iambic for you.
It does not carry the “jewel” quality of your “Wild Emerald”, but your simple word, “Flutters” my heart.
Thanks for you & AndiF`s spot to showcase all the great photographers here, & more than that, to bring a community closer.
Don`t let my sweet talking self, diminish my feelings for both of your contributions to this project.
(That`s how I roll)
This is an awesome photo, Knucklehead. But then I am always knocked out by your photo albums.
….Looking forward to your cyber recovery.
Thank you for your concern & nice thoughts.
I do believe, I`ve solved my problem, & am working on bringing a request to this essay, forthwith.
I hope you enjoy my, soon to be posted thread, as much as you`ve so eloquently stated your appreciation of my past ones.
Harf Al Mseitra Village, Syria
View from the Train Outside of Aleppo
View from Salah Al Din Citadel, Syria
Great gobs of green you got there. 🙂
I especially like the second shot.
Love that last photo.
Let`s go green.









Ok I`ll say nothing but “Thank You” then.
Well, I’m certainly green with jealousy over your great shots, especially MILANO COOKIES (can’t decide if I like the picture more or the title — they’re both fantastic) and FINGER TIPS.
I`ll take it that you know what “Milano Cookies” are, not even delve into the your take on “Finger Tips”.
I do enjoy writing the titles, & appreciate that you know so.
My M-I-L and I bonded over our love of Milano cookies over (well that and her gratitude to me for getting Jim out of her house).
You`re too funny.
I`m getting Tampopo`s set ready now.
Is there a better forum to post it in, do you think.
It`s pretty extensive & maybe deserves a post of it`s own.
What do you think?
I`d love you to tell me that a “stand alone” post would be better.
Well here ya go then — I absolutely, completely, most assuredly think that it should be a stand alone post.
Definitely worth the wait!
Yep, that’s what I was thinking Hurria.
Lovely greens, Head. Glad you got your computer stuff figured out.
I shut down Skype, for a bit, & that seemed to be part of the solution.
Maybe you can check that if you use Skype.
Thanks Hurria,
I will revisit your postings, & have seen that you did not give up the chase.
I`m more pleased though, that I solved the cyber problem I had, to engage in more chases in the future.
I wish you many butterflies.
With many thanks for last week’s comments & much appreciation for this week’s beautiful offerings.
Go Green, baby!
Your green eyes
they don’t miss a thing
hold me like the sun going down
warm me like a fire in the night
without a sound, without a sound.
Kate Wolf
Gorgeous kitty cat.
So pleased to hear from you, Hurria. Thank you for a lovely poem!
This cat is an Abyssinian I sometimes babysit.
Beautiful, beautiful. The chair photo makes me want to go pull it down, sit on it, and stay awhile to enjoy my surroundings. The second from the bottom is my favorite — I love lines and edges and so can’t (and don’t want to) resist the sharply defined curves of the leaves and with the addition of the water drops, it’s beyond splendid.
Thank you for your comment, Andi — even tho’ I don’t reply in a timely fashion because weekend rural dialup is the pitz.
In photo 1, you have an interior shot of the old barn. I don’t know why the chairs hang out there.
I like the hosta photo a lot, too.
Love the green chair! And the lighting on the cat is superb … 🙂
I thank you again for encouragement, Miss O.
It always helps to have a superb subject.
(Tho’ in this case, I’m more like the subject — Luca rules.)
You can sort of, just barely see the butterfly in the upper right corner if you look carefully.
I’ll have to keep my day job for now, but at least there is lots of green, and they are recognizably butterflies.
It was a nice try. I appreciate it how hard it is to get butterflies to cooperate.
I spent about 30 shots to get this one.

click for larger
Rural Green
White Trillium

A Friend’s Farm Field

Restored Green Machine

Hi ID. Nice set of green — love the tractor shot! And lovely trilliums w/ those golden centres.
Thanks Ms. o! The trillium came from my mom’s garden, many years ago.
Love these, especially the tractor — it’s gorgeous.
Have you seen the circular bales bride and groom out on 46? Really clever.
We saw the couple several weeks ago. We wondered if someone had just gotten married. Its pretty cute.
Hey Indianadem,
You want to see a “John Deere”?
I`ll bring one.(I think it`s a 1937)
I do like the PTO blade on the front of this one.
I`ve never seen a front end attachment like this one.
The spoked wheels are beauties.
Do you know what year it is?
I must confess my ignorance of antique tractors other than the manufacturer. That one was from a show that takes place here every May. There’s a huge old steam powered behemoth that comes every now & then. I’ll have to try for a shot of it some year.