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About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Embedded video from CNN Video
::shudder:: That guy’s an asshole on SO many levels. The rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ cowboy on his dealership wall, the “God, Guns, Guts and Pickup Trucks” motto, the perfectly memorized NRA talking points. He should win a prize.
Say, instead of handing out $450 worth of gun vouchers, how about donating all the money to a meth rehab center. That way those soulless drug maniacs can get help instead of terrorizing your 1200 acres. And how about NOT going after the host for her comments about the ironic juxtaposition of God and Guns in your motto. “What, you got a problem with God?”
My blood pressure topped out by the end. I can’t believe this crap.
He really struggled with idea that anyone might object to the juxtaposition of God and guns.
l wouldn’t want to be a repo man down there…might get realllllll dangerous.
good point.
Your point is funny. But that is just MO. I think his offer is flawed because he doesn’t put a free “gun rack” in the back window of the truck.
P.S. can do much good hunt’in with and AK-47, maybe a shotgun or a deer rifle would have been more appropriate.
He looks like an older less perfect Brad Pitt. Wonder if he’s related. Brad grew up not too far from there. Within 100 miles or so.
Sounds like a great business plan for that neck of the woods. I don’t doubt he’s sellin’ up a storm although I agree he’d do even better if he gave away a gun rack too.
Has all right-wing this MAX thing?
July 17th, 2009 at 2:48 pm
I don’t mind you giving away a gun with a truck purchase – but come on the AK for God’s sake!? How about supporting American workers. If the Max Motors is “America’s Car Dealer” I would think that you would at least promote a US gun. Yes I know its a voucher, but still. You promote a weapon used against us by: North Korea, the Viet Cong, Somalis, Iraqis, the Taliban, etc. How about stepping up with a Smith & Wesson or something similar?
Living in Butler, Missouri … Bates County (History Civil War with local hero General Jo Shelby, the Undefeated Rebel)
Races in Butler:
The Kalashnikov AK-47 became the standard infantry weapon for the Red Army, as well as most of the other Warsaw Pact armies. National liberation movements supported by the Soviet Union also found themselves generously equipped. More famously, it continues finding its way into the arsenals of rebels, drug traffickers, street gangs and terrorists the world over. Website can add truck owners from Bates County, Missouri.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Too bad someone like KO wasn’t interviewing this clown .. even I can’t think the NRA would be too happy with this … only because he’s giving away AK-47’s .. I am surprised someone didn’t call him a commie sympathizer or something
Now, if he only threw in a case of beer and some ammo, I doubt he could keep them on the lot…