About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Nice chyron. Didn’t this get debunked before the damn election?
Also, where the hell do they find people like this?
Did she get around to calling him “an inadequate black man”?
it hurts…especially the willfully stupid…for your consideration, steve benen’s “quote of the day” from sen jim
dementeddemint [RAT-sc], troglodyte extraordinaire.My birth certificate is locked up too. In Illinois, birth certificates are not public documents. Maybe, I was born in Africa. Maybe I was born on Mars!
Did anyone demand to see W’s birth certificate to see how big a bastard he was?
Lynn Samuels is left-wing? I never heard of her before .. what’s she? .. the female Zell Miller(with out the elected office part)?
PUMA, maybe?
Has a daily ‘show’ on Sirius “Left”. I put the show word in quotes because it’s mainly just free-associated ramblings by a woman with the intellectual agility of a fern.
She’s a PUMA, and has hated Obama since day 1, feeling that HRC was entitled to the Dem nomination.
Every day she’s got a bit of hate on Obama.
The worst thing isn’t the Obama hate, tho. It’s the low quality of her show and that Sirius chose her to have one. She’s an embrassment.
It sounds like Sirius will put anyone on the air. Have they ever made money? All I’ve ever heard is that they’ve been losing money consistently.
My birth certificate is locked up too. In Illinois, birth certificates are not public documents. Maybe, I was born in Africa. Maybe I was born on Mars!low cost hosting