I’m getting tired of having to read and watch white people make racist remarks. It offends me, and on some level it reflects badly upon me. Something has come unhinged in Zell Miller’s mind, but he’s hardly alone. And what would Pat Buchanan have to say to get himself fired from MSNBC?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
That the CIA killed Kennedy. That would get him fired in a hurry. But he won’t – he’s got at least one relative in intelligence.
Maybe that would do it. I have my doubts. He’s already crossed several lines that would have sunk less entertaining figures.
I had on Maddow last night and had to switch when Buchanan started ranting.
Racism is a strange thing. When I was in the army I worked CQ one Saturday and someone on duty before me had left all sorts of racist cartoons and literature out, presumably for me to see. (I worked as a races relations instructor.)
Racism is the illogic that makes the poor white man feel he’s one rung higher than the bottom. Sad, pathetic, and I’ve tired of it. I don’t expect it to be gone by the time I’m leave this world. It’s a tool too easy to exploit.
This is like that guy at work that you think is kind of a jerk, but you’ve been giving him the benefit of the doubt, and then he throws a tantrum about something and you find out how big of a jerk he really is.
I am assuming his outrageousness brings in the ratings.
Here’s a petition.
Not for me. I had to change channels.
Apparently he’d have to espouse liberal values to get fired because making crazy wingnut statements has only served to sustain his employment.
I’m not sure there is much of anything that could get Pat Buchanan fired, short of him showing up on the set of a show in a white sheet and hood. And any outrage from that would likely be framed as “Hey, just kidding! You liberals have no sense of humor” bullshit. The shows are all about one thing and we all know what that is. It is M-O-N-E-Y. And ratings mean money. And people will tune in to watch ridiculousness and absurdity like the stuff that emanates from Pat’s pie hole. So that is why he is destined to be a staple on shows, even one that is supposed to be “liberal” such as Maddow’s. He’s now looked on as the spokesman for white man since we are under such a terrible and unprecedented assault from all those crazy Negroes and wetbacks, you know. Maybe he and Maddow have some kind of personal connection, like Al Franken claimed to have with Gordon Liddy. I just don’t know. But his almost constant presence is one reason I had to give up Maddow’s show. Her failure to just call him on his blatant racism was just too much for me. The shit that Buchanan spouts is a significant contributor to the poison that inevitably leads to crazy bastards finally deciding to act on the call to arms from dipshits like him.
As for myself, I have just had to tune out TV entirely. I know that so much of the conversation in this country is driven by what happens on TV but I just couldn’t take it anymore. I am so fucking tired of going into every damn place around where I live and seeing nothing playing but FOX. I am tired of hearing the crap from people like Buchanan, Beck and Limbaugh spouted in the grocery store checkout line like it’s some kind of unadulterated and iron clad fact. I’m tired of voluntary ignorance.
Like you BooMan, I’m just tired. Just mentally exhausted from all the stupidity. And we are only 178 days into this.
I can’t even fathom how much worse it is going to get.
I agree after seeing Pat Buchannan on MSNBC it is time for him to leave. I’m sure there is another Republican Analysis who can convey the Republican Talking Points without being a backwater racist.
Zell Miller is just a plain loser.
On Zell:
He wouldn’t have gotten noticed had not this jerk at AP written the report: GREG BLUESTEIN
So exactly what is Greg Bluestein’s (or Ron Fournier’s) agenda in resusciating the ZellZombie from Georgia?
I’m sick of all of it. I’m still exhausted from the racist crap when Obama was running, now it’s Sotomayor and Michelle Obama and whomever else is not an old white guy. My dad forwarded me some shitty racist email the other day about immigrants and I just wigged out. I sent it back, fired off a note to the effect of, “You know better than to send out this crap. Shame on you, Dad. Don’t you dare send me anything else like this again.” He apologized, in a manner of speaking, but it was more of a, “Sorry you were offended,” instead of, “I should have deleted such a stupid email”.
It’s not going to stop. It’s going to get worse. We are just going to have to start calling them out on this shit.
Calling them out consistently would be a good start, but I’ve come to doubt that the matter can be resolved without violence. Until they are actually afraid — of losing their jobs or being attacked by mobs or having a, I dunno, a giant W burned on their lawns — they’re going to continue to act with a sense of total impunity. I don’t think they understand talk. They are, however, obviously fluent in violence. So let them fear.
I don’t want to leave this problem for another generation as previous generations left it for us. This needs to end here and now. We can probably never eliminate racism entirely, but we can build a society in which the racist remnant knows that they are not welcome in this country and that they have only three options: change and join the human race, hide quietly, or get the hell out.
What would Pat Buchanan have to say to get fired?
Short of “Fuck you, Jeff Immelt! Fuck you, Bill Gates!”, I can’t think of anything.
The election of a black president will unhinge a small white supremacist segment of America. It will get worse.
The only good white supremacist is a dead white supremacist.
I really hope MSNBC isn’t looking for a flip-side “Hannity and Colmes”, with Buchanan taking the Colmes role as the laughed-at foil to the show’s lead(er). Unlike Colmes, who Conservatives would laugh right out of mind, Buchanan’s paranoid, racist rants resonate with the other bedwetters who might be channel-surfing.
I always keep in mind that the bedwetters are better-armed than I am, and more willing to use those arms in anger (or even cupidity), then Buchanan’s rants take on a more sinister tone. How much longer until we have another nutjob gunning for Liberals?