I know. You think developing a vaccine for the swine flu is probably a good thing, just like you believe that health care reform (if done right) would benefit all Americans. After all, an effective vaccine could potentially prevent the deaths of millions should the current influenza virus which has created a pandemic mutate into a more deadly version.
But out in the fever swamps of the right, where government is seen as always a bad thing, there are those with a darker vision. And I’m not just talking about the Republican and Insurance company financed scare campaign that Obama’s health care plan is intended to kill your grandmother to save a few bucks (as if that isn’t already happening under our current system). No I’m talking genocide: a plot by Obama and others to provide forced vaccinations for the “swine flu” that will depopulate the planet:
[A] very capable investment and portfolio strategist asked me if he could come have a private lunch with me in Washington. We sat in a posh restaurant across from the Capitol. He said quietly that he had calculated out where the derivatives and debt bubble combined with globalization were going. The only logical conclusion he could reach was that significant depopulation was going to occur. […]
Now we have exploding unemployment, an exploding federal deficit, an Inspector General for the TARP bailout program predicting that the ultimate bailout cost could rise to $23.7 trillion and a Congressional Budget Director who is concluding that we can no longer afford the social safety net.
That is, unless you change the actuarial assumptions in the budget – like life expectancy. Lowering immune systems and increasing toxicity levels combined with poor food, water and terrorizing stress will help do the trick. Review the history of vaccines rushed into production without proper testing and peer review – it is clear about the potential side effects. In addition, a plague can so frighten and help control people that they will accept the end of their current benefits (and the resulting implications to life expectancy) without objection. And a plague with proper planning can be highly profitable. Whatever the truth of what swine flu and related vaccines are, it can be used as a way to keep control in a situation that is quickly shifting out of control.
… The disinformation and control opportunities are profound. They keep the slow burn going. It is the next, meaner face of “the establishment against the rest of society.”
Sound a little crazy? Not to some people:
There’s a knock on your door. A peek through the window reveals two young soldiers in urban camo fatigues gripping M16 rifles slung across their chests. In front of them, an official-looking doctor person sports an N95 mask and carries a clipboard thick with ruffled papers. […]
Knock KNOCK. “We’re here from the pandemic response team,” insists the doc. “We’re here to help. Open up or we’ll be forced to come in.”
Reluctantly, you inch towards the door and grip the doorknob with damp, sweaty hands. Your pulse pounds hard as you crack open the door. […]
“Our records show you haven’t received the swine flu vaccine yet,” squeaks the doctor from behind the bulk of the domineering soldier now squarely positioned in front of you. “We’re here to administer your vaccine.”
“I don’t want a vaccine,” you protest. “They’re not safe.”
The soldier chuckles, blurts out, “They’re as safe as the U.S. government says they are.”
You want it spelled out for you? Well, here’s a good Christian group that is convinced the Swine Flu is a manufactured crisis by the World Health organization to kill Americans:
WHO Memoranda from 1972 prove three shots mandated by US government for “swine flu” vaccine designed to be killer
These WHO Memorandas describe the three-stage impact of the three “shots” many people will be forced to take this fall to allegedly treat a virus that WHO also helped create and release. […]
For every crime, there needs to be motive, an indication that it was deliberate, planned. The WHO memorandums provide the evidence of just that deliberate, long-term planning to kill people by weakening their immune system by use of the first vaccine, injecting a live virus into their body by a second, and creating a cytokine storm using squalene in a third.
In short, now that Obama is in charge, the vast left wing one world government conspiracy can implement it’s decades in the making plan for mass genocide:
Specifically, evidence is presented that the defendants, Barack Obama, President of the U.S, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza, Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security, David de Rotschild, banker, David Rockefeller, banker, George Soros, banker, Werner Faymann, Chancellor of Austria, and Alois Stoger, Austrian Health Minister, among others, are part of this international corporate criminal syndicate which has developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and other countries for financial and political gain.
The charges contend that these defendants conspired with each other and others to devise, fund and participate in the final phase of the implementation of a covert international bioweapons program involving the pharmaceutical companies Baxter and Novartis. They did this by bioengineering and then releasing lethal biological agents, specifically the “bird flu” virus and the “swine flu virus” in order to have a pretext to implement a forced mass vaccination program which would be the means of administering a toxic biological agent to cause death and injury to the people of the U.S. This action is in direct violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act.
Burgermeister’s charges include evidence that Baxter AG, Austrian subsidiary of Baxter International, deliberately sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu virus, supplied by the WHO in the winter of 2009 to 16 laboratories in four counties. She claims this evidence offers clear proof that the pharmaceutical companies and international government agencies themselves are actively engaged in producing, developing, manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the most deadly bioweapons on earth in order to trigger a pandemic and cause mass death.
And they call us Moonbats? I love how they manage to link Obama, Sibelius, the CDC, WHO, Pharmaceutical companies and George Soros to this master plan to commit mass murder across the globe, but particularly here in the United States. I’m just surprised they didn’t add Michael Moore and ACORN to the list of co-conspirators.
At least most of the “conspiracy theories” from the left regarding Bush and his administration turned out to be true. They really did lie about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction in order to start a war. The NSA and other government organizations did carry out a massive and illegal warrantless surveillance program against Americans. We did torture prisoners in violation of the Geneva Conventions. White Phosphorus was used as a weapon against civilian populations. The White House really did out Valerie Plame as a covert CIA operative. Bush planned for war with Iraq back in 2002 and we have the British government’s “Downing Street Memos” to prove it.
But Linking Obama, WHO, the CDC and other governments to a worldwide conspiracy to commit mass genocide? Only wingnuts could dream up such ludicrous and murderous fantasies. Our side of the blogosphere is, for the most part, a reality based community. The right? They invent their own realities, remember?
Of course, it wouldn’t be a proper wingnut conspiracy theory without George Soros being mentioned as a prominent co-conspirator. I’m just surprised Michael Moore and ACORN weren’t added to the list.
1971 CIA Link To Cuba Swine Fever
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
And last week I saw convoy a truck load of people I thought were US Army, but were wearing blue helmets as I drove up the NAFTA Superhighway from Texas. And last night it was so quite I could actually hear one of those “black” helicopters with not markings.
If a person is thinking about making money invest in the company that makes hand sanitizer and ice cream.
There is no doubt that the examples you cite are over-the-top freak-outs. BUT… There’s one little bitty set of facts underneath all this wild speculation. Back in 1974, there was another Swine Flu Scare and the government rushed thru the production of a vaccine. No one forced anyone to get it but it was heavily advertised on tv, radio and in newspapers. And it was FREE at your nearest county health office so a lot of people rushed right out and got it.
Some people died from the vaccine and many people were sickened by it. It was supposed to give you a mild, brief case of the flu and thereby immunize you. Everyone was told to expect to feel a “bit under the weather” for a couple of days afterward.
Personally, I ran a fever of 102 degrees for a week and was debilitated for a full six weeks! My husband at the time — and my current husband — had the same reaction. I can’t imagine that getting the actual full flu would have been much worse than my reaction to the vaccine. It was the last flu shot I ever got.
I don’t think it’s a plot now or was back then… altho Rumsfeld did own stock in the vaccine’s manufacturer… I’m sure that was just a coincidence.
The Flu Scam of 1976 by Gerald Ford and Donald Rumsfeld
Comment to my diary – Swine Flu Havoc in UK
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
’74? ’76? It’s odd how memory plays tricks. When I search google, I discover a lot of other people remember it all happening in ’74, too. But, then, most of us with memories that long are old so that explains it. 😉
In addition, in the 1950s, the CIA was looking for biological weapons that would target not just individuals, but entire populations. They wanted to be able to target populations by ethnicity. Fortunately for the planet, they don’t appear to have succeeded, and an unbalanced money supply in a poort nation seems to generate the same effect.
In addition, Robert Kennedy is still standing by his assertion that it was thimersol’s addition to vaccines that are responsible for the dramatic and traumatic growth in autism cases. He’s not a lunatic, and he’s heard and read all the discreditors, and still thinks the facts support his case. I’d believe him over nearly any of his would-be detractors.
There are certainly people who think of depopulation as a solution. There are certainly people capable of pulling something like that off. Only a person or two in the one or two labs producing the vaccine would even have to be in on it – that wouldn’t take a vast conspiracy to pull off.
But that said, of course, we don’t even HAVE a vaccine yet, so it’s pretty silly to speculate about what’s in it, and what purposes it might serve.
All that aside, I sure don’t want to be the first to take it. I’d rather see what Dick Cheney does, and follow his lead…
Officials are trying to get to the bottom of how vaccine manufacturer Baxter International Inc. made “experimental virus material” based on a human flu strain but contaminated with the H5N1 avian flu virus and then distributed it to an Austrian company.
That company, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, then disseminated the supposed H3N2 virus product to subcontractors in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany.
Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers
≈ From my earlier diary — Pharma Threat to Obama Presidency ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Part 1:
Part 2: