Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
Website of the Week: Street Portrait Photo How To, by Clay Enos (video).
This Week’s Theme: Random. Show us whatever you want to show us.
AndiF On Random Ground
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Moss Sprouts
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After Summer Rain
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Just checking to see if you’re paying attention
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olivia’s random
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Remembering autumn
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Remembering winter
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Remembering summer
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Next Week’s Theme: Simplicity.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Here’s a few random shots and some more Viscaya.
Viscaya from left moor.

Boston skyline from Charlestown.

Garden pool, Viscaya

Viscaya from right moor.

Daybreak, Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia

Garden Gate, Viscaya

Viscaya is just amazing. I’m just blown away.
That’s only a small portion of what’s there. Deering set out to build an Italian villa in Miami and had the money and designers to pull it off. It is a beautiful place to spend a day.
Garden pool, Viscaya is stunning! I agree w/ Andi, gorgeous!
Thanks Olivia, the gardens at that time were so beautiful. The photo is a scan of a 4×6. I was shooting low ISO 35mm film at the time, maybe 25 Fuji. One of these days I need to get around to getting a film/slide scanner.
you’re really making me want to go visit again!
thank you for these. they’re stunning!
Your welcome. Come on down and visit, or sit tight, I’ll post more in future flogs. I’ve even got some from inside. 😮
Wonderful photos Bob! I checked out Viscaya on Wikipedia and noticed there aren’t many photos. Perhaps you could add yours. keres has mentioned putting photos in wiki.
I think projects such as Viscaya that employ all kinds of artisans, crafts people and gardeners are wonderful, though I prefer it when they are public works. The garden pool is my favorite.
Thanks, I’ll have to look into it. I’ve got no idea what their licensing is.
Me too. I’m so glad that it went into the public trust.
This is her new thing – I broke the zipper of her dog bed when I removed it for washing and ever since she just has to go all the way inside.
Hope keeping me company…sort of
She just likes to be tucked in. 🙂
I loved the first shot but this one is extra-special wonderful.
i agree with andi. this second shot is just great….
nose for snooze, eh?
OK, this made me LOL.
Awwwww, puppy schnaze.
LOL, that is so cute. She’s adorable. I love the nose one too.
via my old 35mm and taking a picture of the picture…
this boy turns 28 on Sunday.
What a beautiful photo — it’s so expressive and wonderfully lit.
And happy birthday to him.
beautiful child, stunning photo.
i bet he’s a handsome man!
happy birthday to him
Terrific photo! 28 – how did that happen?!
marina district, sf
Fußgänger zone innsbruck , aus.
munich, ger.
clik to enlarge
[scanned from 35mm slides]
i love doorway, archway, window pictures.
they always make me want to go thru them….
they’re leaks to another world~
thank you
l’ve always found them fascinating as they are the first impression one gets. imo, they are a clue to the basic characteristics of what they portend.
they may be portals to the unknown or the familiar. welcoming and inviting, or ominous and off putting. l find them interesting precursors of whatever pleasures or pain dwell within.
These are wonderful photos!
Interesting thoughts on doorways. One of the things I like best about functional art is that it can be touched.
That middle door is incredibly enticing. I both want to spend time studying it and go through it to see what inside.
ims, it was a custom jewelry boutique…so depending on your proclivities and pocketbook, you may have found it enticing.
My proclivities wanted to go in other directions — like furniture or food.
Lovely shots — love the colour tones!
The detail in the door on the first shot is wonderful, as is the third.
The Marina dist. SF is neat shot. Deco at it’s finest.
It’s just after 3p and I almost forgot it was FFF day! Here we go!!
I’m just gonna pull straight from the stream today.
i’ve tried for years to photograph lightning.
haven’t yet gotten a decent picture.
the last picture is splendiferous!
i have no idea.
for years i had (well i still have) a minolta 35mm
but i never really figured out how to get all the thingeys to the correct place. but i got great pictures from it anyway.
then we got (with a computer, i think) our first digital camera, a fuji finepix. i liked it very much. it was easy to operate. it just quit working one day. i put in new batteries & checked the ‘idiot list’ but no go.
now we have a sony digital camera. it says DCR-SR80 on the side. it does pics & movies.
i’m not overly happy with it.
i have no idea. lol! I’m not alone 😉
Hope you will post some photos.
good! i’m glad to know i’m not the only one also!
i finally got some up. it took me awhile to figure out how though.
All very nice but the last shot is definitely my favorite — very imaginative use of the combining of color and b&w.
Those shots of Elliott are just awesome! Esp. love the reflection shot w/ the little finger poking. Just perfect.
Agreed the last is my favorite.
The last photo is magical!
Remembering autumn is now my background. Thanks Olivia!
I’m jealous Salunga – that is my favourite time of year! 🙂
My response to the local heat and humidity has been similar to this:
I love your photo of winter!
andi nails the xxx sPoreN category…well done.
“Just checking to see if you’re paying attention”…we are :{)
And now Jim has stopped wondering why I go walking in the woods so often. 😉
At least there’s something in the woods for everyone – like these “tushrooms”.
Butt they’re so cute. 🙂
I thought at first glance you’d run across one of those fauns of myth having a snooze.
Is this part of the whole “hiking the Appalachian trail” phenomenon?
The Hudson River as seen on my daily commute.
Beautiful commute!
Wow, I am impressed. Just gorgeous.
Just another one of our boring little sunsets.
Just another car on the road.
Just one of the locals. A young (male) Red-necked wallaby.
Yeah why would you show us another gorgeous, mind-boggingly beautiful, spectacular sunset? I completely don’t get it. 😉
We’ve been living here nearly four years now, and any hint of color still draws us to the window to watch the sunset.
We’ve got blustery diagonal (make that nearly horizontal) drizzle at the moment (and clouds of dirt blowing off some of the hillsides in the distance), but that could all change by sundown. The weather here really is capricious.
The dogs, sensibly, are napping in the house.
I always forget about the foto flogging…
This week I have a mixed selection from recent travels.
The first set is from a trip to visit my brother in Sausalito (just across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco).
Crossing the bridge:

The SF skyline and Bay Bridge:

Other random Marin County scenery:

First star (or planet) of the evening:

This is from a recent trip to Lake Tahoe:

This is my street with the jacaranda trees in bloom:

This photo isn’t great, I just wanted to show off the mantel I made. The leaf detail is a chair rail, the bottom is crown moulding, and the remainder is just pine planks. It is hollow and fits around a 2×4 that is screwed into the bricks.:

Glad you remembered FFF this time so we could enjoy your photos. The trees are gorgeous and so is your mantel. And I particularly like the bottom sunset shot from the other set.
The photo of the trees isn’t great, but the trees are beautiful. But they also make a mess. They are the definition of a love/hate relationship.
I almost framed that sunset shot much differently, but then I noticed the star/planet and felt like I had to try to get it in the shot. I was worried it wouldn’t come out or would be too blurry, since my hands aren’t the steadiest in the world. In fact, even with image stabilization on my camera, my low light level and high zoom shots are usually blurry. I usually end up setting my camera on something when I shoot.
Yes those are lupins, and photoshoping is not cheating.
WOW! don’t forget were here. The Lake Tahoe is a beautiful shot. Look forward to more.
I chaeted a bit on the Lake Tahoe shot. The mountains were very faint in the background, so I did some photoshopping to bring out the mountains without touching the flowers (I think they’re called lupin). You can see a little darkness around the edges of the foliage where I wasn’t too careful with the masking.
Around here we call that “digital darkroom”. I never noticed the masking ’till you pointed it out, took it as a shadow.
Hope you’ll remember to post again – gorgeous photos.
The jacaranda trees make the neighborhood look like an alternate science fiction world where the trees are purply pink.
Congrats on the mantel! Crown molding and angles without lots of wood putty is an accomplishment 😉
Since this week`s theme is “Random”, I`m going to pick some images from my not so ‘random’ sister, Gypsy.

She was out walking her dogs & met a lady who rescued birds.
She requested permission to shoot them.
Here are my sister Gypsy`s, colors.
kudos to gypsy. those are wonderful. incredible colour.
where is she that they have birds such as those>
I can’t tell you where Gypsy was, but I can tell you that the Blue and Gold Macaw comes from the Central and South America, and the other three come from Australia or Indonesia.
The middle two are, respectively, the female and the male of the Eclectus parrot. They are so different in coloration that for a the longest time they were thought to be two different species. Also unique amongst birds in that the females have startlingly red plumage, while the males have the more camouflaged green colors.
The bottom bird is a cockatoo, possibly a Moluccan.
Hi Keres,
Your info is spot on.
My sister took these at a lady`s house who had rescued them.
These were shot just days ago in Hamilton Ontario.
I also believe the beautiful Cockatoo is a (peach/salmon) crested Moluccan(sp?).
One of my friends has a pair of the Eclectus(sp?) parrots & it`s easy to see how one could think they were of different species.
Besides their so different coloring, the male & female are really both spectacular.
My sister was in Hamilton Ontario.
These were shot just recently.
I coach her on her photography & though I think she`s doing just great, I believe it`s because she has recently lost her fear of the black contraption & all it`s buttons.
What a talented family! These are gorgeous!
I really like seeing the distinct feathers.
Thank you.
I have a whole diary coming up with your name at the top, but again, I have to tell you, I`m so involved in a few job sites, & out of town guests, some unexpected, that I`m a little backed up.
Don’t fash (vex or trouble) yourself, please 😉
Oh no Tampopo,
It will be my great pleasure.
Thanks for introducing us to your sister and her photos. The birds are amazing — the first one is especially glorious.
She`s reading these, & she will be pleased, at your comment.
Hi Gypsy! Welcome to the Flog. I hope we’ll get so see more of your photos.
from Gypsy,
“Hi, I have just spent the last 2 hrs overdosing on several months supply of booman & friends’ essays. Wow! What great bullshit detectors they all are. They clearly seem to have their fingers on the pulse of the nation, the good guys, the crazies, the blowhards and the greedies. It’s too bad that so many nutjobs have a pulpit, like the twit with the birth certificate and the single-digit IQ. The country is in good shape when you have people with so much passion, combined with brains, making sure that everyone sits up and takes notice of the crap around them. I’m glad that there are also feel-good segments like the foto thingies to let people ease up on the hard thinking. Good night, I’ll sign up in the morning. “
Oh good!
Indianadem’s excellent home-improvement project.
Mrs. ID has been hinting for wood floors for her office for years. Just finished the hickory flooring and the network is back up again!
Mrs. ID is pleased.
The floor looks great. And I’m very impressed (and jealous) with how organized that office is.
Ah, but I didn’t show you the corner where all the crap is piled!
Ah… selective perspective. I use that a lot when I look around my home 😉
The floor looks good. I see why the Mrs. wanted it. And kudos to you for taking the hint.
Thanks! It was more an issue of saving enough to buy the material than anything. Flooring sure ain’t cheap these days;-)
My motorhead friend (Model Ts and vintage Harleys are his specialty) meets the congressman
Greenlawn at moonrise
Boy, I’m way too tired from moving furniture and rewiring computers to be posting! Greenlawn below…
I’d much rather meet that car than our congresscritter.
To say that my friend has a well developed eclectic sense of humor would be a huge understatement! His “peddler wagon” is an amazing piece of functional sculpture.
Greenlawn at moonrise – white balance experiments
Good experiment result – I would not have guessed that was the moon, but then I wouldn’t have been able to explain the light in the bottom left.
I’d like to try more night photos and see if I can get them a bit sharper.
my best friend
majik boy
the princess
morning jewels
Yeah for you!
Your best friend has a smile!
I’m glad Majik boy couldn’t hear my laugh as a I wouldn’t want to make him self conscious.
A brand new princess – congrats!
I don’t recognize “purple,” looks like it is climbing.
“Morning jewels” is a reminder to stop and look… really look.
thank you for your kind words!
‘purple’ is some type of clematis, i’ve forgotten the name.
the children are my grandkids… one from each of my children.
Hey RiaD,
Is this the little “hummingbird” princess we were all waiting for, a while back, no one, more impatient than you?
You know it`s real important to have best friends.
Dogs are so, for life.
There is no other animal that has a such close relationship with humans ever.
Studies have not figured out why that is, but it`s fantastic, studies notwithstanding.
A great way to raise a child is to get them a dog, for them to be inculcated with the meaning of loyalty, love, as well as protection that brings.
One couldn`t really have a (cow) with the same amazing mutually beneficient qualities of a dog.
yes. that IS princess ‘hummingbird’!
she came up this weekend.
my best friend gave her a baptismal kiss…all over her face!
she smiled. he smiled back.
her parents do not know this. they would be horrified…. the germs!
dogs are amazing creatures. he is just the latest in a long line of chow-chows we have loved. i think he is the smartest, most even tempered one we’ve had. the majik boy once fell asleep on his side using Oblio (the dog) as a pillow. he lay there until the boy woke up.
Welcome and thanks for the nice set of photos! Majik appears to be quite the personality. We had our two youngest grandkids (3 & 6) over last night so Mom & Dad could get out for Mom’s b-day.
Love the name Oblio – are you a Nilsson fan?
aha! you got it!
yes…. oblio is pointless!
‘the point’ was one of my kids favorite movies (& mine!)
& i love Nilsson’s music too…….
i guess really he did have a point…. the majik boy (& his parents) lived in Japan when he was born & for a bit over a year afterwards. they have moved to U.S. now., about 3 hrs away from us. Oblio was kind of my surrogate grandchild. they are both 4 yrs old now.
the last time they were up to visit the boy told me “Oblio is my twin because we’re both 4 years old & we’re both your boys.”
Welcome to the FFF. I’m glad to see you here and really enjoyed your photos, especially majik boy — everything about it suggests movement and energy.
The second and fourth are my favorites of this set.
Keep postin! 😉