Month: July 2009

Can We Get a Do-Over?

Oh, this is rich (emphasis mine): Saddam Hussein told an FBI interviewer before he was hanged that he allowed the world to believe he had weapons of mass destruction because he was worried about appearing weak to Iran, according...

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Wanker of the Day: Helen Thomas

I generally admire Helen Thomas and I grant her the right to be cantankerous. But she’s acting like a whiny-ass-titty-baby with her carrying on about Nico Pitney. Let me remind her of something. The White House...

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Obama Falling Short on Civil Liberties

I give Charlie Savage of the New York Times credit for reporting on the many ways in which President Obama has continued national security policies of the Bush administration that are inconsistent with basic civil liberties. I...

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Colors and Time

(a natural follow up to my future shock essay) I remember a line from a book or movie, having no recollection of the source material itself, where someone asked this genius what he thought about most of the day. They were...

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