Remember those scripted Bush town hall events, where you could get arrested for wearing the wrong t-shirt, and rarely if ever was a questioner permitted to speak without being properly vetted. Indeed, I remember most of them not for the questions they asked, but for the fawning praise and thanks they gave Dubya, as if he was some modern day Joan of Arc sent to cleanse the nation of all evil. Many of them never even asked a question, just thanked him profusely. Well those were staged events, and no “riff-raff” (i.e., anyone who might conceivably be a liberal or Democrat) who might ask an embarrassing question was allowed in for the most part. The few times it did happen, the questioners were respectful, even though their questions demanded answers that Bush was not expecting to have to give.
A far cry from the last few days when Democrats have held traditional town hall events where anyone is allowed in the doors and given a chance to voice their opinions. Unfortunately, Republicans, Tea-baggers, well funded conservative astro turf organizations, health insurers and those pushing a conservative agenda have taken advantage of the open forums which Democratic Congressional members attend, where any and all people are allowed in the doors to ask questions, shout down and intimidate anyone who dares to voice any opinion about health care reform other than their own. It’s a classic tactic of authoritarian political parties — destroy any opportunity for a true democratic dialogue through the use of bullying and implied threats, thus making it impossible for your political opponents to explain and rally support for their positions. Indeed, one Congress member, Democrat Brad Miller, has received a death threat warning him he would be murdered if he attended any town hall events in his district.
Not surprisingly, Paul Krugman has a few choice words for the Right’s open use of goons and thugs to disrupt a legitimate public and democratic dialogue on the issue of health care. This excerpt is from his column today in the NY Times:
There’s a famous Norman Rockwell painting titled “Freedom of Speech,” depicting an idealized American town meeting. The painting, part of a series illustrating F.D.R.’s “Four Freedoms,” shows an ordinary citizen expressing an unpopular opinion. His neighbors obviously don’t like what he’s saying, but they’re letting him speak his mind.
That’s a far cry from what has been happening at recent town halls, where angry protesters — some of them, with no apparent sense of irony, shouting “This is America!” — have been drowning out, and in some cases threatening, members of Congress trying to talk about health reform.
Well, we all know that the current Republican and conservative idea of America has come a far way from the one we all learned about in school. Instead of an ideal of freedom for all and respect for dissenting opinions, we learned over the last eight years that only some opinions matter and should be given deference: those of conservatives. Indeed, how often were those of us who opposed President Bush over the Iraq war called traitors and turncoats, and told we didn’t “support the troops” or the “flag” or “America” itself if we dared to express our profound disagreements over President Bush’s policies, which included the use of unwarranted searches and seizures, indefinite detentions, torture and aggressive war. The very same people who now claim that a duly elected Democratic President and Congress are traitors and America haters, and just plain evil, for seeking to implement their policies.
No, for those on the right, freedom of speech is a one way street: they’re entitled to it and you, that is, anyone who doesn’t share their opinion, is not. These recent attempts to disrupt town hall events by Democratic members of congress is just the latest manifestation of this attitude that only one vision of America is legitimate: the conservative Republican one, and literally anything goes when it comes to combating competing opinions with which they disagree: outright lies (Obama is going to take away your guns and send you your kids to re-education FEMA camps), slander (the birther movement), intimidation (the town hall incidents), calls for armed insurrection (Glenn Beck and Michelle Bachman anyone?), secession (Hello, Governor Perry) and even the outright murder of prominent (Dr. George Tiller) and not so prominent “liberals” (the Knoxville Unitarian Church members).
It is in this atmosphere of ginned up animus and thinly veiled racism that conservatives seek to conduct their political strategy of fear and rage. And there simply is no comparison to what those on the left did when Bush was President and Republicans (and their corrupt corporate lobbyist friends like Jack Abramoff) ruled the Congressional roost:p>
Some commentators have tried to play down the mob aspect of these scenes, likening the campaign against health reform to the campaign against Social Security privatization back in 2005. But there’s no comparison. I’ve gone through many news reports from 2005, and while anti-privatization activists were sometimes raucous and rude, I can’t find any examples of congressmen shouted down, congressmen hanged in effigy, congressmen surrounded and followed by taunting crowds.
And I can’t find any counterpart to the death threats at least one congressman has received.
That’s because there was none. Indeed, many “far left wackos” like Markos of Daily Kos specifically disparaged and shunned grassroots antiwar rallies and other protests. They aimed at electoral victories, and often saw any form of openly expressed dissent by the left as a distraction to what they wanted to do. That is not the case with the current crop of Republicans. They revel in the disruption they are causing. They don’t worry about whether their bully boy tactics will be seen as a distraction. Quite the contrary. They are hoping on frightening enough Democrats in Congress to scuttle health care reform legislation now and forever. They are willing to use any trick in the book, no matter how unethical or immoral, to accomplish their goals. And if a few Democratic skulls get broken in the process, so what? Their vision of the “democratic process” doesn’t forgo threats of violence and intimidation to accomplish their ends. It embraces them. And they are using the ignorance and fear of their followers to achieve those ends:
There was a telling incident at a town hall held by Representative Gene Green, D-Tex. An activist turned to his fellow attendees and asked if they “oppose any form of socialized or government-run health care.” Nearly all did. Then Representative Green asked how many of those present were on Medicare. Almost half raised their hands.
Now, people who don’t know that Medicare is a government program probably aren’t reacting to what President Obama is actually proposing. They may believe some of the disinformation opponents of health care reform are spreading, like the claim that the Obama plan will lead to euthanasia for the elderly. (That particular claim is coming straight from House Republican leaders.) But they’re probably reacting less to what Mr. Obama is doing, or even to what they’ve heard about what he’s doing, than to who he is.
And that is the rub. For the very fact that Barack Obama is a black man with a funny name is no doubt the underlying concern of many of those who oppose his agenda for reforming our incredibly costly and inefficient health care system, one that benefits health insurance companies while providing less care, and less good care, than that provided by any other developed country in the world. These are the people who, out of fear and ignorance, have latched onto the simple minded propaganda that Republicans and conservative media sources such as talk radio and Fox News have been propagating for the last two decades. It’s a message that provides no answers for the problems we face, but it does give them one thing: a target at which to aim their anger for all the hardships they’ve endured in their lives. The tragedy is that the conservatives and their industry friends are playing them for suckers. To them its just a (profitable) joke. To the rest of us, far too many of us, it’s becoming a matter of life or death.
Planned thuggery.
Wow, Steven, that was really well written.
Krugman is pretty good.
Yes, he is, but I was referring to your clear and measured presentation.
Been listening to some of the Richard P Feynman tapes. Ahhh the joy of a logical, humble scientist, anyway he was stepping into the political frey some years ago and talked about the Art of War and the strategy of “Paralysis”.
Used successfully during the Cold War by the USSR and now the lobbyists are playing the card. Good word, fascinating strategy when it’s laid out.
The premeditated ignorance of the conservative masses is something to behold. They don’t even realize that Medicare is the kind of “socialist” program that they are programmed against. What will be the consequences of their abysmal attitudes toward openness, kindness and fair play? Maybe, the end of improved health care –I hope not. Maybe, civil discord and an acceleration of the decline of the American Empire. Everything seems to be moving so much faster these days that I fear that the US Ship of State is approaching the rocks of its own destruction. Supreme irony–the most dangerous terrorist threat comes within the very fabric of the American society. Wow!
The 912 project refers to 12 september 2001, the day Americans and allies came together and opposition was silenced. An era of Der Führer was introduced and America went to war in Afghanistan and primarily in Iraq. The 912 project wasn’t started on that date, it was conceived on February 7, 2009 to offer SA opposition to a newly elected president Obama.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The townhall disruptions remind me of abortion clinic blockades and the kind of stuff the ‘defend the patriarchy’ crowd would pull there – the shouting, etc. It’s authoritarian and neo-fascist and it should be called just that.
I can only hope it gets dramatically worse, quickly, so that it discredits their own movement and damages their efforts to sidetrack healthcare reform.
Meanwhile, we need to show up en masse with shirts, not shouts, demanding single payer. We can all bear quiet witness to that.
of fresh pressed brown shirts.
Step by step. Inch by inch.
America is coming ever closer to becoming the first fascist superpower of the 21st century. I have no confidence that the Democrats will be able to prevent it.
Glen Beck, according to the Huffington Post, advocated assassinating Nancy Pelosi on the air this week.
I have no confidence that the Democrats, at least the Senate ones, have the slightest interest in trying to prevent it.
The only reason these tactics are somewhat effective is that it works on the Democratic politicians because the Democrats are already on the retreat. If the Democrats counter-attacked, or came out with guns blazing to begin with, and let these teabagger fools have it, they would win in the public court of opinion–the Democrats have logic on their side and the numbers.
Now they just need to join the battle.
But who are we kidding . . . the Democrats are purposely (as a party–of course there are a some degrees of differences) retreating from the battlefield because they do not want to fight for socialized health care. They don’t even really want it. They want to be stopped by a groundswell of “practical” people that simply can’t do more than weak insurance reform (which is really just giving health and insurance companies big bags of money while ensuring the status quo is soldified).
It’s all theater. These toothless Beck fools are not scary in the sense we should let them dictate the terms of the debate. The Southern, white, elderly Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, and Repblican base is a small portion of the public and I don’t know why the media and especially Democrats enable these fools by running scared from them. What’s scary is that Democratic politicians find these goobers to be a real roadblock.
And it’s scary that liberals are using these goobers as a reason that they have to take any compromise no matter what (even if they give the store away in this compromise).
Really? We can’t have socialized health care because Democratic politicians are scared of these guys?
So yeah. Let’s pile scorn on these fools . . . but I’m not going to be foolish enough to let this be the excuse Democrats (especially Obama) to not give us real health care reform.
The problem, in a nutshell, is this:
Democracy only works when an INFORMED electorate participates.
What we have seen here is the rise of the mob mentality the founding fathers feared – a dearth (not death, dearth) of reason. That’s why they gave us a representative form of government, instead of direct democracy.
And in the 1940s, we saw how easily people could be swayed by demagagogs with a megaphone, so the Fairness Doctrine was invented.
We no longer have a Fairness Doctrine. But that’s not the worst of it.
We have a mainstream media that has lost its credibility. So when the mainstream tries to tell people yes, Obama was born in Hawaii, they have no reason to believe them, because these are the same media organizations that told them Oswald killed Kennedy.
See, that’s why the truth about our history matters. You lose control over the present when you lie about the past.
Because once people think the media is lying, they’ll follow anyone else who says the media is lying, even if that person is themselves lying!!! Most people can understand single deceptions, but can’t fathom layered deceptions.
Rush Limbaugh has told people the mainstream media is lying to them. He calls it the liberal media, itself a lie, but on that point, he’s technically correct. The major media is too often incorrect on matters of great importance, like whether Saddam had WMD.
We’ll never get the government we want or need until we first fix the media.
The right has invested BILLIONS in funding right-wing media. The left has invested far less.
The right saw the power of radio years ago. They have a thirty-year head start on us.
We have, what? Air America? I can’t even listen to that because it’s more opinion than news, and I get all the opinion I need and the same news from MSNBC.
And we only just barely have MSNBC. If Keith’s ratings were to fall, he’d be gone so fast it would make your head spin. Ditto the rest.
What we need is not more liberal or more conservative media. We need an HONEST media willing to tell us the hard truths about ourselves, the difficult truths no one wants to hear. And we have to fund it privately.
Lacking that, we’re doomed as a country. I see no way out of our downward spiral to dumbitude.
There is indeed a vacuum in this country. Into the void of disillusion and mistrust comes Beck promising an easy explanation and easy solution.
And just like Father Coughlin or Lindberg or Goldwater, there will always be a certain number of people that ascribe to right-wing fascistic ideology.
So let’s not overemphasize the danger. It’s a danger but this stuff is natural and it’s better to allow free speech and crazy ideologues than to try to have the government regulate speech.
People are confused and they want the truth.
We need to fight for the truth and hope that truth and justice win out.
But the left has not been fighting. And the Democrats have actually been part of the problem . . . their inaction and obfuscation almost as bad as the demagoguery on the right.
I know I have given up on getting the truth from our mass media or politicians.
That’s why I’ve long thought that someone like Bill Maher or Jon Stewart would do really well as a politician–they don’t blow smoke up our butts the same way.
As for me I simply have disengaged from mass media. I know I’m being lied to so I have to hunt on the internet for the straight dope.
Good points all around Lisa.
Thanks. We’ll have to agree to disagree re legislating hate speech. I fear its power more than you do, and I hope YOU are right. But I worry, from the example in Germany, that you are not.
In the days of Father Coughlin, he didn’t have the reach that Limbaugh and Beck have. If he had, things might have gone the way of Philip Roth’s novel….
… the antiwar-T-shirt-clad mother of a slain soldier was pulled out of a Laura Bush speech in New Jersey and threatened with arrest. A West Virginia couple was detained by the Secret Service for wearing anti-Bush T-shirts at a July 4 rally–they filed a lawsuit last week–and AIDS activists were removed and kept away from reporters at a Sept. 9 presidential event in Pennsylvania. Most notably, some 1,800 protesters, monitors, and passersby were jailed in indiscriminate raids during the Republican Convention in New York, while several hecklers were dragged off the Madison Square Garden convention floor. All were arrested or threatened with arrest, and hundreds expect to stand trial.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."