Well, you called the Secretary of State a bitch, Dana…

“What I have noticed is that the conservatives have been saying, ‘He’s just not funny.‘ And now the left wing is saying, ‘He’s just not funny,’” Milbank said. “Either they’re driven by partisan animus or I’m just not that funny.”

…maybe you’re just not that funny. I mean even dick and fart jokes are more original than going after the former first lady for being too tough.

I always love the losers who get told they suck by everybody and interpret that as a sign that they’re doing something right. If both sides of the political aisle think you’re a hack then you must have found the magic elixir for perfect objectivity.

What an obscene joke.

The New York Times’s Peter Baker, a former colleague at the Post, described Milbank as “an equal opportunity offender.”

“He fearlessly lampoons all of us,” Baker said. “Half of his columns are mocking reporters. That’s what makes him great. He opposes the hypocrisies and pompousness and absurdities of Washington.”

Does he take on the pompous absurdity of being a Skull & Bonesman? I note that George Herbert Walker Bush was known as Magog, which seems to have confused his son, ‘Temporary.’

Dana Milbank is an insider pretending to be an irreverent outsider. He’s a lonely buffoon.