Another day, another town hall meeting full of lunatics. It’s going to be a long, long recess. Fortunately, no ‘real Americans’ are opposed to health care reform.
What’s gnawing at you?
Update [2009-8-11 14:24:47 by BooMan]: I was thinking that Arlen should go back to Washington and represent Lichtenstein first. But, that’s just me.
thank you to the people at Turtle Trading Company. My thank you email bounced, but I appreciate your generosity and hope you see this message.
Obama is fantastic – listening his press conf. now.
saw the last question. the skeptic turned out to be a plant.
Yeah – that was obvious. But good for him for answering anyway.
available on-line anywhere?
PRESIDENT: All right, here’s how we’re going to do this. We do a lot of town hall meetings in New Hampshire, so everybody knows the basic outlines of this thing. If you have a question just raise your hand. There are people with microphones in the audience. I am going to try to go girl-boy-girl-boy, to make sure it’s fair. (Laughter.) If I hear only from people who agree with me I’m going to actively ask some folks who are concerned about health care, give them a chance to ask their questions, because I think we’ve got to make sure that we get out — surface some of the debates and concerns that people have. Some of them are legitimate. I’m going to try to get through as many questions as I can. But if you can keep your question or comment relatively brief, then I will try to keep my answers relatively brief, okay? [Laughter]
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I don’t know what all might have been proposed in the various committees involved in creating a healthcare reform bill, but it gnaws at me that the house and senate don’t propose things that get various corporations going at each other.
For example, guns and accidental injury are related, so a requirement that guns be insured. The insurance companies can battle it out with the NRA and weapons manufacturers. Plus the ire of birthers and deathers can be focused on a potential (probable) non issue.
I want the “Health care Hecklers” to sign a contract stating they will only purchase their health insurance from a private insurer. Because the “public option” is that just an option.
For those who’ve wondered about my ramblings here, there’s an article today in the SF Chronicle which includes my Woodstock memories. Here:
And yes, I did stay away from the brown acid. Also, more hair back then than now.
Interesting, Bob. So did you end up serving in Vietnam? – very important article today.
advocates closure of SOA/WHINSEC
Three of the five El Salvadoran National Guardsmen who murdered Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel (from left) Maryknoll Sisters Ita Ford and Maura Clarke, and lay missioner Jean Donovan were trained at the School of the Americas (SOA), now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation.
U.S. Ambassador Robert White
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
When memories return, a new diary – Social Justice & Martyrs for Freedom
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
This has gone bonkers. Did anyone see Tweety tonight with the gun toting lunatic. The guy is against any tax or government program. The talks like hes a libertarian but really he just doesn’t want any responsibility. A selfish and mean man hiding behind political rhetoric. There are a lot of people, many in government service, that are off the charts right wing, christian, creationist, gun loving nutcases. Average people who have been sucked in by the right wing propaganda machine and the lure of selfish pursuits. Make no mistake these people have their fringe who will commit violence on the society they feel is so burdening them. We have a problem looming here.
Why don’t they get it? Its about people, its about people that need medical care. Bush burned several trillion dollars in taxcuts to his rich buddies. An emergency bank bailout for another trillion and these people scream about bringing healthcare to 40 million people. What is so very wrong with this picture?
That’s what strikes me about these people, too. They talk love of country, but they have no interest whatsoever in doing their part, which is what taxes amount to. They’re perfectly happy to mooch off of everything we’ve built here, but completely unwilling to contribute to it.
Frankly, at this point, I’d like to see a healthcare bill where both the taxes and the benefits only involve registered Democrats. The Republicans are perfectly welcome to their broken system, and in time, we will outnumber them simply by having a vastly lowered infant mortality rate.
Hell, let’s make them entirely exempt from taxes. Then we can keep them off of our roads, out of our schools, and busy stockpiling light arms in their paranoid fear of our army.
And yes, I’m half joking. But at this point, only half.