To receive the President’s Medal of Freedom …
“No one wins (in war). Both sides lose. The Indians, so called hostiles,
won the battle of the day, but lost their way of life.”
Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow is a Crow Indian historian and author. His writings on Native American history and reservation culture are considered seminal works, but he is probably best known for his writings and lectures concerning the Battle of the Little Bighorn. He is the recipient of the Bronze Star, the Chevalier Légion d’honneur on June 25, 2008, and has been nominated for the Congressional Gold Medal by Montana U.S. Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester. Medicine Crow is an enrolled member of the Crow Tribe of Indians.
White Man Runs Him, portrait by Edward S. Curtis, c.1908
Medicine Crow is the grandson of White Man Runs Him, a scout for Gen. George Armstrong Custer, who was an eyewitness to the Battle of the Little Bighorn. He grew up listening to stories of the most famous battle of the American West.