I’d fix it for free, but there’d be a hell of a “house call” charge.
We had a bit of dry weather mid-day today and I went out to enjoy our ephemeral streams in full flow. You could hear the rushing water as far away as the house. It’s a lovely sound.
Unfortunately, Ross, a historic town north of us, is having to sandbag the houses along the river. Its bridge (one of the finest carved sandstone bridges in Australia) is nearly underwater at the moment.
We’ve got probably another week of wet weather before any real change.
But the first batch of orchids are already up, so I’m happy.
Thanks, WW. It’s been quite the summer for early morning streaky light, much to the dogs’ dismay since I go way too slow for them because I am constantly stopping to take pictures of it — fortunately for them, it only lasts for about 20-30 minutes.
It was some kind of flu, I don’t know if it was swine flu. Seems likely – what else is going around right now? But by the time I got home from the wilderness I was 10 days into it and the two airplane flights home had morphed it into general sinus crud. The doctor didn’t seem too interested in what it started out as, just what would make me feel better now.
I still barely have a voice.
But I feel “normal” again. Just totally exhausted from lack of sleep.
Hi Mary. It’s been four weeks now since I first got sick. I still have a cough, even after a course of antibiotics, so I’m now on codine (which would explain why I couldn’t get out of this morning) – the idea being that I’ve irritated my throat to the point that it’s simply throat irritation that is causing the cough.
At least I’ve had the dogs to keep me entertained.
I’ve got an assessment in an hour and I must remember to buy throat lozenges and prune juice (codine has a nasty tendency of slowing down your colon) while I’m out.
I had Truman to entertain me for about four days. But having the flu in a three bedroom cabin you are sharing with 4 other people and a dog in the middle of nowhere is not the best situation.
I would go into a bedroom and lay on the bed for a while and Truman would run in to check on me regularly and stare at me wondering why I wasn’t joining in all the fun.
Sorry to hear you have been ill. Did you finish reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society? I finally got a copy and am about half way through. Here’s a look at St. Peter Port to help cheer you up. My brother was lucky enough to visit there a few years ago.
I’m so glad you’re finally feeling better. That was a long time to be so sick. Do you get to take another vacation to make up for this one being a dud?
I’m heading out to Pittsburgh later this morning, but enjoying some leisurely blogging and breakfast beforehand. It’s nice not to have rush to get out the door today.
It’s only about a half hour longer than it takes from your place to St. Louis. Or from here to Chicago. Or from here to Kansas City. Or from here to Memphis.
A quick trip imo. It’s good for east coasters to have to drive longer than 2 hours to get to the next city.
Yes but driving across PA feels more endless — there’s a limit to how much I can be amused by round barns, no matter how nicely built or painted they are. Though crossing Ohio on the diagonal is worse.
Quite fun. We went to a party with Shepard Fairey and his new artwork last night, hung out with boran2 and other folks, and then walked back to the Westin, where they had a sing-along with guitars and Woody Guthrie songs in the lobby. And the Westin folks just took it in stride. Really funny to watch non-NN attendees walk by and wonder…
I took a little stroll through the Andy Warhol museum too. Missed the playing ball on the Pittsburgh Pirates field though. Oh, and took a stroll across the Roberto Clemente bridge.
I can’t believe how much nicer Pittsburgh has gotten since 1990.
That sounds like fun. I’d like to see the Warhol museum, is it worth the time? My sister who lives in Chicago actually works “out of” the Pittsburgh office of her company and has to go there every few months and she always said Pittsburgh was a lot better than people remember.
This comment and BooMan’s picture confirm my recollection that the best part of NN is what takes place outside of the conference. 🙂
We were wishing you were here last night to enjoy the fun with us.
I didn’t do the whole Warhol museum, but it looked interesting enough that I’d like to go back sometime. Tomorrow morning we’re planning to take a ride on one of the inclines and check out the view.
Good morning all! Hope everyone at NN is having a great time! Judging from BooMan’s FP pic, Stephanie obviously has access to net income information for those in the blogging community. Seems like TMI to me. Our generation, on the other hand, had it right😉
Off to Boston (actually Wakefield) later today. High in the 90s there. WTF is with all that heat … haven’t they heard that Inhofe knows that global warming is a fake.
A line of storm damage lets in light where none used to get through. Pretty heavy-handed symbolism; now if only it wasn’t Monday and early, I could probably figure out what it meant.
Thanks. I have to pick up a pencil every so often to remind myself that I’m actually a fairly accomplished artiste. If a terribly unproductive one of late.
Human and critter are certain not mutually exclusive in our house.
Evening activities:
Human critters – watch a dvd, or play on the computer, read, etc.
Dog critters – pre-bedtime napping
Bunny critter – woohoo, it’s time to play. Hey, why is everyone going to bed?
So, why do dogs sleep with their bodies on the cushion and their heads on the floor? I love how Lily lies with her ears flipped up.
Our dogs wills sleep on their dog beds with their heads on the bricks (what our wood stove sits on) — even when the stove isn’t going. And both Sniff and Bebo will sleep on a chair or couch with their heads off of it, hanging upside down. I can’t imagine either as being comfortable but since they’re clearly quite happy, my imaginative failures are completely irrelevant.
I love the pic… I’ve never met an AndiF pic that I didn’t like. Although I don’t drop in like I should, I do miss you all here in the cafe. Hope your puppies (and Jim) are doing well. My horses and kitties are just fine, although it’s in the 90’s here today, so everyone’s either in (me and the cats) or sitting in the barn with their fans blowing their manes (guess who).
Just had to stop and say hi.
Hey Booman… so sorry to hear about Michael Vick. Just when I was beginning to root for the Eagles again. (went to an eagles game years ago dressed in packers clothes… BIG MISTAKE!)
I’m looking forward to the weekend. Too bad the washing machine repairman won’t be here till Monday…
Ugh, I hate having to go to coin laundries — though I’m guessing the boys won’t care if they wear the same clothes for the next five days. 🙂
When are you leaving for NN?
Maybe tomorrow.
Gotta run! Catch you all this afternoon-
I’d fix it for free, but there’d be a hell of a “house call” charge.
We had a bit of dry weather mid-day today and I went out to enjoy our ephemeral streams in full flow. You could hear the rushing water as far away as the house. It’s a lovely sound.
Unfortunately, Ross, a historic town north of us, is having to sandbag the houses along the river. Its bridge (one of the finest carved sandstone bridges in Australia) is nearly underwater at the moment.
We’ve got probably another week of wet weather before any real change.
But the first batch of orchids are already up, so I’m happy.
That’s quite a beautiful image up top, Andi.
Wishing y’all a good day!
Thanks, WW. It’s been quite the summer for early morning streaky light, much to the dogs’ dismay since I go way too slow for them because I am constantly stopping to take pictures of it — fortunately for them, it only lasts for about 20-30 minutes.
Just stopping in to say “hi” now that I’m close to being back in the land of the living.
Hi mary! Glad you’re feeling better. Was it swine flu?
It was some kind of flu, I don’t know if it was swine flu. Seems likely – what else is going around right now? But by the time I got home from the wilderness I was 10 days into it and the two airplane flights home had morphed it into general sinus crud. The doctor didn’t seem too interested in what it started out as, just what would make me feel better now.
I still barely have a voice.
But I feel “normal” again. Just totally exhausted from lack of sleep.
Hi Mary. It’s been four weeks now since I first got sick. I still have a cough, even after a course of antibiotics, so I’m now on codine (which would explain why I couldn’t get out of this morning) – the idea being that I’ve irritated my throat to the point that it’s simply throat irritation that is causing the cough.
I hope you fare better. Soon.
I remember when you first got sick. I so sorry your still coughing. TRULY sorry. Four weeks. Next Monday would start my fourth week …
I’m on my second course of antibiotics. Doctor says that flying in the middle of this really screwed things up.
Codine doesn’t agree with me but a few days ago I was ready to give it a try. But now my throat has calmed down a bit so I’m avoiding it.
At least I’ve had the dogs to keep me entertained.
I’ve got an assessment in an hour and I must remember to buy throat lozenges and prune juice (codine has a nasty tendency of slowing down your colon) while I’m out.
I had Truman to entertain me for about four days. But having the flu in a three bedroom cabin you are sharing with 4 other people and a dog in the middle of nowhere is not the best situation.
I would go into a bedroom and lay on the bed for a while and Truman would run in to check on me regularly and stare at me wondering why I wasn’t joining in all the fun.
Sorry to hear you have been ill. Did you finish reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society? I finally got a copy and am about half way through. Here’s a look at St. Peter Port to help cheer you up. My brother was lucky enough to visit there a few years ago.
The harbor

A glimpse of the sea from a hilltop nearby

I did finish reading it. It was one of the few books I read on vacation before I got too sick to read.
Nice pics! I really liked the book and it made me want to visit Guernsey. We can talk about it once you finish so I don’t do any spoilers 🙂
Interesting characters so far. Some remind me of people I know around here.
I’m really jealous my brother got to visit and I didn’t. Maybe Mrs. ID and I will be able to go when I retire at the end of next year.
I’m about to start reading it. I forgot to pack it when we went to the beach.
I’m looking forward to reading it.
Bad enough to be sick but to have it ruin your vacation is the back of beyond of bummerland. I’m glad you’re starting to feel better.
Too sick to read. Did you catch that?
Yes … which almost makes too horrible to contemplate.
I’m so glad you’re finally feeling better. That was a long time to be so sick. Do you get to take another vacation to make up for this one being a dud?
The first orchids of Spring.
Blackstripe greenhood orchid (Pterostylis melagramma)
Especially since we’re in my least liked part of my least liked season — let’s me daydream about it being the beginning of spring here.
Come on by to Friday Foto Flogging and join the simple fun of this week’s theme: Simplicity.
I’m heading out to Pittsburgh later this morning, but enjoying some leisurely blogging and breakfast beforehand. It’s nice not to have rush to get out the door today.
Hope you have a good time at NN. I sure don’t envy you the drive to get there.
Yeah, the drive is probably part of why I’m enjoying a lazy morning here. 🙂
Not ready to sit for hours, but it will be easy compared to the drive to Ocracoke.
Well the dogs say that you can sit and relax awhile but I need to get moving.
So I’m off to the woods.
Drive carefully.
It’s only about a half hour longer than it takes from your place to St. Louis. Or from here to Chicago. Or from here to Kansas City. Or from here to Memphis.
A quick trip imo. It’s good for east coasters to have to drive longer than 2 hours to get to the next city.
Yes but driving across PA feels more endless — there’s a limit to how much I can be amused by round barns, no matter how nicely built or painted they are. Though crossing Ohio on the diagonal is worse.
It was basically 5 hours, so it wasn’t bad. Half the trip to Ocracoke…
And I am here, and looking for boran2…where are you?
Yep that’s what it takes for me to get to St. Louis but it just seems worse driving across a single state.
Glad you’re there and in one piece. Hope you find b2 soon.
Ohio is much worse than PA. I’ve done both. I’ll take PA any day.
So have I and that’s why i think the best choice is to fly.
Ohio could make me cry…almost as bad as Nebraska. That is THE WORST long drive across the state. (Apologies to anyone who lives there.)
So how are the sights and sounds of Pittsburgh and NN?
Quite fun. We went to a party with Shepard Fairey and his new artwork last night, hung out with boran2 and other folks, and then walked back to the Westin, where they had a sing-along with guitars and Woody Guthrie songs in the lobby. And the Westin folks just took it in stride. Really funny to watch non-NN attendees walk by and wonder…
I took a little stroll through the Andy Warhol museum too. Missed the playing ball on the Pittsburgh Pirates field though. Oh, and took a stroll across the Roberto Clemente bridge.
I can’t believe how much nicer Pittsburgh has gotten since 1990.
Glad you’re having such a good time.
Speaking of strolls, the dogs insist that we’re overdue.
Have a good one!
That sounds like fun. I’d like to see the Warhol museum, is it worth the time? My sister who lives in Chicago actually works “out of” the Pittsburgh office of her company and has to go there every few months and she always said Pittsburgh was a lot better than people remember.
This comment and BooMan’s picture confirm my recollection that the best part of NN is what takes place outside of the conference. 🙂
We were wishing you were here last night to enjoy the fun with us.
I didn’t do the whole Warhol museum, but it looked interesting enough that I’d like to go back sometime. Tomorrow morning we’re planning to take a ride on one of the inclines and check out the view.
and politics, may I suggest keres’ video (and pictures) in Thursday Dog Blogging as a great antidote.
Good morning (afternoon), from another rainy day in Oslo!
Howdy ask. I guess this won’t be the vacation where you get a Norwegian tan. 🙂
We’re outdoors most of the day unless it pours; the tan isn’t all that bad.
Glad to hear it. And I shouldn’t make jokes about tans anyway since I don’t exactly get one out in the woods … which is where I’m headed now.
Hope the rest of your trip is rain-free.
that a rainy day in Oslo is better than a sunny day in the US.
Actually I’ve never said that but I’m sure its true.
Sounds like Pennsylvania the past 2 or 3 weeks. Mold allergy sufferers unite.
Good morning all! Hope everyone at NN is having a great time! Judging from BooMan’s FP pic, Stephanie obviously has access to net income information for those in the blogging community. Seems like TMI to me. Our generation, on the other hand, had it right😉
Good morning (uh, afternoon) ID! What are you up to this weekend?
Gathering strength for the 2 smallest grandkids (3 & 6)overnight stay. Sounds like you’re all having a good time at NN.
Off to Boston (actually Wakefield) later today. High in the 90s there. WTF is with all that heat … haven’t they heard that Inhofe knows that global warming is a fake.
We’re traveling today too…a ride on the Duquesne Incline and off towards home.
I’m ready to see the CBs. I actually miss them.
Pleasant journeys to you both!
A line of storm damage lets in light where none used to get through. Pretty heavy-handed symbolism; now if only it wasn’t Monday and early, I could probably figure out what it meant.
Mondays and metaphor definitely don’t mix.
We’re heading to bed (dogs are already there – as evidenced by a quick sketch I did while the humans were watching a DVD). Have a good one, all.
… by a quick sketch I did while the humans were watching a DVD
So I guess this means you count yourself among the critters. 😉
It’s a really nice sketch — the body language is just perfect.
Thanks. I have to pick up a pencil every so often to remind myself that I’m actually a fairly accomplished artiste. If a terribly unproductive one of late.
Human and critter are certain not mutually exclusive in our house.
Evening activities:
Human critters – watch a dvd, or play on the computer, read, etc.
Dog critters – pre-bedtime napping
Bunny critter – woohoo, it’s time to play. Hey, why is everyone going to bed?
So, why do dogs sleep with their bodies on the cushion and their heads on the floor? I love how Lily lies with her ears flipped up.
Our dogs wills sleep on their dog beds with their heads on the bricks (what our wood stove sits on) — even when the stove isn’t going. And both Sniff and Bebo will sleep on a chair or couch with their heads off of it, hanging upside down. I can’t imagine either as being comfortable but since they’re clearly quite happy, my imaginative failures are completely irrelevant.
Very nice. You should do more of those. 🙂
I love the pic… I’ve never met an AndiF pic that I didn’t like. Although I don’t drop in like I should, I do miss you all here in the cafe. Hope your puppies (and Jim) are doing well. My horses and kitties are just fine, although it’s in the 90’s here today, so everyone’s either in (me and the cats) or sitting in the barn with their fans blowing their manes (guess who).
Just had to stop and say hi.
Hi Nag! Andi’s forest photos sometimes remind me of this line, “The woods are lovely, dark and deep…”
Nice to see you around.
Damn, I sorry I missed you. I’m glad to hear that all is well with you and the critters. The Pack shrunk by one and then grew by one last year.
I hope you’ll be stopping by again.
I’ve got a photo blog now too which you are more than welcome to come visit.
Hi Nag! Glad you stopped in to say hi.
The weather here is miserable this week, complete with warnings not to spend much time outside.
Hey Booman… so sorry to hear about Michael Vick. Just when I was beginning to root for the Eagles again. (went to an eagles game years ago dressed in packers clothes… BIG MISTAKE!)
Hi Nag. I’m a Giants fan, so I find the whole thing amusing.