Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
Website of the Week: Picture Show: You Are What You Eat Just for fun.
This Week’s Theme: Simplicity.
AndiF Simple Things
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Simple Light
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Simple Life
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Simple Lines
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olivia’s simplicity
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Next Week’s Theme: What is it? This is a game invented by NorthDakotaDem. All you do is post a picture and have people guess what it is. It can be a close-up of something that makes it tricky to recognize or something unusual that people might not recognize or a different view of a known scene or place or anything else you can dream up that you think will be fun to guess.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
For next when you post images for guessing game theme “What is It?”, post one picture per comment so that people can use their replies to make guesses on individual pictures.
Is anything as simple as it seems?
Vessel, cypress wood, A.D. 700-1500, Key Marco, Collier Co.

Fetish Item, Southwestern United States/Mexico
Plaque with painted woodpecker, cypress wood with natural pigments, A.D. 650-750, Key Marco, Collier Co.

Alligator, Paynes Prairie, Alachua Sink, Florida
Ponce Inlet

Great set, Bob. The alligator’s eye shot is an absolute wowie zowie! 🙂
Thanks, it was our first trip out to this location, and certainly won’t be our last. Access is fantastic. I must admit getting this close made me a little nervous.
Love the alligator eye too and the vessel, the colours esp.
Thanks, the vessel is at the Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida in Gainesville. One of a few museums that I’ve been in that allows unrestricted photography.
Could you tell what the fetish item was made from? Its really interesting. Love the gator!
It didn’t say what it was made from on the description tag, only that it was Zuni Indian. The display is part of a butterfly exhibit about the importance of butterflies in Zuni culture.
Not exactly simple, here’s a fountain (below street level> adjacent to the NN09 convention center:
Hi b2 … it’s hard to make this one out — are those lights in the water?
Hi Olivia! The water actually drops down from the sides of the channel onto the lights. I’ll try and get a better shot tonight.
That’s a nifty shot. Hope you have a really great time.
Wind Drying
Simply Feet
Simply relaxation
Simply meditating
I love all of these but the Wind Drying is my favorite, it really is so perfect for theme and so beautifully shot (especially with that difficult light).
Love your set SN … wonderful shots.
I like Wind Drying too. (I miss the beach.)
tuning machines w/ capo, washburn
clik to enlarge
perhaps l should have saved this one for what is it?…consider it an early submission.
As always you are the master of the light and shadow. I love the play of both on the guitar pegs.
Nice …
Suitable for framing, dada. Very nice.
My (newest) great nephew, photo by his happy daddy.
click for larger
Ooooh, I want one!
So now I don’t know if I should give you their address in Raleigh — they’re probably okay with you smelling his head but stealing him might be a tad too much.
You didn’t tell me they lived in Raleigh. Don’t worry, I”m too shy to contact a stranger about baby-head smelling.
Now I’m just curious how close they live to me.
They just moved recently and I haven’t bothered to get their address yet but I’ll email it to you when I get it.
Is this the North Carolina great nephew?
Yep, sure is. First grandkid for my sister (the one you met).
really are but after missing last week’s FFF (I hear it was taking a little vaca which is good cuz so was I :p ), I wanted to post some pictures from that time.
My newest railfanning spot:
Same spot, tonemapped:
(best seen large – click thru)
and one of Elliott:
Love the one of Elliott.
Another fine set — the spider web is gorgeous and beautifully shot.
There’s a couple images around that one also of webs with morning dew on them. It was kinda difficult to lean down and hold steady but they came out alright I guess.
I love spiderwebs. I take pictures of them all the time and even had my own adventure with taking photo of a water drop covered web recently — definitely a difficult shot.
That’s a nice one!
Bring along a little “spritzer” bottle to wet them down, if you`re a late sleeper.
I like the tone-mapped image. I’m just starting to to mess with Photomatix but I’ve not really had time to do it justice. Is that a +/- 2 step tone-map or a true, high dynamic range, bracketed? I’m curious because I’ve not had good results so far, guessing it’s the learning curve.
The Wonder Wheel is cool too.
and even more new to Tonemapping.
Traditional HDR, as I understand it, involves using three bracketed images (EV -2, 0, +2), then merging them with Photoshop, Photomatix, or a variety of software, and then “essentially” tonemapping the resulting image to…however you like it to look.
The above image was a single RAW, tonemapped in Photomatix.
Some people try to (and some succesfully) fake it by using a single RAW, creaiting three images from the single (-2, 0, +2), and merging those. It’s not a true HDR as you haven’t actually captured a differently exposed image from the get-go so you’re starting with certain limitations from the beginning which I don’t know otherwise how to describe.
I’m drawn to the reflection shot and tone mapped image. Its fun to see things in a very different way.
was how the clouds behind and around the bridge, were otherwise blown out highlights in the original image that suddenly appeared in the tonemapping process.
It’s very powerful, yet very tricky stuff to do and I can try it on several different images and not get it right to the point where I give up and move on to the next image.
Just a big bag and some warm air at sunup

An comfy old box to curl up in

Oh, I love the balloons.
And that’s one comfy cat.
The balloons show up before dawn every June at the Monroe County airport. I used to get to ride with a friend who had one, but he traded it several years ago for a 3-wheel Morgan🙁
Ever wonder what iron ore looks like in the “wild”? Rocks at Karajini gorge, WA
What cool pics. Love ’em all (Jim and I both love geology). The last one is especially gorgeous scale but I also like number three with its beautifully delineated bedding layers.
I really like your mushroom, but they’re hard simple organisms – Paris Hilton, OTOH.
Well if I ever find paris hilton in a subtle shade of purple growing out of the ground in my woods, I’ll post a picture of her too. 😉
If only you would find her in that fashion.
Imogen says, “you tell her, Andi”.
I would prefer to not find her here in any fashion.
And not to worry, Imogen — I will. 🙂
The layers are amazing. I can almost see the liquid ore flowing.
I was so happy to see this area reserved as a National park. It’s right next to huge iron ore mining operations and could easily have been swallowed up by those interests.
The red rock canyons are sacred to the native people of the area, and we really enjoyed learning about the legends that accompany the landscape.
What interesting patterns! I especially like the last one.
First, I must post some images for Olivia.
I know I promised these for you a while ago.
Attn: If any one can advise Manny not to look at some of these it would be appreciated.
Spiders are us.
The image, I know I promised Olivia, is of a little friend of mine named Niki, who I finally got to handle a rare snake, a Santa Monica Mountain King Snake.
He will be three in October. No, not the snake, Niki.
I spent hours with him & his brother Lukey, who I`ve had in some of my previous postings, as the future of our world of bikers.
Since this weeks theme is “Simplicity”, I also wanted to share my discovery of what I now know are the two most amazing words in the English language.
They will be accompanied with a series of shots I took of “My Girls” today.
I will divulge those two amazing words in my comment following this post.
If anyone has a problem with these two words, they must have grandchildren, & I will accept their choice, even anonymously.
Here we go.
Kissing a Prince

I think the creepy crawlies are more than balanced out by the sweetie cuties. And there’s no way I’m going to pick a favorite from this group (no favorites, Grandpa!).
Wonderful portraits, Head. The love just shines right though them (okay, excluding the creepy crawlies).
P.S. olivia is in scarce-broadband-land this weekend so she may not have a chance to comment for awhile.
Thank you AndiF,

When my girls come by, time stops.
They are all three little rascals who know they can get away with quite a bit.
I`ll tell them (in a loud enough voice for Teri to hear)that we should go scare Teri.
By the time they sneak into the room where she is, she`s already put a horrific witch mask on & scares the holy hell out of them.
I love seeing Jackie tremble when that happens.
They`re just so much fun.
I`m glad I succeeded in getting Niki to handle the snake. He talks, but with his older brother`s (Lukey) words. It`s strange to hear him talk with the phrases of his (older by two years) brother.
They know where their boxes of toys are & come by as often as they want.
I try & keep my place a mysterious kid`s fantasy land.
My girls have accounts on my computer where they load their iPods from my music library.
Chloe, the younger one can sing along to Bob Dylan, The Doors etc, while Jackie has tastes in music I`ve never heard of.
Life is great when the girls are here.
The young lady in the image with her mom, is the one & the same as the one with my granddaughters, my daughter.
I remember both those pictures from your place but particularly the one on the left. No to downgrade your lovely youthfulness but the one of the left is just such a wonderful portrait.
I think your girls (mother and daughters) are very, very lucky to have you.
They are actually part of the shapers of my history & maybe even my saviors.
I was a ruthless bandit, merchant marine, pirate, migrant worker, with a huge heart though.
I was a brawler, & if one was looking for trouble, I had it in spades, & dished it out in equal shares.
I loved the “girls”(I still do), but then I fell in love.
Now I`m me, with my lovely girls.
Life is good. It`s really grand as in grandpa
My Fail,
The two most exciting words in the English language are these,
“Grampa Tony, grampa Tony”, as they run into the house.
What a great series of portraits! It reminds me of the photos my grandfather took of my mother and her brothers and sisters. I treasure them even more, now that they are all gone. My own grandkids are coming tonight so their mom & dad can get out to party and relax. It’ll be a late night for us, as we are indulgent like you. They are 3 and 6.
Chase them around for me please, & remember how blessed you are to have such beautiful young teachers.
I’m going to rest up for awhile so I’ll have some energy left for them later.
Inspired by SN above. Tranquil simplicity.
The straw hat has – incredibly – survived sine I got it ca. 1970.
Plus it’s such an impressive expanse of beach. 😉
Heh, don’t laugh – it’s self made (as is the cabin and the dock). We need to add sand every 6-7 years.
I can’t help laughing but I’ll do it along with appreciation for your efforts.
I can sit on the porch all day watching the light change. Morning – noon – eve.
That’s a great series. And it’s easy to see why you’d love watching it.
That’s a very lovely spot you have there, ask!
You mark off a spot where you know the camera will take the exact same shot and you could try an HDR image. The reflection in the water in the top shot and the fore and mid-ground exposures in the 2nd and 3r3d shots are great as well and it’d prolly come out great!
Andi, of your 3, I liked Simple Light the most. Early morning? olivia’s ladybugs reminded me of the childrens’ rhyme, “Ladybug, ladybug fly away home…”
Yep, ID, early morning which is definitely the time for pictures in the summer.