Mark Ambinder reports:
A White House official conceded today that Obama would have to weather anger from liberals for a while.
More worrisome, officials said, was the growing belief that Obama’s brand is being tarnished. A new Pew poll shows that voters don’t think Obama is working with Republican leaders, and that a plurality blame Republican leaders. They believe that Obama’s favorability rating declines, largely from independents (and within that group, women), can be reversed if he reminds these voters of the bipartisan instincts in his bones.
Another Pew poll finding underscores a second White House strategy: because conservatives are paying more attention to the health care debate than liberals, the White House needs to double down on its efforts to convince liberals that passing health care will be a major accomplishment. That’s one reason why Obama will be speaking directly to his Organizing for America base tomorrow.House Democrats are on a different track, and it’s hard to see how it intersects with the White House’s. Leaders plan to redouble the sales pitch for a public plan, reasoning that if they can move public opinion a few degrees — largely by exciting liberals — they can help their colleagues respond to conservative pressure. Privately, White House aides have communicated to the House leadership that the onus on changing minds about the public plan is on Congress, not on the president.
It appears to me that the House is on our side in this fight. The White House wants a bill that it can sign, and they don’t want to keep giving out the impression that the whole bill is a failure if it doesn’t have the public option. They’re trying to dial back expectations, not double-down. So, it’s up to us to have the House’s back. We know what to do.
This is what we call a “self-inflicted wound”.
I am too lazy to go through the archives, but i suspect i would find a LOT to laugh at circa anything pre-november 2008.
I thought his brand was “Change you can Believe In”.
If everyone has forgotten that, then his brand isn’t tarnished. It has rusted away.
Glenn makes a lot of sense in this piece. I’m coming around to his view of how the administration is playing this.
excellent article by Greenwald
More worrisome, officials said, was the growing belief that Obama’s brand is being tarnished
And I’m supposed to give a rat’s ass BECAUSE…….
it;s comments like yours that should give the adminsitration pause.
once people start to think they’ve been bullshitted, the backlash is never pretty.
i know I’m one of the more skeptical people on this site, but that’s because I got to that point even before obama was elected.
in order for his promised agenda to succeed (if indeed the promises meant anything), Obama needs people to believe in him. He is wasting that right now with all this nonsense on health care.
The last thing Obama needs is democrats feeling like I do.
i’ll admit it..i don’t have many lines in the sand. not many true ones. i have opinions and feelings about which way things will and won’t work, and how ‘politics works’.
but, there is a short list. of things that are lines in the sand.
this is one of them. and the thought that this is going to a be a repeat of the stimulus where we had FREDO at Treasury, giving away BILLIONS to the banks, and the White House didn’t do SHIT, in my opinion, to get SOLID PROTECTIONS FOR MAIN STREET..
that he thinks that can happen a SECOND time
everybody I know, knows someone that got shyt upon by lack of healthcare, or lack of insurance, or being underinsured.
the mere THOUGHT
that these muthafuckas think that they can bargain away REAL change, and we’re just supposed to smile at the pile of BULLSHYT they’re selling, and go on our way…
and as for his ‘PROMISED AGENDA’
what the hell could be more important than HEALTHCARE
what, in his damn agenda, does he think an average American, cares more about than HEALTHCARE
The president is wrong. The onus is on him to make the case. What’s his case for his proposed solution/compromise?
I want to see Representative Weiner debate the president on this very issue. Obama promised us a public health care debate and I couldn’t think of a better way to inform the public than Obama debating a real liberal for once. Let’s truly flesh out what’s possible and what’s not possible and why the Democrats just have to crap their pants and give everything away to the insurance industry once again.
Haven’t you been listening to Kent Conrad? “The votes just aren’t there for a public option.”
I’m through with debate. I want to find the 15 Blue Dogs who will vote for the Weiner Amendment and hold the rest of the House Democratic caucus together enough to get the Weiner Amendment passed on to the Senate. Then I want to watch the corrupt Senate Democrats have hissy fits and try to undo it in conference. And then I want to see the House stand up to the watered down conference report.
The debate is over; the public wants significant reform and lower costs. Single-payer as in HR 676 does that. The Weiner Amendment replaces the text of HR 3200 with the text of HR 676. When the House comes back it’s time to pass this bill. President or no president. Force it through Congress and put it on his desk. Waiting for him to make the case is waiting for Godot.
Pass it. He’ll sign it, and get the implementation started at the first of the year.
It takes 218 votes, and Rahm is working at cross-purposes to us. A House fait accompli changes the debate.
Hey. You’re right. Weiner is in a position to do something about it and is doing it.
So you’re predicting the House passes this?