Rep. Charlie Melancon (D) is challenging Diaper Dave Vitter’s Louisiana senate seat in the 2010 election. The Senate Guru has seven reasons why progressives should support his efforts, even though Mr. Melancon is a very conservative Blue Dog Democrat. They are good reasons. The Guru always makes good, honest arguments. But I have seven reasons why you shouldn’t support Melancon’s candidacy.
1. He is an opponent of a woman’s right to choose.
2. He voted against Cap & Trade (the Waxman-Markey Energy Bill) both in committee and on the House floor.
3. He voted against Waxman’s version of the health care bill (America’s Affordable Health Choices Act) in committee.
4. He opposes gay marriage.
5. From 1993 to 2004, he headed the lobbying group: American Sugar Cane League.
6. The last Republican he unseated is now the CEO of PhARMA and is running advertisements in his favor.
7. Finally, the advantage of having one more off-message Democrat, who loves to bash the party leadership and ditch us on difficult votes, is extremely marginal. Yes, it’s true that somewhere down the line one extra seat could be the difference between being in the majority or the minority. But we’re talking about progressive energy and participation here, and I’m not seeing the payoff. What we know we’ll get is one more lousy Democrat who opposes efforts to address climate change, opposes women’s rights, opposes gay rights, and who wants to serve powerful corporate interests over the common man.
Thanks, but no thanks. I’m not done making fun of David Vitter. I don’t mind keeping him around. The Guru makes some good strategic points about making the Republicans spread their money around to defend as many races as possible. But we have to spread our money around, too. If he wins, we’ll have to worry about his reelection. No thanks. I say that progressives should focus on electing progressives and mainstream Democrats who share their values. Electing more Blue Dogs to the Senate doesn’t interest me. I don’t think it should interest you, either.
While voting against Waxman’s health care bill in committee and receiving advertising support from Billy Tauzin’s PhARMA, Melancon has the audacity to say on his website:
I think we’ve been yanked around enough by these phony Democrats.
I wouldn’t, he’s republican-lite. There’s almost no difference.
One of the great things about American politics is that you can always pick your battles and how to reach your goal.
When it comes to voting you choose the best candidate on the ballot or write one it. When it comes to campaigning you can following your passion. To whom you give your time, energy and money is an intensely personal decision and one in which you have a plethora of choices.
Don’t like any Presidential Candidates campaign for a Senator, or your congressman or for a neighbor. If your district or state is safe you can commute to somewhere else.
If a candidacy doesn’t inspire you find one that does.
No way.
It can be safely said that I hadn’t considered making a contribution to his campaign. Kos may be all about electing Democrats, but I’m all about electing liberals. Melancon is plainly a conservative. Just putting a (D) after his name on a cable news scroller gets us nothing.
just watch the party biggies jump on this bandwagon.
hey boo- what do you think about buchanans latest insanity?
he’s been saying shit like that for years.
It’s Louisiana…
I don’t expect much, but I don’t have to lift a finger for a candidate who opposes most of what I believe in.
I think he should be given the opportunity to take the FDL pledge in front of Mike Stark.
That footage would make a nice ad prior to a healthcare reform vote.
And on ACES, like Landrieu he represents Big Oil, one of the state’s largest employers.
I suppose the political questions are:
If he takes ot a Republican, well and good. Perhaps it will improve D organisation in the state and distract R money & effort.
But progressives can always focus on other races.
BooMan, have you checked the diaries page lately?
Booman, you gotta remember which state he plans to represent, If this were Massachusetts or Vermont, then I’d say yeah, he’s not the right person for the job. But this is Louisiana we’re talking about. Not exactly the most liberal state in the union.
Even Melancon is better than Vitter!!
yeah, but so what?
Why should I care? Why should I give time or money?
Confucious say:
“When blue dog Democrat from the South, he/she is Neo-Dixiecrat…..”