If you haven’t been to Valley of Fire State Park, that’s a good way to avoid the casinos (actually it’s a good way even if you have already been here).
I hope you do get in a nice walk. We had gorgeous weather yesterday and took a great two-hour walk.
Right now it looks pretty blah outside and there’s rain to the south of us that looks to be heading this way. So I guess I’ll have to go walk in the blah if I want to walk at all.
One of the cats alerted me to the rain’s arrival a little while ago with frantic meowing and clawing at the front door to come in. Poor baby, she had a couple of drops on her back;-)
I did my outdoorsy stuff yesterday at the Old Settlers Picnic. It was sparsely attended, despite the gorgeous weather. The old settlers are dying off and most new settlers don’t care much about hobnobbing with us remaining old hillbillys.
Good morning ask! Thunderstorms began a bit before midnight. Now there’s lots of activity to the south and east, moving easterly. Nothing here at present except lots of cloudiness but there are hints of more to come later from the west. Probably not a good day for picnics in the park.
Looks like its headed your way alright. I think I slept through most of it. Doesn’t look as if we had any high winds though. There’s no debris on the street this morning.
The rain we had yesterday was really very nice, a pretty gentle steady soaking, with only a few minutes where it really rained hard — which is the kind of rain I like to walk in. So you could take your rain jacket and pants and go anyway. 🙂
We had slightly different weather than IndianaDem. It rained from about 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., then the sun came out. Then we had thunderstorms starting about 10:30 p.m.
It was really foggy this morning but so far no rain.
Quite well!
Wrote a diary entry, got tickets booked – at a (low) price that surprised me. Just finished food shopping and currently quaffing a beer. Making tacos for an early dinner.
Good morning andi! Some very pleasant contrasts in that photo. That’s Mt. Liberty in the background I presume? Do you suppose its a touch of fall that’s painted the corn red around the edges?
You know I’ve never thought about there being a Mt. Liberty but if there is one I’d think it would be the hill along the east-west portion of the road (which is where the map shows the non-existent town of Mt. Liberty). The hill in the picture is almost at Gnaw Bone (Mt. Gnaw Bone?).
I’ve noticed some of the dogwoods starting to turn so it could be subtle hints of fall.
I’ll send you a topo quad map. That’s where I’ve found a lot of the old place names and out of state family cemetery locations. I’ve also got an old 1876 plat map of the county that my b-i-l found at a book sale several years ago. Very interesting to history geeks like myself;-)
Congratulations to you and Martin! I just today read the thread from a few days ago. Am absolutely thrilled for you and am sending much love to you both…
I’ll take the opportunity to slip in here and add my congrats to you all as well!
I’ve been wanting to read some good news lately–a planned, wanted baby is certainly some of the best news there is –thanks! I also love it that all the boys in your life will experience up close and personal all that goes into caring for and loving a new being–all the best to you;)
Thanks for noticing:] I have been lurking; I consider the FFF soul food and a reward for reading the news of the day. Real life has been a bit demanding, sapping time and energy:{ Hope to get involved again soon
I hope things get better soon and that you have time for lots of pleasurable activities … including, of course, posting some of your very enjoyable photos.
With this weather, I’d like to be back down there. But no time now; visiting a sister tomorrow and flying out Friday. Missing curly and the kids so it’ll be good to get back.
Thanks, we’re still functioning on west coast time. Sleeping has been a problem for all 3 of us. Hopefully we’ll regain our east coast internal clocks soon.
before I run off to work. I’m glad today is the end of the week for me. Four glorious days of cleaning the house and organizing crap lie ahead.
What’s everyone else up to?
We’re off to Vegas tomorrow. We’ll fly home Saturday. 🙁
If you haven’t been to Valley of Fire State Park, that’s a good way to avoid the casinos (actually it’s a good way even if you have already been here).
Well depending on when your plane leaves, looks like my advice might be a little too late.
As I said in the Flog, I hope you have a good trip home.
It looks like it’s been a nice vacation. Whatcha doin’ in Vegas?
We’re just staying for the night and flying out tomorrow.
The theme is Vacation/Staycation. Click here to share yours and see other people’s.
Flying back home today. We’re in Vegas now. The b2 boy is sharpening his Elvis impression. Too much television.
You’ll know its time to crack down if you overhear “a hunka hunka burnin love” being serenaded to some young female over the phone;-)
Hope you have a smooth and uneventful flight home.
Chance of rain and thunderstorms today: 50%
Chance of rain tomorrow: 60%
Looks like the weather gods don’t like cookouts and picnics in Indiana.
Hope they like it better where you are.
Good morning!
Not a cloud in the sky here – mixed bag for tomorrow. But then it isn’t Labor Day here, just a normal, crappy Monday.
Hi Ask. What day do you head back to the States?
No final booking yet. It looks like late in the week, Thursday at the earliest.
Things are looking quite nice here today. I think the pinched nerve in my shoulders might even let me go for a walk to enjoy it today.
I’m guessing we’ll get the 50% weather you’re having here tomorrow.
I hope you do get in a nice walk. We had gorgeous weather yesterday and took a great two-hour walk.
Right now it looks pretty blah outside and there’s rain to the south of us that looks to be heading this way. So I guess I’ll have to go walk in the blah if I want to walk at all.
See ya later.
One of the cats alerted me to the rain’s arrival a little while ago with frantic meowing and clawing at the front door to come in. Poor baby, she had a couple of drops on her back;-)
I did my outdoorsy stuff yesterday at the Old Settlers Picnic. It was sparsely attended, despite the gorgeous weather. The old settlers are dying off and most new settlers don’t care much about hobnobbing with us remaining old hillbillys.
Came home to find DSL fried. Back to dialup for a while. 🙁
to all who celebrate it.
May you work as hard as corn growing in the sun.
click for larger
Good morning!
That’s a pretty sight.
Did crappy the forecast come true?
Good morning ask! Thunderstorms began a bit before midnight. Now there’s lots of activity to the south and east, moving easterly. Nothing here at present except lots of cloudiness but there are hints of more to come later from the west. Probably not a good day for picnics in the park.
We have the cloudiness here today, I’m guessing we’ll get the wet stuff tomorrow.
Looks like its headed your way alright. I think I slept through most of it. Doesn’t look as if we had any high winds though. There’s no debris on the street this morning.
Hopefully not until tomorrow when I’m back at work. 🙂
That was my thinking too. Although rain would kill any opportunity for a lunchtime walk to get out of the office and away from my desk…
The rain we had yesterday was really very nice, a pretty gentle steady soaking, with only a few minutes where it really rained hard — which is the kind of rain I like to walk in. So you could take your rain jacket and pants and go anyway. 🙂
We had slightly different weather than IndianaDem. It rained from about 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., then the sun came out. Then we had thunderstorms starting about 10:30 p.m.
It was really foggy this morning but so far no rain.
How’s your un-laboring day going?
Quite well!
Wrote a diary entry, got tickets booked – at a (low) price that surprised me. Just finished food shopping and currently quaffing a beer. Making tacos for an early dinner.
Good morning andi! Some very pleasant contrasts in that photo. That’s Mt. Liberty in the background I presume? Do you suppose its a touch of fall that’s painted the corn red around the edges?
You know I’ve never thought about there being a Mt. Liberty but if there is one I’d think it would be the hill along the east-west portion of the road (which is where the map shows the non-existent town of Mt. Liberty). The hill in the picture is almost at Gnaw Bone (Mt. Gnaw Bone?).
I’ve noticed some of the dogwoods starting to turn so it could be subtle hints of fall.
I’ll send you a topo quad map. That’s where I’ve found a lot of the old place names and out of state family cemetery locations. I’ve also got an old 1876 plat map of the county that my b-i-l found at a book sale several years ago. Very interesting to history geeks like myself;-)
I’ll bet that plat map was really fun to look at. When we got our deed, we found it fascinating to see the history of ownership.
According to the folks on Melrose Place, Tuesday is the new humpday…
I am so glad this is a short week. I couldn’t sleep last night, and then overslept this morning. Argh.
We seem to still be dodging the rain, though.
How is everyone else?
Good morning, CG and Andi!
Off – too much caffeine – no decaf at this internet cafe I’m at. Hence, diary on topic I know little about.
Congratulations to you and Martin! I just today read the thread from a few days ago. Am absolutely thrilled for you and am sending much love to you both…
Thank you so much! We’re really excited, and working on getting things organized around here. I feel like January is coming up SO fast!
How are you feeling?
I’ll take the opportunity to slip in here and add my congrats to you all as well!
I’ve been wanting to read some good news lately–a planned, wanted baby is certainly some of the best news there is –thanks! I also love it that all the boys in your life will experience up close and personal all that goes into caring for and loving a new being–all the best to you;)
Hey Tampopo, long time no see any pictures in Friday Foto Flogging. 🙁
Thanks for noticing:] I have been lurking; I consider the FFF soul food and a reward for reading the news of the day. Real life has been a bit demanding, sapping time and energy:{ Hope to get involved again soon
Hang in there. 🙂
I hope things get better soon and that you have time for lots of pleasurable activities … including, of course, posting some of your very enjoyable photos.
Hi Tampopo! It is nice to have some good news to share with everybody for a change. 🙂
As usual, I missed ya and I do miss you.
Back at work. Ugh.
click for larger
Good morning, Andi!
What a lovely spot in the forest!
Beautiful day here – not a cloud in the sky and 70ish.
Sounds lovely. Are you glad to be back in the city or do you miss the cabin?
With this weather, I’d like to be back down there. But no time now; visiting a sister tomorrow and flying out Friday. Missing curly and the kids so it’ll be good to get back.
Have a good flight!
Thanks, boran!
Just did the FM-trick; a two-hour afternoon nap.
Hope the return to work hasn’t been too traumatic!
FM is the slacking god.
Thanks, we’re still functioning on west coast time. Sleeping has been a problem for all 3 of us. Hopefully we’ll regain our east coast internal clocks soon.
Hope the remainder of your stay is enjoyable and very much looking forward to having you “back” with us.