Robert Creamer wrote a really good piece in the HuffPo  called: Why Health Insurance Reform Will Pass This Fall — It’s the High Political Ground.  I direct you to it since it blows a hole… no, four holes… in the stuff Morning Joe and his friends were putting out this morning.

The basic points (read the article for the expansions):

1). Most Americans – including swing voters – can’t stand the health insurance industry.

2). The Obama Administration will use every ounce of its political capital to win this battle.

3). As the vote grows closer, many moderate Democrats will begin to realize the price they will pay personally if health insurance reform fails.

4). Finally, the pundits have ignored a critically important new development : the Obama base has been energized.
Creamer has hit the nail squarely on the head: Obama is not going to lose this because he CAN’T lose this. It has been a long time since we have had a Democratic President with this kind of focus… and when he uses his incredible ability to have a positive finish we will find ourselves not only supporting him, but forgetting about most of the crap that has happened during the Congressional break.

The real losers in the Health Care fight are going to be the Grassleys, the DeMints, the Inhofes and the Enzis who will take the $17 million plus they have received from the Insurance Industry and try to explain to their constituents why their perceived strength was only an excuse to make a buck.

After this goes through the polls will show that Americans never had any doubt that Obama and the Democrats would get reform through.

Under The LobsterScope